
Dragon Fire Chronicles:The Awakening

This novel follows the twenty-two year old Elara Draconis in her first year in the Academy.She must bond with a dragon and try to overcome the hurdles the Academy has to offer

EnchantedScrolls · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Chapter Twenty-One

Elara's POV

I opened my eyes and looked around but no one was there but the dragon still standing really close to me

"Do you think I want to harm you? " the voice questioned and again I looked around and no one was here.Only Rhysand was standing not too far from me with his hands in his pocket

"Who is this?"I asked aloud but all I heard were laughs before the voice said

"My name is Ignia Petrillix Thorne but you may call me Thorne and you don't need to yell before I hear you.Talk to me like this"

I wasn't going insane or was I?I fell a lot as a child so it's plausible.

"So I'll know I am not crazy,Unfurl your wings"

I said as I stood facing the dragon.From another persons perspective it would look like we were just staring at each other

After a long pause,nothing happened so maybe I was going crazy "Unfurl your wings"

I repeated and it did immediately

It might have been a mistake,it probably felt uncomfortable with its wings not doing anything "Let out a roar" I said and it let out a loud roar

I could feel a smile tug at the corner of my lips "You seem pleased Little one " Thorne said and I gave a slight nod.

"And for the record I had no intention of hurting your friend,just wanted a little bit of fun" he said and before he could complete the sentence,I was by his side placing my hands on his scales,They were cold and gleamed like pure snow reflecting a pristine radiance

I heard Kyra yell out my name as Thorne turned his neck to his sides to examine what I was doing

"You're not going to set me ablaze,are you"I asked with a raised brow

"Well not on purpose"he said with a chuckle "And why would I want to do that with my rider"

I removed my hands from his scales and stared into his eyes-his eyes had an ethereal quality shimmering in a crystalline shade of icy blue

"Rider?" I asked taking few steps back "Its not Threshing yet,I can't be a rider"

"You're not a rider yet little one but I already bonded with you and when Threshing comes I will come bearing with me a gift for you.I hope you'll like it"

Thorne said before he crouched low and thrust himself into the sky

The first person to come running to me was

Elaine and she was in tears

"Why are you crying"I asked her chuckling softly but she didn't give a reply as she wrapped her arms around my neck and kept sobbing mumbling few things I couldn't understand

"She thought you were going to die again"Kyra said as she walked up to us and took my face in her hands "Are you okay?" and I replied with a small nod.Soon after Dain,Jacque,Selene,Baelor and Thorian were all gathered around me

"I'm fine" was all I kept repeating as they asked questions and now the entire first year cadets were gathered around us all whispering amongst themselves.They all tried their best to avoid Rhysand and Phoenix as they stood at the side watching.Rhys hadn't moved from the position he was in since I glanced at him minutes ago.His handsome face void of anything and his hands in his pockets

Professor Leif was the first to say anything "I can see you bonded" was all he said and the crowd murmurs escalated

"This has never happened before"he continued staring at me "-but why didn't it mark the rune on her body,it might be considering other options"he said the last part more to himself

"You talked to it right,what is it's name"Professor Leif asked

"Tell them we didn't talk,and if they asked why you touched me say you felt comfortable enough"

"We didn't talk,I was just scared it was going to kill me but when it didn't I felt comfortable to touch it"the lie flowed off my tongue effortlessly and the professor nodded,it looked like he bought my lie

"It seems you're not bonded yet,maybe it took a liking to you hopefully it should appear at threshing and bond but don't put your mind to it" and I nodded in response

The crowd dispersed after a while leaving only Kyra who left as soon as she saw Rhys walking over

"Not only do you have a sharp tongue,you're an excellent liar"a sly grin played on his lips

"I have no idea what you're talking about" we both said in unison and my face tightened in annoyance,eye brows furrowing as he let out a laugh.This was the first time I had heard him ever laugh

"I know you too well Draconis"was all he said as he walked away and Phoenix lunged into the air

I made my way to my room,trying to understand everything that just happened.A dragon that hasn't been cited in years,came out of nowhere and bonded with me before Threshing and then told me to lie about the bond

Walking back with so many thoughts juggling my mind, I was not aware about my surroundings and Vaelen grabbed me in his arms, I wanted to yell until I realized it was him

"Don't try such again" I huffed and shouted to be placed on the ground which he did immediately

"Allow me walk you to your room Elara"Vaelen said as he took my hands in his

Vaelen likes to talk,he talks a whole lot about anything and everything so the walk to my room was just him talking and I gave continuous 'oh really' 'is that even possible' 'ah so it's possible' and few laughs here and there

Now we were at my door,my hands were still in his and he didn't want to let go "I would love to stand here all day with you holding my hands but I need to rest" I said stifling out a fake yawn but he still held on to my hand

I forcefully pulled out my hands from his grip then gave a small smile before unlocking my door.I was about to close it when I heard

"Um, hey," he began, his voice slightly shaky. "I was, you know, wondering if, uh, maybe you'd want to, um, go out with me sometime.I mean, if you're not busy. Totally cool if you are. I just thought, you know, it could be nice, or not, I don't know. What do you think?"

What he said took me by surprise,I had known him all my life and I had never noticed that he had feelings for me.Maybe because I took him to be more like a brother to me

"Vaelen,I appreciate that,I really do" I replied with a kind smile, "-but I see you like a brother, you know? I'm really happy with our friendship right now, but how about we catch up after Threshing? Maybe do something just us.But is there a place we can do that here?"

"No but I am a third year,so we can leave the Academy grounds for a few hours"he said beaming with happiness "So it's a date then"

"No..No it's not a date"I replied immediately taking him by surprise

"Elara is there a chance we end up together"he asked staring at the ground.I didn't know how to answer that and he noticed because he said

"It's because of him,isn't it" the question again was a shock "Because of who?"I asked with a puzzled expression

"Rhys"he said clenching his fist "I see you always glancing at one another when the other isn't looking.Do you want to pick him over me?Pick the person who almost got your brother killed?"

Why did he have to remind me "I am not picking anyone over the other.Because I don't want you that way Vaelen doesn't mean I want someone else"

There was a long pause

"I hope that's the case Elara because if I can't have you,no one else will" the statement sent shivers down my spine

"Goodnight" was all he said before he walked away and I slammed the door

I had to ensure he was gone,so I waited for a while before I bolted for Elaine's room.I would have gone to Kyra's but I was almost certain she was with Alden.On getting to Elaine's room I flung open the door and before me was Bran seated on her bed laughing.His back was to me and instead of turning all around he bent his neck in an angle where he could see who walked it before sitting up straight

Elaine didn't say anything and kept that sheepish smile on her face. "Elara right"Bran said as he sat up "Bran" he waved his hands and I gave a small smile

"Elaine"I said in a high pitched voice "May I talk to you outside"

She immediately stood and followed me out the door,she closed the door and i said "When did this happen"gesturing towards Bran

I crossed my arms around my chest waiting for her to answer

"So your hyperventilating that occurred this morning was all a hoax,why?"

"I and Bran had already started talking the same day Alden and Kyra did.He said he had liked me for a while and when that happened with the dragon he decided it was best not to take any chances" she went on and on about what happened and I stood there and listened after she was done, I let out a loud sigh and walked away

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