

Placing his book down, John threw on an undershirt and some blue navy shorts with white stripes on the side. Putting on his weight vest he turned it up to four tonnes. "Okay" he begun to talk to himself. "Stretch, read, stretch, workout, stretch, and train." Going into the kitchen after making sure his mom wasn't home, he grabbed his food and ate on the go. Looking from side to side as he walked out of front the door, he devoured his food. "Mama would kill me if she knew I wasn't eating at the kitchen table." Hands full John used his water whip to lock the door. "Oh, yea I can get use to this." Making it to the end of the driveway J.Mike stretched one more time then took off jogging. Running for a couple miles until he found the abandoned building, he was looking for John flew away.

Galveston Beach

Making it to Galveston beach John took off his shoes and hid them. Walking into the water until it rose up a little above his ankles, he wiggled his toes enjoying the feeling of the sand. Taking a seat in the water he crossed his legs and begun to meditate for a few minutes. Clearing out his mind, John took one last deep breath inhaling the salty air. "Alright" he said out loud before walking deeper into the water and swimming out.

Five Hours later. Standing on top of the water John stretched his body. "Man, I needed that" he muttered feeling the loosening and popping of some of his joints. Looking off into the distance, land was nowhere to be seen and there wasn't a single boat out. Realizing that he was lost John only shrugged his shoulders. Releasing his aura, he created four mini glaciers, then aligned them one after the other from smallest to biggest. Backing up a couple feet from his self-made glaciers John created a giant block of ice. Placing his palms on the block he tried to move it using aura alone. Moving the block a few inches, J. Mike used the waves to draw it back to him. Repeating this John did it again and again and again until he was so tired that his legs begun to wobble.

Deciding to take a break John floated in the water. Staring at the block of ice he carved and created an ice sculpture inside of his mind. Realizing he still had to practice his swordsmanship J. Mike stood up picturing the two swords from his battle with the Slorales in Mythellonia materializing them.

Boom! Hearing a loud burst John gazed up towards the sky at his two Dragons Hydrose and Tiger as they glided towards him. Staring at them they looked completely different and were now the size of a horse. Hydrose now had a shark shaped head, a tiger shaped body, and a long muscular tail with two giant horizontal fins in the middle and two giant vertical fins at the end. His scales were a bluish-green almost like the feathers of a peacock and his eyes were swampy green gems with an icy blue slit in the middle.

Tiger no longer held a tiger shaped head but one of a blue heron with a gator mouth. Her body resembled that of a horse with giant wings full of silver feathers. Upon her feet were ice blue feathers and her scales were a mixture of purple and turquoise.

"Where did yall come from?" John questioned, staring at his two companions with awe.

"We are connected." Hydrose replied, "So we are able to locate you no matter where you may be."

"Last time I saw yall was in Arcadia." John said hugging them. Taking a step back he looked at them. "Yall grew fast. How did you get to Earth?"

"Through the rifts in space. Every dragon can leap through time and space no matter what planet or dimension were in as long as you know where we are going. Other than that, we may have ended up anywhere at any time."

"Yall gonna have to teach me."

"It will be our pleasure." Tiger replied. "But we have much more to teach you…."

Placing his finger up John reached into his pocket and pulled his cellphone out of an airtight Ziploc bag. "Hey baby." He answered.

"Babe you still coming to see me." Chrystal asked.

Tossing his head back and looking at the time it was five forty-five. "Awww I forgot," he groaned to himself. "Of course, baby I'll be there in bout an hour or two."

"Aite just checking. Haven't heard from you all day. What you doing, you betta not be wit' no bitch."

"My fault bae I got a little busy today and naw I aint wit' no one, but I'm bout, to be on the way." John replied.

"Umhm! Aite babe, love ya" Chrystal said making a kissing noise.

"Love you to" John said returning the kiss. Hanging up the phone he yelled "Damn I forgot"

"Whats wrong father" Tiger asked.

"Father wait what…" shaking his head John said. "Nevermind I need a favor."

"What is it" Hydrose asked.

"Yall think yall can give me a lift to the hize."

"Of course."

Moving his legs, they begun to wobble like that of a newborn fawn. Grabbing John with her mouth Tiger placed him on her back. "Hold on" she told him telepathically. With a great flap of her wings they were off.

John's House

Hovering above John's house Hydro and Tiger made sure no one could see them as they transformed into humans. "Thank you" J. Mike said staggering inside the house. "I got the rest."

"Are you sure father?" Tiger asked.

Giving them a certain glance, he replied. "Yea now go before my mom come home. Nobody is pose to be here."

"As you wish father" both dragons spoke in unison.

"Stop calling me that its weird."

"But it's the truth" Hydrose responded.

"Aaagh" John screamed covering his ears. "We'll talk bout this later." Bursting into the bathroom he hurriedly took a shower then threw on a blue tee along with some blue, white, and grey plaid shorts. Gargling his mouth with mouthwash he ran out the house nearly falling over the doors mantle.

About a block away from the bus stop he watched the bus pass. Screaming and throwing his arms up John head dropped to his chest. Letting out a sigh and shaking his head, J. Mike watched the bus. "I needed that rest to." He mumbled to himself. Walking to the side of a rundown building John decided that flying to Chrystal house would be best.

In the Hood of Road Block

Landing in the playground at Rimes Elementary J. Mike walked the rest of the way to Chrystals apartment complex. Paying no attention to the stares he was receiving John bobbed his head to the music in his ear. Passing by a house party, someone stopped him. "Who are you here with?" the boy asked.

"Chrystal" John replied.

Nodding his head, the boy didn't say anything else just walked off. Watching him walk off John didn't think anything of it knowing that Chrystal and her family were known throughout the apartments. Continuing to head towards her house someone snuck him from behind. Falling and sliding on the grass. John hopped up ready to fight but his attacker ran over to some apartments in front of him that was crowded with more kids. "Say bro come catch that one." John shouted not wanting to walk up to the boy knowing that he would get jump.

Talking smack, the boy refused to come out and fight. Dismissing the situation John turned around to a punch in the face. Trying to swing back he felt himself being lifted off the ground then slammed. Grabbing his phone, he balled up in fetal position as the mob of over thirty stomped and punched him. Jumping on him for about ten minutes the mob dispersed.

"Come off that phone" one of them said stomping on John and trying to pry it out his hand. Realizing that he was the last one left John hopped up off the ground throwing up his guard.

"What you talm bout oh hoe ass nigga" John said advancing up on him.

"Get back down" the boy screamed drawing attention towards them. Turning around the mob headed their way.

Not trying to get jumped again John turned around and bolted off the opposite direction. Running for his life it seemed like no matter which way he went more and more of them were coming out of the wood works. Feeling a tug on his shirt as he ran John yanked around punched the boy then continued to run.

Nowhere to go but straight John juked pass one kid as he came out of a breeze way but two more were right behind him. One of them grabbed his shirt while the other one hit him. Catching a glimpse of the mob gaining on him, John kept trucking till he found himself staring at brick wall and in between two bushes.

Creating three lines the mob ran up on him one after the next punching him before he could even react. Stumbling from left to right John felt like a ping pong ball bouncing back and forth but never falling. "Ey! Ey! Ey!" A heavyset man shouted stepping in front of John. "Leave him alone."

Ignoring the man, the gang continued to hit John. Pulling out his gun the man said, "You might can beat him up but you aint gonna beat this bullet. Don't act like yall don't know who I am ya better back the fuck up."

"Aite Bo, bet we gone catch you later." One of the boys shouted. "And that's on K.O.C"

Looking up at the man John could sense something about him, he wasn't human. "What are you?" he asked.

"I'm Brandon" the man said ignoring John remark.

"Yea and you're not human" John replied.

Gazing down at John, Brandon could see the seriousness in his face. "Look we can talk bout this later fo now Imma take you to my peoples. By the way what's your name."

"Oh, my fault" John said realizing how rude he was. "I'm John"

Walking in front of Chrystal's building John pulled his cell phone out to call her but the entire screen was black with white and yellow lines through it. Calling Chrystal Brandon told her to open the door.

"Wait this yo people?" John asked.

"Yea why wassup?"

"That's my gal." John replied.

Laughing Brandon knew that this meeting was no mere coincidence, "Get my number from hea." He said.

"Bet" John said nodding his head and walking up the stairs to Chrystal apartment. Walking inside there were two other males along with three females.

"Im so sorry Chrystal" said chunking her arm around John hugging him. "If I knew you were going to get caught up in the party. I would've never told you to come."

Walking up to john one of the boys said "Say bo you a G I saw what happened."

Attending to John and his wounds there was a knock on the door. Opening it up a boy stood there. "Say Chris mayne Zack wanna holla at you."

Stepping outside Chris looked over the rail. "Say Blood come catch that one." Zach shouted.

"So, you, niggas can jump me I aint stupid." Chris replied.

"We aint gonna jump you on my set bo on the five."

"Fuck that shit Bo you know what it is" Chris said.

"Bet you don't wanna catch that fifty-nine then we gone catch you lata" Zach said holding his belt buckle as if he had a gun. "And that's on K.O.C ."

"Fuck K.O.C" Chris yelled. "It's M.B.C"

Walking outside John realized that they were getting into it with the same people that jumped him. "Aite, Aite" Zack yelled turning around him and the rest of K.O.C walked off.

Pulling John to her room Chrystal shut the door behind them. "I need to tell you some" she said.

"What's up babe" John asked hearing the sadness in her tone.

"Remember o' boy you got into it, wit' at the museum." Chrystal begun. "That's my people. I set you up."

"Yea I know."

"You know, but how" she asked.

"From some Mike said while we were locked up. He said some bout my cousin owing his O.G that's when I figured it out"

"Damn it, Mike" Chrystal muttered with her head down.

Grabbing Chrystal by the waist and pulling her up close John stared into her eyes. "I aint worried bout that I love you girl."

Wrapping her arms around John neck she stared into his eyes. "Are you mad at me."

Kissing her on the lips he said. "Naw I know that you didn't want to and that's all that matter. Mike affirmed that part."

Knocking on the door Brandon spoke through it. "Ey say lil homie you need a ride home."

Looking at Chrystal John didn't have to say anything she said it for him. "Go home get some rest I'll talk to you tomorrow."