
Dragon from Winterfell

A soul from our world, in an unknown way, finds itself in a familiar, but at the same time such an stranger world. However, this soul did not get without power...And what's next? You will find out in this work. Disclaimer: I do not own any of George RR Martin's franchises, if I did Jon Snow would be king by now. You can find more chapters and support me at the following link: patreon.com/patreonarcane

Arcane_Eso · Livres et littérature
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56 Chs

Chapter 44

POV Daeron

I originally aimed for the cultist's neck, hoping to end it here and now, but due to this large beast moving like Flash, I couldn't achieve what I intended. For this reason, I only managed to sever his arm. Even that was only possible because, as he dodged, I was able to flip my katana and make a downward slice.

"Just one arm?" I thought, expecting to sever not just one. "Well, at least that. I'll limit his strength by half."

I pondered this as I closed the distance between us; there wasn't much time for thought. If it didn't work the first time, I needed to try again.


My katana again began its vertical descent, but this time I couldn't even claim his other arm. I had to defend myself from the cultist's attack.


"WHAT?!" I was utterly astonished, as the monster hit me with the same arm I had taken moments before.

"Khaah..." I hissed from the pain that spread through my arm.

"Such power..."

"AARRRGH!" the beast roared as it appeared before me.

"Damn!" I managed to think before dodging the attack.


The creature radiated immense hatred and rage, but this fury seemed artificial. It was as if someone had instilled it in him, and the original owner of the body was just a small part of this massive hatred. Yet, he had chosen to dissolve in all this hatred.

"COME ON!" shouted the Dothraki, who had finally recovered.

Hearing these words, the goat immediately turned and dashed toward him, the Dothraki clearly fighting reluctantly. It seemed he disliked that I had intervened in the battle and was fighting with someone else's help. Yet, he seemed resigned, perhaps even determined?

"Regardless, I'm glad that this man has decided to work with me," I thought, as I could catch my breath a bit.


"Khh..." the Dothraki hissed.

"Is he getting weaker?" I realized in horror, as the Dothraki had been able to resist before. "If he's getting weaker... And the Goat just stronger..."

Realizing that I couldn't afford to relax, I had to continue aiding the man who had attacked Qohor. Or rather, attempted to attack the city until the cultists appeared.

"Aiming for his limbs is pointless. Aim for the neck."

And again, the cultist, as if he had eyes on the back of his head, dodged so that my strike merely grazed his back. A scratch that healed even faster than the severed arm.


Fortunately, dodging an unarmed blow was easy... But evading the poison... That was a problem, as the poison was gaseous. Therefore, we had to increase the distance between us.

"How much longer, Tun?"

"Just a bit more..."

"Flying KFC..."


Another deep gash appeared on the ground, aimed at me.

"Why are you chasing after me?!"

The goat said nothing, overwhelmed by hatred. And growling, in any case, doesn't help in dialogue.


I narrowly dodged the sword strike, making following the subsequent poison much easier. Apparently, I was getting used to the cultist's fighting style.

"So you take this..." BAM - another strike, even faster than the previous one. "Understood. Shouldn't have taunted." I said, observing the marks on the ground left by the strikes of this creature.

Increasing the distance between us, I greatly enhanced my speed with magic, in massive amounts. However, this state of affairs didn't last long, as soon enough the distance was closed in moments.

"Bloody goat!"


"Take that!" I shouted, severing his leg.

"RAAAAGH!" the creature roared, falling to one knee.

Without hesitation, I tried again to kill him, but it failed as the goat managed to dodge with its remaining limbs. At that moment, poison began to flow from his palm, forcing us to increase the distance again.

"And what am I supposed to do with this bastard?"

I wasn't given much time to think, as the goat, having apparently lost all humanity, charged at me with its horns.


The heavy body of the goat flew like a projectile. If it had hit me, I would have certainly died, judging by the long trail left by the goat's body.

"What the hell?" I thought as I saw it trying to pull its head out.

"Has he lost any shred of human reason?" I muttered, watching the absurd scene.

At that moment, the Dothraki, who had been inactive until then, decided to attack the monster. On his horse, he literally charged at the stuck body.

"I don't think this is a good idea..." I thought.

As if to confirm, the monster finally pulled its head out of the trap where it had ensnared itself. Hearing the approach of a horse carrying weight, it instantly shifted its focus to the rider.

"RAAAGRH!!!" bellowed the goat as it charged toward the horse. It ran not on two legs like a human, but on four like a beast.

Realizing that leaving everything to chance would likely yield nothing, I too rushed into the fray.

"Just to make it in time..."

The battle between the rider and the goat was deteriorating as the Dothraki became progressively weaker, while the goat became increasingly ferocious in its attacks on the man.

"Yet, with each moment, it became easier to dodge, for this beast had completely lost any semblance of humanity."

Indeed, the lack of even a trace of intelligence or cunning comparable to human thought in combat provides us with a significant advantage.

"Tun, how much longer must we wait?"

"It's ready," the bird replied wearily.

As the battle shifted into its final phase, I was compelled to act decisively. The realization that it would soon be over filled me with renewed strength, and seemingly out of nowhere, I found the energy to lift my katana. This same hope and confidence in my actions spurred me on.

BAM - The clash between the goat and the Dothraki ended with the Dothraki's arms broken.

The goat, slightly disoriented, would soon recover. But my actions were poised to prevent that. Right before striking it, I yelled to Tun:


At that instant, what in my old world would be considered a bizarre act of nature, and in the past would have been deemed divine retribution, occurred. Lightning struck the goat directly, filling the air with the smell of charred flesh.

Before me lay the scorched monster, its body no longer regenerating quickly, and despite the electrical flashes coursing through the beast's body, I needed to act.

"I suppose this is the end," I said, as the katana, extraordinarily light, descended.

A swing, and the headless, charred body lay before me. It was a gratifying sight, despite the fact that we could have joined forces... However, the fact that these cultists had become monsters created quite the unpleasant precedent. Therefore, they had to be destroyed, reducing the number of "horse lords" or as many people liked to call it, "horse-sheep-goat-@$%&."

Overall, I was in a huge advantage, which I couldn't say for the other participants of this conflict.

"Speaking of other conflict participants," I thought and finally turned my attention to the Dothraki.

The state of the Dothraki was quite pitiful, and it seemed that now anyone could kill him.


"Still, I can't kill him... At least not now, as that would make me lose respect for myself. After all, my use of the khalasar is already dishonorable. So, at least leaving him alive is the right thing to do," I thought as I approached him.

As I approached, the Dothraki finally looked at me, and despite his injuries, he didn't utter a word.

"Thank you for your help," feeling that he understood my words, I continued. "What's your name?"

After a few minutes without a response from him, I sighed and continued:

"We both understand that you can speak Valyrian. So, what's your name?"

The Dothraki, after a long gaze into my eyes and gathering his thoughts, finally responded:

"Andal, my name is Drogo. Khal Drogo, he who is destined to be the father of the Stallion Who Mounts the World."

"What?" I was so surprised that I almost dropped my jaw. "How did it come about that the most famous Dothraki from all the book and TV series would be the first Dothraki I meet?"

Considering the appearance of the Dothraki, I was amazed that he did not look like Momoa. He resembled a typical Mongol or someone from Central Asia.

"But how can he seriously talk about the Stallion?" I thought, still in mild shock.

"Firstly, I am not an Andal, although there are some on my father's side. Secondly, how can you seriously talk about the Stallion?"

Khal Drogo just looked at me puzzled, and realizing that it was pointless to explain anything, I decided to move on to the more important part of our conversation.

"Don't mind that. Now, the main question is, what do you plan to do next?"

Drogo, realizing that I was serious and looking directly into my eyes, responded:

"Walk through this town, and take everything there is." Smiling at this moment, he continued, "Take the women for myself, and drive everyone else into slavery."

"Well, here is where our opinions diverge." With the same intensity as he had looked at me a few seconds ago, I continued. "Just so you understand the problem, one of your blood riders has died, I suppose?"

Drogo clearly did not expect to hear this, and he demanded in a stern tone:

"Who died?"

"The two who fought with another goat? Aren't they your blood riders?"

After getting a response from his emotions, I was able to continue:

"The older one died."

Apparently, this man was close to Drogo, and the emotions swirling within Drogo were hard to describe. But the fact that this loss had greatly impacted the khal was undeniable.

"The second survived, but he is seriously injured. Not to mention that a large part of your khalasar is destroyed."

Drogo finally looked around and saw the slashed, poisoned bodies. The specific smell of so many bodies around would linger in this area for a long time.

"Do you really want to go further?"

Empathetically, I understood that Drogo was in deep thought, seemingly this khal who was supposed to become a very powerful man by Dothraki standards was just at the beginning of his rise. This was indicated by the fact that his braid had not yet grown to the sizes described in the books.

"Tun, can you make the heavens cry?"

"Do you want me to call rain?" Tun asked.

"Exactly, although hit with lightning near me first?"


"If you go further, then I will have to protect this town."


As soon as I finished my proposal, lightning struck very close to us. Seeing this, Drogo finally understood what I was trying to convey.

"Although I think the lightning helped me with that?"

Gathering himself to turn back, he simply said:

"I think the fact of our battle with the monsters can quell the desire of my people."

As he was leaving, he only said:

"At our next meeting, you will not escape unpunished."


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Chapter 59 has already been published

Stones for the God of Stones! Souls for the Throne of Souls!

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