

"I pass the sweet now I'm back on the beat, a dawg what I B so I give deze hoes a treat, to keep it discreet yea I'm talking bout my meat carnivorous what she be so she gone eat the team."

"She gone eat the team cuz we shine and we gleam, fo' fifteens and a cup full of lean gone get hea' out dem jeans wit' no buffering because we connect you can call it nsync cuz I'm like bye bye bye aftah I hit the pink."

"You going, nsync well I'm going Britney oops I did it again I hit the block wit' da Sidney…"

Waiting for the bus Mike and five other boys smoked and freestyled in a circle. "They call me young Michael you betta give me the title, I knock niggas out and chase mail man like fido, catch me riding roun' H-Town chasing the silos. Damn I mean c-notes, no I can't be broke imma actah ass you can call me a heatho oops I mean heathen on hea' face I'm skeeting you aint hit the team it's time to gain an achievement."

"ooo" everybody got loud and crunk as more people begun to surround them. "Here come the buses" someone shouted. Putting out their blunts, some kids put on cologne and lotion to hide the smell of marijuana as they lined up preparing to board the bus. As usual the bus for Provenience was always the last one to pull up.

Getting on the bus Michael sat next to John. "What go dine bitch" he said dabbing him up.

"None mayne just hyped bout gym today." John replied.

"Speaking of gym I'm ready to see wassup wit' Ashley."

"Fostah care Ashley?" Jason asked standing up and placing his head in between Mike and John.

"Hell, yea." Mike asked.

"Say bro you shouldn't mess wit hea she nasty."

"What ya mean like freak nasty or she dirty nasty" Mike questioned.

"Freak. You'eno. 'Bout half of da school eitha hit or got chewed up."

"Shiiiit, well day gone haveta add me to da list, knowamsaying."

"Wait yall talm bout dark Ashley wit' da glasses." John asked.

"Yea" both Mike and Jason said in unison.

"I didn't know she was like that and she sit behind me in I.C.V." said John.

"Hol' up you in I.C.V wit me." Michael asked.

"Bro we been in I.C.V togetha fo' bout a month inna half. You didn't notice dat?" John said shaking his head.

"Come on dawg you tripping, I be watching da hoes not looking fo' you." Mike replied.

"Alright everybody sit, back in your seats and buckle up we are about to lift off." The bus driver spoke through his microphone.


Getting off the bus Mike and John dabbed each other up before parting ways. Turning around Michael became distracted as a female with a big butt walked pass him. "Dayum thickness" he said following her with his eyes. Accidentally bumping into someone Mike looked up. "My B."

"Say cuz watch it!" Jake replied.

Looking at Jake as if he lost his mind Mike said, "Say Bo watch it wit' dat cuz shit imma dawg."

Walking over to see what was going on Jake's twin David tapped John on the shoulder. "Hey aint that your friend over there."

Glancing over at Michael and Jake, John said, "yea why wassup."

"You need to go get him before my brother hurt him."

Laughing John patted David on the arm. "Sorry dawg but that's not happening."

"You must not know who we are."

Blankly staring at David, John replied. "Naw and to be honest dawg, I don't care."

"Maximum Gravitum" Professor Hamilech said walking up from behind Jake.

Laughing at Jake as he fell to his knees from Professor Hamilech spell Michael realized he couldn't move. "Hol' up magic don't work on me" he thought. Catching Professor Souvian scent Mike smiled. "You aint gotta use your mind to hold me dine Mrs. Souvian your arms are good enough."

Blushing Professor Souvian walked next to Professor Hamilech who begun to talk. "You know the rules. All fights are to be held in the coliseum. If you want to continue this feud, then it will recommence after school is that confirmed."

"So, if you believe yo brotha can whoop Mike den you believe you can whoop me." John said annoyed by how David talked to him as if he was a peasant.

"Of course, I would wipe the floor with you."

Nodding his head John walked over to Professor Hamilech. "Make that a two on two. Me and Mike versus him and his brotha."

Looking down at John, Mike said, "Uh oh somebody nuts just dropped."

Building Elan

Hearing the five-minute bell as he made it to the Building Elan Michael knew he wasn't going to make it to class in time. Staring up at the building he decided to climb up it instead of going inside. Taking off his shoes and tying them together Mike put them over his shoulder. Placing his hands on the stone wall he begun to scale it. "Damnnnn girl." he shouted halfway to his class, as a glimpse of one of the female students naked caught his eye. Placing on her panties followed by her bra she glanced over at the window. "Awww shit" Mike mumbled as she screamed then begun to create an energy blast. Moving out of the way of the blast he scurried up the building to class.

Second Period

"Good morning class" said Professor Regis. "For the last month we have been studying the use of God Force, G-Force, aura, life energy or whatever you want to call it. Today you will learn transmutation of this force. This will help you become more acquainted with your G-Force and allow you to come up with or figure out your talent. Now most will have only one gift for now but with practice you can learn a second and so forth." Pulling a white sheet off his desk Professor Regis revealed six items; a doll, a cup of water, a stick, a lighter, a brick, and a frog. "There are five forms of transmutations. Animation, conversion, enhancement, transfiguration, and mutation. Now if you noticed I have six items up here. That is because there are two forms of transfiguration one of energy and the other in waves." Looking at his students Regis knew that no one would volunteer to go first. "Alright I want yall to come up one at a time starting with the first row on the left. On the second row you will start at the right and this pattern will continue to we reach the last person. Okay now can I get the first person."

Walking up Joey stood in front of Professor Regis desk. "Okay. So, what do I do?" he asked.

"It's simple I want you to take your aura and place it in the doll. If it moves, you have the gift of animation."

Doing as he was told nothing happened. Going to the next item Joey done the same but once again nothing happened. Ready to move on to the next Professor Regis stopped him. "Hold on." Pulling out a paper cup he poured the water in. "Taste it."

Taking a sip out of the water, Joey said. "Taste like water."

"Alright then on to the next" Professor Regis replied.

Doing as he were told Joey picked up the stick. Placing his aura into it flowers begun to grow. "Alright, Joey you are an enhancer, continue please." Professor Regis applauded.

Going to the next Joey grabbed the lighter. "What I do with this?"

"Excellent question." Professor Regis said stepping out of his seat and flicking the lighter. "I want you to try and turn the fire into energy." Seeing that Joey couldn't do it he moved on to the brick I want you to try to turn this brick into whatever you choose. Touching the brick, it remained a brick. "Okay final test. Touch the frog and if It grows an extra horn, toe, or anything you have the gift of mutation."

"What if I change something on the inside of it?" Joey asked.

"I will know by looking at its aura. Change its genes and you change its aura." Waiting until Joey finished Professor Regis looked towards the rest of the class. "Alright everyone knows what to do. Let's get a move on."

Thinking about the few people who already have figured out their gift John wondered what his was going to be. "According to Professor Regis it was only possible to create talents that aligns with your gift, personality, or inner being." John thought. "What is my inner being what is my inner calling? Erica can convert her body into whatever she touches. Which is understandable considering she is materialistic. The twins can transform themselves as well as others into whomever or whatever they choose. I mean they literally had a cat and mouse games with their opponent in the coliseum. But that's because they have been so caught up on not looking the same as one another or anybody else. Their weird way of dressing shows that." Gazing up as he thought John realized that Michael was up at the desk.

Placing his energy into the doll Michael head snapped back a little as it sprang to life. Looking at its master then Professor Regis the doll shouted. "Woah look at your hairline." Trying not to laugh Mike turned his head away gaining composure. "Blue forty-two hut." The bear ran backwards on the table. "Man, that boy is going way back Imma have to throw a hail mary for this one."

Throwing his arms up as Professor Regis glared at him and the class burst into laughter Mike said. "Say mayne I didn't know it was gonna do that."

Sighing and shaking his head Professor Regis replied, "I see it has your humor. Alright Michael, move on to the next."

"What about?"

"Just touch it and you will get your energy back."

Taking his energy back from the bear Michael moved on to the water test. Trying the water test nothing happened. Moving on to the stick it grew into branch then an apple begun to grow. Putting down the branch he transfigured the flame into energy but couldn't do anything with the brick. Walking over to the frog Michael picked it up. Placing his aura into the frog, horns grew out of its head along with a tail. Releasing his aura as it begun to grow, Michael hurried up and put it down before anything else happened.

"Astounding most people can only do one transmutation. Very few two but you can do three right off the gate. Your talent is going to be quite extraordinary."

"Thank you, thank you no autographs please." Mike said waving his hands as if he were an actual celebrity.

"Do you know what your gift is?" Ruby asked John.

Looking around to make sure that she was talking to him John turned around to face her. "You are talking to me."

"Of course."

"Aite just making sure. And no, I have no idea."

"Oh really? I don't understand how, I can sense your power. Yours and Michaels." Ruby remarked blushing at the thought of Michael.

"What ya mean?" John asked. Knowing that he keeps his power concealed and hidden as he was taught.

"Honestly, I don't know what it is but there's something about the two of you that attracts me and my sister. Speaking of my sister has a crush on you."

"Hate to tell ya but I have a girlfriend she betta off liking Mike."

"Well the thing about that is I like Michael."

"o well he wouldn't mind the both of ya'll."

"O no we're not them type of twins."

"Twins? You mean to tell me yo sister look just like you." John asked trying not to sound too excited, but Ruby was beautiful and had a nice little body on her.

"Not really we are fraternal twins."

"O wow okay. If you don't mind me asking what's your name anyway."

"Rebecca but you can just call me Ruby. And my sister name is Elizabeth but everyone calls, her lizzie."

Why do those names sound familiar? John thought trying to remember where he heard it from. Know what Michael mentioned some bout a Ruby and Lizzie. "Wait hol' up are you Mrs. Sarai daughter."


Remembering the conversation with Michael about how he wanted to have a sex with all three of them Mrs. Sarai, Ruby, and Lizzie John leaped out of his chair.

"You're alright." Ruby asked looking at him strange.

"Oh, yea it just that your mom scares me sometimes. Oh, and I'm John." He said catching himself. Glancing over at the line that led to Professor Regis desk, only three people were left before it was his turn to go.

"Say, Mike there go your boy."

"Who" turning around Michael saw John standing in front of the Professors desk. Hmmm this should be interesting he thought.

Taking a sip of the water it had a sweet taste to it. Smacking his lips John asked the Professor what he put in the water.

"I didn't do that you did. You have the ability of conversion."

"Oh okay." John said, moving on to the next item. Grabbing the stick, it begun to blossom and grow flowers.

"Alright your also an enhancer." Professor Regis remarked.

Trying to transform the fire to energy John failed but when it came to the brick, he was able to transform it into a sketch pad. Grabbing hold to the final test the frog it didn't do anything but croak for John begun to heal it unconsciously.


Meeting up in front of the coliseum both Michael and John were hyped up about the fight.

"Mayne bo I'm ready to hull that nigga." Michael said as they walked towards the locker rooms.

"Say mayne why ya'll got into it anyway." John asked.

"I accidentally bumped into him. I told him my B knowamsaying but then he started to talk reckless and calling me cuz and shit. So now I gotta check that hoe ass nigga."

Shrugging his shoulders this didn't surprise John at all considering how Jakes brother also spoke as if he were some almighty being. Looking Mike in the eye he said, "I aint gone lie this might be a test."

Throwing his head back and looking at John as if to say you crazy Michael knew he knew something that he didn't. "Break Bread." He said stopping and gazing at John with a serious expression.

"Aite so peep game," John started looking around as if he were about to displace covert information. "Both David and Jake are also Mythics."

"Hol' up" Michael said placing his fist over his mouth. "You lying."

"Ey say it's the truth Jake is a ThunderBird and David is a Phoenix."

"Aite I know what a Phoenix is but what the hell is a ThunderBird?" Mike asked.

"According to the books they're basically the opposites of the Phoenix. They are born in the eye of a storm and have the ability to control the weather. Thunderbirds would literally have thunderstorms trailing behind them as they flew."

"Oh snap" Michael said rubbing his hands. "This might be fun." Walking to the gate that led to the arena he grabbed John by the arm. "You know how to fight huh"

"Really" John said looking at Michael stupid.

"I'm not talm bout no one on one fight. I'm talm bout like a gang fight knowamsaying. Like if I see a chance to swing off on your opponent I will."

"Aite bet I understand." John said reaching for the door that led to the arena.

"Aite now don't be standing there looking dumb if I hit David nigga. Switch you take mines and I take yose knowamsaying."

Stopping midway through the door Michael looked around. "You feel dat."

"What ya mean?"

"Ion no. Know what don't worry bout it lets go."

Walking into the arena they were greeted by Headmaster Abbott. Speaking to the headmaster they could see Jake and David standing in the middle of the arena waiting. Looking up into the stands the coliseum was practically packed and growing.

"Are you ready to fight." Headmaster Abbott asked John.

Nodding his head John replied "Yes."

Turning to Michael the headmaster asked him the same thing. Nodding his head Mike didn't say anything. "Alright I'm going to need your confirmation, or I won't be able to start the fight."

Sighing Michael replied, "Yea mayne before I start the fight myself."

"Okay since it's your first time let me tell you how this goes. When I say "Ready" the two of you are going to go step into that white box over there until I say fight. Got it."

"Yea" Michael said getting a couple stretches in.

"Yes." John replied deciding to do the same.

"Alright I want each one of you to give it your all and remember this is also a learning experience. Now shake hands."

Doing as they were told each pair went to their separate box after Grandmaster Abbott said Ready.

"I feel bad for them two."

"The Avies twins going to demolish them."

"I bet they're just trying to act tough because it's their first year. Not knowing what they just got into."

"It's about to be a slaughtering I'm going to record this."

All the students were murmuring and expressing their opinions before the fight even started.

"Fight!" Grandmaster Abbott yelled.

Glaring at each other for a few seconds no one moved. Counting down from five Michael made the first move. Using flash step, he ducked as Jake swung before he did. Smiling Mike weaved a second strike then blocked a third as he pivoted towards the right.

Fwoosh. As John and David exchanged blows a geyser of flames burst out from underneath David. Smirking John knew that this was Michael's doing. "Crescent Wind!" John threw multiple blades at David while his back was facing towards him.

In the middle of flipping in the air David might not have been able to see the blades but he could feel them coming. Twisting his body, a serpentine like flame spiraled around him blocking the attack. Landing David charged in using flash step.

Weaving the two snake-like strikes thrown by David once he entered his circagen, John knocked the third away. Squatting he swung with an open palm. "Air Palm!"

Leaping backwards before John arm was fully stretched out David released multiple bird shaped energy blasts. "Birdie Missiles."

Pivoting to the left as Jake threw a kick, Michael could see lightning trailing behind his foot. Yanking his leg down as Michael reached for it, Jake came back with a knee, but Mike blocked it with his forearms. Stumbling back from the waves of thunder they emitted Jake offensively and Michael defensively they glared at each other for only a few seconds before stepping back in on the attack.

Manipulating the wind as David struck John blocked his attack. Grabbing hold to David wrist, John fell backwards bringing his foe down with him. Letting out a screech as John swung, David moved his head out of the way of the punch. Punching John in the face while he was discombobulated David pushed John off him. Rushing to their feet both boys walked in circles filling each other out before making the next move.

Ducking in and out weaving two of Jakes punches Michael stepped in swinging a hook towards his adversary knee. Flipping over Michael, Jake kicked his foe in the back of the head while releasing a tornado from his foot. Falling forward from the kick and the push of the wind Mike magnetized his feet to the ground to make sure that he wasn't blown away. Catching himself as he fell to the ground Michael used his "Erupt."

"Trivector" Jake said dancing in between the springs of fire as they burst out of the ground.

Stuck in between three tornadoes Michael stared into the blue glow of Jakes eyes as he stepped through one of them. Catching his opponent hand as he swung Mike yanked him in, "Comet Fist!" he shouted.

Weaving the close ranged attack as he stumbled forward Jake was unable to dodge the blast that followed suit.

Sending a barrage of kicks and punches David couldn't land a hit and John couldn't counter any of his attacks either. Breaking away David leaped backwards releasing an energy blast of fire. "Angry Bird" David yelled.

"Ventague Sphere" John released an energy ball of wind and water. Colliding the blasts blew up releasing steam into the air.

"It seems that they are all equally matched." Professor Gudreo said.

"I wouldn't make any judgements just yet." Professor Murphy commented pointing towards the Avies Twins as their eyes begun to glow and claws grew. "Look like they are about to draw upon their true power." An eerie smile crept across his face as he rubbed the top of his cup. "The Phoenix and Thunderbird."

Standing side by side from each other Michael and John glanced at one another as they notice the Avies twins, transformation. "Look like shit just got real." Michael joked as he drew upon the Dragons within him.

"Cool wit' me" John said moving his neck from side to side he called upon the Dragons within him.

Inside Proveniences Forest

Walking through the forest Ivy and Peter Unknowingly followed the call of a tree. "Look at them. Ohhh all I need is a bite." A demon said trailing behind the kids.

"Remember the mother spirit wants to convert them so you must reframe from harming these two."

"I know but can't we wait for the next two."

"No, she wants to take advantage while everyone is distracted by the fight in the coliseum. Plus, whomever she converts must be called upon you know that."

"Aaagh why do she has to be so picky."

In the Coliseum the fight continues

Creating a thunderstorm Jake called upon a multitude of tornadoes before flying into the sky. Engulfing himself in flames Michael could barely see anything. Holding his ground as he tried to keep from being buffeted, he noticed that John wasn't even bothered by the gust of wind. "Say bo, lets switch I get David and you hold down Jake." Mike told John through telepathy. Nodding his head John waited until Jake came diving down ready to attack.

"Drill Peck" Jake shouted creating a giant drill made of wind around his hand.

Wind encircled around John as he bent his knees and pushed off the ground "Sky uppercut" he yelled as wind swirled around his fist. Colliding fists both boys were repelled back a couple feet before they released blasts.

"Ventagues Sphere" John shouted releasing an energy burst of wind and water.

"Roaring Nebula" Jake yelled releasing a ball of wind, ice, and thunder.

Colliding the two blasts exploded creating a giant cyclone. Fleeting towards each other the two boys begun to exchange blows as they hovered amid the cyclone dodging each other attacks and lightning strikes.

Absorbing a strike of lightning as it hit him Michael released it upon David as he charged in. Leaping over the lightning the flaming wings that protruded out of the fire surrounding David coiled around his body as he spun rapidly. "Ptero Screw."

"Plasma Grenades" Michael said releasing multiple baseball size balls of lightning as he leaped backwards dodging Davids attack.

Covering himself with his flaming wings as he retreated one of the grenades exploded inches away from David's face. Repelling backwards David flapped his wings and launched himself into the air, "Birdie Missiles" he shouted releasing multiple flaming bird shaped bursts of energy.

"Not this again." Michael thought as he begun to run and dodge the blasts, but they followed him. Running underneath David fire burst from under Michaels feet as he launched himself into the air. "Meteor Punch."

Flapping his wings David flew higher into the sky before swooping back down towards Mike. "Falling Star."

Clashing fists Michael and David remained in one spot trying to overpower the other.

"Man, their attacks so powerful that the shockwaves and heatwaves are reaching us from way up here." Professor Artemis remarked.

"Michael and John are just continuing to impress me." Professor Regis said rubbing his chin. "Harboring three gifts and now going toe to toe with Mystics. The real question is what are they."

"Wait they have three gifts" Mr. Gains said in shock. "Most people barely can use one and they have three remarkable. I would love to see what Talents they come up with."

"Sounds like someone is offering to give them training with their G-Force" Headmaster Abbott remarked.

"Oh nooo, I have enough on my agenda thank you." Mr. Gains replied.

"I know everyone is enjoying the fight but it's getting late and the full moon will be rising soon." Professor Sarai stated feeling the variance in the moon light.

"Right when it was getting good." Headmaster Abbott said, slowly getting up he sighed. Stopping time, he fleeted into the arena redirecting the competitors and their attacks. Snapping his fingers time started up again.

Flying in opposites directions or stumbling forward from the momentum of their attacks Michael and John looked confused finding themselves no longer near their opponents. Powering down Jake and David regrouped next to Headmaster Abbott. "I hope you enjoyed the battle." Headmaster Abbott voice boomed. "But now it's time to head to your dorms or holding cells. The full moon will be rising soon and we don't need any incidents."

"I can't stand the full moon. It always drives nocturnal Arcadians into a mania. Sex, violence, and murder." Professor Chine sighed. "And not specifically in that order. Well I'm going to go get prepared just in case we have to lure any to the FRAY."

"I know you felt that" Michael said feeling the glow in his eyes and seeing the glow in John's.

"Felt it! I had a whole vision; say Mike we need to go." John said with a look of distress on his face.

"What is it?" Mike asked worried.

"I'll tell ya inna minno."

Staring at his battered body Michael ignored the pain that rang through it. Shaking his head, he knew there were more important business to take care of. "Whatever it is, it been bothering me since the beginning of the fight." He thought grabbing hold to his head and using it as motivation to keep moving.

Running out of the coliseum they ran to the forest gates. "Show me your badge!" two golems said blocking the way to the forest. On the side of the of the golems were two automatons a lion and wolf. Pulling out their badges the wolf sniffed them then begun to growl stepping in front of the entrance to the forest.

"We don't have time for this!" John yelled in annoyance replaying the vision in his head.

"I'll take care of it" a student said putting his badge up. Sniffing the badge, the wolf howled then moved to the side followed by the golems.

"Thank ya" Michael and John shouted.

"Wait where are y'all going?"

"Ion know" Michael replied.

"Can I join you? the boy asked.

"Keep up" John yelled calling on the Dragon in him.

Drawing out the power of the Dragons in him Michael instincts kicked in as they ran full speed through the forest.

Running until something in their mind told them to stop Michael and John scanned the area. "There!" J. Mike said pointing at the little boy and girl he saw in his vision.

"Eyyyy!" Mike and John called out, but the pair continued to walk, showing no sign of hearing them. Fleeting in front of them they tried to stop the couple, but the two kids just walked around them in an unconscious state.

"What do you think you are doing?" a demon asked stepping out into the open.

"Oooooh can I eat them?" a second demon asked stepping into view.

Picking up a weird vibration from them John glanced towards Michael. "These two aren't human."

"Yea I know I can tell by their scent." Michael replied.

"What should we do?" John asked starring at the two kids as they walked deeper into the forest.

"Whatever is necessary!" Michael said before letting out a small laugh. "What kind of question is that."

Leaping through the trees the same boy that helped them enter the forest landed beside them. "Perfect timing. You see those two kids over their do whatever it takes but make sure you take them back onto school grounds." Michael ordered.

"Wait what's going on?" the kid asked.

"No time to explain just do it." Mike yelled.

"No problem, I am Sezno by the way." The kid said. Nodding his head, he went chasing after the two students.

"Where do you think…" One of the demons begun to say as it advanced on Sezno.

"Thunder Punch" Michael yelled stepping in front of the demon as it tried to block Sezno way.

"What have we here?" The demon said, weaving Michael's punch.

Trying to stop the students Sezno nodded his head when they kept walking pass. Understanding what was going on he took his hand and pushed a vital point on each one of their neck causing them to pass out. Picking them up he dashed off back towards the school.

"You're going to pay for that" one of the demons growled releasing steam from his body. As the steam cleared away the once flabby demon was now muscular. "I am going to make you my dinner." He said with an even deeper voice then before.

"Oh, now you've gone and done it." the second demon said as horns grew out of his head and spikes begun to protrude out his body along his spine, followed by a tail.

Blocking the demons punch with his forearm as it entered his circagen John slid back a little bit. "Nice try." John taunted catching the demon's tail as it spun around in order to deliver a second blow. Smiling J.Mikes opponent released spikes out of its tail. Grunting in pain as the spikes rotated like propellers John leaped back staring at his shredded hands. Releasing his aura in order to make himself heal faster John went into a defensive position.

Attempting to slash his adversary with his claws, Michael could only watch as the demon circled around him before he got punched in the side. Picking up the scent of John's blood the muscular demon glanced over at John. "Now that smells familiar. But where from." He said.

"Comet Fist" Michael yelled punching the distracted demon on the side of his face, but he did not budge.

"Is that all you got?" the demon said slowly turning his face around. "How disappointing, yet still surprisingly strong for a kid. You're going to make a delicious meal." Leaping back Mike groaned in irritation. "Don't get upset. That will only alter the taste of your flesh. I like my food to die in excitement or even fear."

Releasing his aura as the demon, body turned a swampish green, Michael placed his palm on the ground. "5 Star Seal: Sand Trap!" Transforming into an ooze like state Michaels opponent darted towards him. Weaving his foes punch Mike threw up an "X" with his arm in order to block the second attack. "Damn it." Mike thought as his body was lifted and thrown across the forest.

"What do I do?" John thought as he dodged an attack only for a bone to come flying out of his adversary hand piercing through his shoulder. Yanking the bone out of John's shoulder the demon charged in for another attack. "Bay Blade" John thought, creating a giant shuriken of ice, around his body. Leaping into to the air to keep from being sawed in half the demon projected two more bones out of his palms.

Meanwhile in Headmasters Abbott Office

Laying the two paralyzed students on the ground Sezno begun to explain to Headmaster Abbott and Professor Sarai, the details of what was taking place in the forest.

"No worries Headmaster I'll take care of it." said Professor Sarai. Pulling out her locator she exited the room.

"In that case come with me Sezno we will take these two to the infirmary." Said Headmaster Abbott grabbing hold to his unconscious students. "Follow me, you will need to explain the details to our nurse.

"Damn fools" Professor Sarai thought as she ran through the forest. "Aajah, Priske if you mess up my entire plan, I will kill you."

Back In the forest

"Seems like you're getting tired." Priske mocked while dodging and blocking a barrage of Michaels attacks.

"Damn it! Is it that obvious? And he dodged my meteor compound like it was nothing." Mike thought, clenching his teeth he used "Obliteration."

Retreating a couple feet as an explosion of fire emitted from Michael incinerating the trees around them Priske curled up to block the rest of the radiating waves. "Your fire going have to be a little hotter than that if you're going to burn me." Said Priske. Punching the ground, he sunt a seismic wave towards Mike.

Losing his balance Michael changed his magnetic pulse to match Priske's as he advanced on him. Attempting to punch Mike, Priske was repelled backwards. "What's this?" Priske thought as he continued to swing but his punches would curve whenever he got to close. Smiling Michael thought about his next move. Seeing an opening Michael used flash step to strike Priske with a positive charged punch in the stomach before switching himself back to negative.

"Photon Beam" Mike mumbled as he released a negative charged beam of lightning.

Feeling the rays of the full moon as it rose John body begun to heal, and his strength rapidly returned. "I need to take advantage of this while I can." He thought creating a mist around him and Ajah.

"You think you can hide in this mist." Ajah yelled as three bones extended from each palm. Rotating the bones like a fan, he blew away the mist. "You are only prolonging the inevitable. The two of you will die."

"That will be enough" Professor Sarai yelled grabbing everyone's attention. Using this chance Mike slashed Priske across his face. Dropping Priske blood in a vial Michael retreated behind Professor Sarai. Coming out of the mist John glanced back at Sarai happy that she showed up. "I will take care of these two. The two of you must head back to campus immediately."

"Yes ma'am!" Michael and John said fleeting away.

Getting a safe distance away Michael stopped John. "Look what I got." He said pulling out the vial of blood he took a sip. "Take a sip."

Grabbing the vial John shook it around. "This is blood?"

"Yea just drink it and watch what happens."

Taking a deep breath John took a sip. Choking and falling to his knees J. Mike eyes lit up. Finding himself in the middle of a savannah he glanced over at Michael who seemed just as lost as he was. "Did you know this was gone happen."

"Hell naw." Michael replied. "Normally I just have visions of their life, but this is new." Smelling the air and feeling the rays of the sun it seemed as if they teleported to another area or time.

"You think we're still in Provenience?" John asked.

"Hell naw!" Mike replied. "Well no point of standing here. Let's go see if we can find someone to tell us where we at."

"Aite, Bet!" John said.

Getting ready to walk off, they could suddenly hear someone crying. Following the cry, they spotted a little girl sitting in the tall grass. "What's wrong little one." Aajah asked as he walked into the picture followed by Priske.

"I'm lost."

"Where is your family?" Aajah asked bending over wiping her tears.

"I…I…I don't remember." The little girl cried.

"Ooooo can we keep her?" Priske asked sounding like a kid himself.

Beginning to static the memory switched to another scene. Michael and John now stood in a forest and the little girl was now fully grown from the appearance of her body. Running through the forest she suddenly stopped. "How dare they insult me!" she yelled angrily punching a tree. "They will pay! All of them. They will regret their decision." Pulling a seed out of her pocket she grinned sinisterly. "Mementos seed. Feed it blood and the emotions of hate and watch it grow into a predator. Placing the seed into the ground she called upon her demon comrades Ajah and Priske. Stepping into the picture they each held someone in their arms. Walking up to their captives she slit their throats then buried them next to the seed. "Ajah, Priske I want you to protect this tree with your lives. Without it my plans mean nothing."

Coming back to their senses Michael and John found themselves surrounded by wolves. Looking over at Mike who seemed eager for a fight John told him that they couldn't harm the wolves.

"Why not?" Michael questioned.

"Because their students, did you forget it's a full moon. And Arcadians who are effected by the moon turn into their feral forms if they haven't learned how to control it."

"Oh, right right." Michael said scratching the back of his head. "I knew that."

"Are you sho"

"Naw fo' real tho. I did fo'get fo' a minno. What I don't get is how come they can turn into the animals when they have no control but can't do it when they learn."

"That's a good question on da cool."

Shrugging his shoulders Mike said, "I guess that's just one of those thangs we'll never know. Like how many licks it take, to get to da center of a koozie pop." Scratching his head as the wolves snarled at him Michael begun to get agitated. Taking a deep breath, he released his aura and let out a roar.

Watching as the wolves begun to transition back into their human states John tapped Michael on the shoulder. "Come on."

Leaping through the trees as they headed back to Provenience to avoid further conflict John glanced over at Michael. "How did you do that?"


"Turn the wolves back human"

"oh, Loweyuda my sensei back in Heliopolis done it to me. It's a form of Intimidation."