

Dropping a bag of books on the ground Octo paced from left to right. "Bushido is the way of the warrior. The code of a samurai falls under seven main virtues but I'm going to tell you six. First is Duty to yourself and masters. You must fulfill all commands and revenge their killer. Number two is loyalty to your master, family, friends, but most importantly yourself. The third is Honor." Pausing an intense expression crossed Octo's face. "You must die for your honor. Fourth is courage. Five is morality which is basically knowing right from wrong, and lastly is wisdom which you gain through travail, mistakes, others and so much more. Stand up." Grabbing hold to John's new gear he placed his arms out.

Standing up and accepting his robe and garments John fell to the icy floor from its weight. "I didn't tell you to sit back down." Octo barked, sizing John up. "You must have strength and determination. And I will definitely test you on that."

Staring into the eyes of his new instructor John tried to ignore the smirk that sent chills through his body. "What do I have to do?" he asked.

"Nothing much just to simply protect yourself, without using your hands or feet. And escape the avalanche before it reaches you."

Putting on his gear John replied, "No problem" even though the weight of his uniform made it nearly impossible to move.

"Great…. Eight ring transformation" Octo yelled splitting into eight different people. "Gio, let the avalanche begin." Smiling the giant muscular transformation grabbed hold to his barbaric sword. Lifting his arm, the sword stretched over forty feet high before he slammed it into the ground cracking the mountain.

"Good luck" Octo said smiling at John. Turning towards the transformations his expression changed. "Do not take it easy on him"

"Okay Boss" the transformations replied. Stabbing the ice with their swords they cracked the ice.

Floating on his own little island John didn't move. Raising his circagen he watched as they surrounded him.

Lifting his gigantic sword once again Gio slammed it in the water creating a wave.

Feeling himself sliding off the patch of ice John froze his feet to it. Glancing at one of the transformations as it entered his circagen, John used the water around him as a shield. Boomf! John felt the flat of a blade slam into his back as he was pushed off his island of ice.

Booomf! Boomf! Two transformations hit John two more times racketeering him between each other like a ping pong ball. "Macerating Hold" John thought using his water vines to pull himself down as a sword swished pass him. Splashing into the freezing cold water his vines rose out of the water grabbing hold to his attackers.

"That won't work" Skwee yelled freeing his comrades.

"How about this" John thought releasing his Chrystal Beam. Gasping and releasing bubbles out his mouth as a sword pierced through his shoulder, J. Mike found himself being drove into an iceberg.

Staring at his attacker John created a geyser to shoot himself up out of the water onto the very iceberg he was just slammed into. Hardly able to move from the weight of his gear J.Mike knew he wasn't going to be able to dodge the incoming swords. Crack! John broke down the iceberg that he was standing on in order to use the shattered pieces as a shield.

"This kid smart" Blue thought as the ice plates shifted into a spin yanking his sword out of his hand. Sticking his arms in the water he said, "But the thing is I don't need my sword."

"What the" staring down at Blue's hand that now held a grip onto him John had to make a quick decision for two of the transformations were practically arm distance away. "Air Boom" he yelled creating a pocket of air around him it burst.

Being hit by the force of the wind Antik was knocked into the water while Tri was slammed into one of the icebergs floating nearby. Blue still had a grip on Johns ankle though and he intended on dragging John into the water until spikes sprung from his leg like porcupine quills. Releasing hold of his victim Blue reeled his arm in.

Standing up straight for the first time since the fight commenced John finally adjusted to the weight of his uniform. Taking a glimpse at the approaching avalanche he created a smaller version of Master Elrond Kraken technique.

"Now this might become a fair fight" Gio shouted as the rest of the transformations jumped on ice blocks near John surrounding him.

"Got ya" John thought as a tentacle wrapped around one of the transformations as he entered his circagen attacking from his blind spot.

Slashing through the tentacle Shean launched two daggers at John to distract him from the approaching Skwee.

Redirecting the daggers with his wind John took a menacing blow to the face. Staggering from the punch he fell to his knees allowing the kraken to protect him from Skwee's following advances.

Bursting out of the water while John was busy fighting off Skwee, Gio lifted his sword in the air. Once more it stretched to the sky. Bringing it down upon his foe Gio yelled "Impound".

Noticing a shadow casting over him John glanced up at the sword that was now plummeting towards him. Using all eight of the Kraken tentacles he tried to fend off Skwee with a variety of strikes and slashes.

Weaving and dodging the tentacles Skwee looked for an opening but couldn't find one. Leaping back as John released his "Ventague Sphere" he embraced himself for the wave that Gio was about to create once his blade hit the water.

With only mere seconds to protect himself John transformed the Kraken into his "Fort Glaze."

Shattering the ice fort Gio shifted the momentum of his sword so instead of it slamming into the block of ice it collided with John's rib cage. Stuck on the blade of the sword John crashed through multiple ice bergs before sliding into the ocean. Glancing up at the avalanche from underneath the water John knew he had to come up with a plan and fast. Ignoring the pain that shot from his rib he begun to swim deeper. Focusing on all the shattered shards of ice he made sure that he knew exactly where they were. Creating a spring of water and wind underneath him he shot himself up out the water like a pinball. Drawing all the shards near him as he breached the surface, John covered himself in a condense ball of wind. "Air Boom" he yelled releasing waves of wind he propelled the shards at his adversaries. Generating a tentacle made of water from his arm he lassoed it onto a tree reeling himself away from the avalanche.

Clapping his hands Octo stood over John. "You've done well against my eight-ring transformation I commend you. You took a beating, but you adapted quite acceptably which is all that matters. When it comes to the Dragons inside, you will have to do the same except it will take place in your mind."

Laying on his back John gave Octo a thumbs up as he took time to regain his composure. Dispersing the eight-ring transformation Octo used his "Four-ring transformation."

"Why didn't you just keep four out of the eight?" John asked confused at why he got rid of the eight just to bring back four of the same people.

"You see the rings that are on my body?" Octo asked.

Nodding his head John replied, Yea".

"For each ring I have a different transformation. Depending on the number of rings determines the amount of energy each one of them gains."

"So, your dividing your power in between them."

"Not exactly I keep all of my strength the only thing is that they also get the amount of energy I have but its divided among them which controls the amount of energy they each can use and how long they can exist."

"Oh, that's live" John remarked taking note in his mind. "I need a move like yours."

"Go ahead and use it in whatever form you please. That's what I'm here, to help you improve." Walking up to his transformations Octo said. "Let me introduce them even though you should be quite acquainted already." Chuckling Octo pointed at a skinny man with a long head and two circles on each hand. "This is Skwee. The tanned man with the curls in his head is Reef. The short and muscular one is Blue and of course the muscular giant over here is Gio."

Bowing to each one of them as Master Elrond taught him to do when meeting new instructors John said, "Houze its going?" as if it was his first time meeting them.

"Your first trainer will be Gio, he will be giving you weight training."

"Alllright." Gio yelled punching his palm.

"You're getting a little too excited there." Skwee said shaking his head hoping that Gio wouldn't over, do it.

"Why I get excited over everything." Gio bellowed with a great big smile.

"Yea that's the problem." Skwee responded.

Ignoring Skwee Gio walked over to John "Spread out your arms and legs" he commanded.

Doing as he was told ice crept up John body stopping at his neck. "When you can free yourself then training will begin." Gio said. "And using your powers is not allowed."

"No problem" John replied trying to twist his body which he couldn't even feel.

Hour Later. Screaming to the top of his lungs John yanked his neck from side to side but his body remained implanted. "Ughhh" he groaned ready to give up until a small fissure appeared once his body relaxed. A glow of hope appeared in his eyes. Taking a deep breath John slightly moved his arms. "It worked" John shouted. Unsure of why it was working he continued to take deep breaths with each movement until the ice shattered.

"Do you understand the point of this training?" Gio asked.

Scratching his head John replied, "Not really."

"The whole point was to get you to understand that with the most difficult parts of life when it feels like there is nothing you can do. The best thing to do is relax and take deep breaths and continue to move forward little by little. This way when you make it through you will have gained something from it."

"Ohhhhh that explains this armor!" John said stretching. "I thought it was just another part of your training."

"Oh no it is, as your about to find out." Gio said with a grin.


"In order to use my barbaric style of fighting you will have to tap into your Dragon Spirit. It's a fighting style that relies on instinct from both human and beast standpoints." Loweyuda explained.

"Aite, Bet." Michael said rubbing his hands eager to learn. "how do I go into beast mode?"

"Well there are a few ways." Loweyuda replied. When Arcadia was originally created millions of years ago, we were giving the choice to remain on Earth or enter our own realm. Those who chose to move here were giving the ability to connect with the fourth dimension along with an, animal spirit. This gave us the ability to control the animal within us. Those who remained on Earth was also giving a spirit, but they suffered to fall into the carnal for they couldn't connect until either their mind or spirit evolved or aligned with the Infinite Spirit. Because of our connection we are able to reach a fourth state of transformation in which we call it the Spirit Form while those on Earth only have access to three except for under certain circumstances."

"What are they?" Mike asked engrossed like a child during story time.

"The only way you can reach this spirit form is through your imagination, in a dream, through a life and death situation or when traumatized, through love and through meeting your twin flame. At these moments of life the spirit form will contact you but you will have to know and accept it or you might never get the chance again until you are aligned with the infinite spirit through your mind, body, and soul."

Petting his Dragons Hotshot and Streak Michael thought about the two Dragons he met while falling to his death in Death Canyon. "I met them already." He said.

Slightly twisting his head Loweyuda wanted to know more. "If you don't mind telling me, what occurred."

"Aite so peep game" Michel begun. "I've been put in multiple life and death situations throughout my life but when I was in Mythellonia it was different. I was falling down an extra deep canyon that seemed like it was never gonna end then bam I was standing in front of this tree in the middle of nowhere. All you seen was one tree and nothing but grass and hills that stretched for miles. Then BAM! Two Dragons showed up outta nowhere telling me that they will lend me their power. Next thang you know I'm sitting in a recliner watching them fight this big ass creature called an Amnarak Komadara through my eyes on a movie screen. I mean it felt real. I'm talking bout like a nigga could smell its musty breath and errythang."

"That's it." Loweyuda said excitedly. "Now all you have do is remember that same emotion and sensation from that moment and you can gain access of your power. If you meditate and visit this land again through your mind you can also gain access but the only way to gain full control of your power is to defeat them."

Clapping his hands Mike stood up. "Bet let get this shit poppin'.


"That's enough" Octo said placing his book on the snow. "It's time for your mental training."

Popping his head up out of the snow Blue pulled himself up as if he were climbing out of a hole. Twisting up his face John wondered how long he been there considering him nor Gio tripped over him not once the whole time they were clashing swords.

"Follow me" Blue commanded in a soft squeaky voice.

"Yes sir" John replied following him towards a mountain. Stopping in front of it, John was mesmerized by the lights dancing above it.

"Beautiful huh?" Blue asked.

Nodding his head John said. "Yes, I wish I could take a picture."

"You haven't seen anything yet wait till we go inside." Blue said tapping on the mountain it opened.

"Say mayne that's throwed." John said entering the cave his jaw dropped. Marveling at the Aurora lights that danced through the crystals playing a melody J. Mike spread his arms out. "It's even more beautiful then Tidas caverns." Taking a few steps out of the darkness he stepped onto lush green grass and took in the aroma of all kinds of flowers.

Leading his pupil toward the waterfall Blue laughed as John spun around like a photographer taking mental pictures of everything around him.

"Wow you can't, even tell that its snow outside" John commented catching up with Blue.

"That's because of the vibrations that emits from the aurora lights and the waterfall. Here you will be able to go inside your subconscious and meet the Dragons that reside in you."

Dimension in the confines of Michaels Mind

"What is it that you want?" Qual asked as Michael stepped up to the giant tree.

"Don't be so rude" Chokma said staring down at Mike with compassion.

"What ya mean are you smoking rocks…" Michael said looking at Qual as if he were stupid. "You know why I'm here to gain control of my power so I can protect all those I love and to become strong as I can. Well that and a few other miscellaneous things." Releasing a soft laugh Mike thought about how he always told people he wasn't human and how he preferred animals over humans or that he wasn't from this world. But that was only part of it. He knew why he was there to be different to leave a mark in life. "I want to fulfill my purpose." He said with passion.

Staring in Michael eyes Qual smiled. "That's what I wanted to hear." He roared.

Coiling herself around Michael, Chokma locked eyes with him. "You are a divine being always remember that." She told him before turning into a golden strand of light.

"I like you kid, don't disappoint me." Qual said softly before transforming into a strand of red light.

Entwining as they rose in the air they spoke in unison. "Your thoughts are in the right place, but your mind is in confusion. You can only live in one world you must make a decision." Now unified they swooped down entering the place of where Mike's third eye is. "Our power is yours." Opening his eyes Michael could feel the newfound power surging inside him.

Staring into his disciple eyes Loweyuda marveled at the slit cross (+), that now sat in the middle of his pupils. Walking up to Mike he said, "Now nothing will be able to stop you but you yourself. Believe and remember my words."

"I already knew I couldn't be messed with at first but now I can truly see it." Mike responded licking his teeth and staring at his claws. Gazing up at Loweyuda Michael could see the flow of energy that surrounded him. "So, you said that we have four forms correct."

"Yep and you just entered your first. But to be honest you are much different from Arcadians you are a Mystic so there is no telling if you will ever reach your peak. Especially once all three souls are unified." Placing his hand on Mikes shoulder Loweyuda said. "You can worry about your limits later now we train."

The Dimension inside of John's Mind

"I see you have made it back" Eleu the wind dragon spoke as John approached the giant palm tree. "Why is that you are here?"

"To ask you to lend me your power." John replied.

"Our power eh…" Apaug laughed deeply. "You fool if its power you seek than its power you shall get." He roared dispersing into blue particles of light.

"Is that the only reason you are here" Eleu asked sadly.

"Well…yea" John muttered out confused.

Shaking her head Eleu dissipated into silver particles of light. "Open your eyes" they spoke in unison. "Do not be of this world." Opening his eyes John could feel the power wallowing inside him.

"You done it" Blue said ecstatically as John walked out of the waterfall.

"Ion know" John replied waving his hands in front of his face. "Feels like something missing." Gazing at Blue, Apaug and Eleu words rang through his mind. Open your eyes don't be of this world. "What do that mean?" he asked himself balling up his fist.

Somewhere in the jungles of Heliopolis

Trailing behind Michael, Loweyuda wondered where he was going. Landing on a tree branch he couldn't believe what he was seeing. A Jinx but not only one but a family of them. A mother, a father, and two pups. "no one will believe this" he thought.

Hopping out of a tree Michael eyes remained closed. He could see everything through the electrical pulses that they released. Growling at Mike the two parents stood in front of their offspring ready to attack. Not moving an inch Mike slowly put one arm out revealing his palm. Still growling neither Jinx made a move until they were sure of his intent. Walking up cautiously the dad sniffed his palm.

"You see it's all good." Mike whispered.

Tossing its head around the Jinx faced the upcoming danger. "Jamariks" he barked.

Opening his eyes Michael blurted out, "Hol' up, whoa, whoa, whoa you can talk?"

"There is no time for pleasantries." The mother Jinx said as her fur begun to stick up like porcupine or that of a cat when startled. Shooting webs out in every direction from their fur the two Jinxs leaped into a tree creating a small nest for the pups.

Jumping out of the tree the father Jinx said, "My name is Chinxuru and up there is my wife Kresha."

"Hol' up and yall got names…"

"They're a few streks away." Kresha shouted. "And it's at least a hundred of them."

"Jamariks don't usually run in such large packs" Chinxuru barked. Looking up at the still astounded Michael he asked. "Can you help us."

"Hakuna Matata, I got ya." Mike replied baring his fangs. "You aint the only animal here"

"I take offense to that I'm no mere beast." Chinxuru growled.

"My fault dawg don't hurt me." Mike said placing his hands up and stepping backwards.

"Two streks away" Kresha yelled from her perch.

"I got dis" Michael said ready to charge in.

Stepping in front of Mike, Chinxuru said, "Watch". Running into Kresha webs half of the mob of Jamariks were sliced into bits.

"Damn" Mike whispered not even knowing the webs were there. Glancing at Michael Chinxuru lifted himself into a tree.

Using their tails since they could regenerate the Jamariks walked along the web searching for a way through. Screeching once one was found they all rushed through one by one.

Leaping off his perch Chinxuru weaved his way past the Jamariks slicing any body part that encountered his thread. Running pass Chinxuru Mike yelled, "Thunder wave" hitting one of the beasts with an open palm causing it to propel backwards into its pack. Exiting out of the opening Michael slashed through some of them with his claws. Taking a quick glimpse backwards at Chinxuru Michael could see him gliding from one tree to the next slicing through the rampant beasts.

Hearing Chinxuru howl as one of the creature's bit into his leg Mike yanked around to see him reel himself up a tree. "Shockwave!" Michael shouted coiling lighting around his body then releasing waves of electricity into the ground through his palms. Electrocuting the surrounding Jamariks Michael set his sights on the Jamariks that were now climbing up the tree after Chinxuru. "Fire Rockets." Mike released five rocket s Agitated as more of the creatures begun to climb up the tree, he used flash step. Grabbing hold to one of them by the tail he slammed it against the tree before beating the other two Jamariks as they climbed with it.

Moving his leg, a drop of Chinxuru blood fell into Michaels mouth. "I'll be alright" said Chinxuru. Turning his head, a flash of Chinxuru memories flooded through Mike's mind.

Somewhere in a forest in Atlantis

"I got you now" John thought concealing his presence from Master Posi. Moving through the snowy forest he used the wind to lighten his footsteps just as Strigi taught him. Shaking his head as he begun too daydream of her beauty, J.Mike picked up on Master Posi. Stretching his Circagen a little farther he surveyed the area around him. Monitoring his breath John moved in.

Fwoosh! Turning around Master Posi laid eyes on a humongous snow-white bird with emerald green eyes and two ice blue feathers that protruded from its head down to the beginning of its tail which was both sky and navy blue. Falling backwards onto his butt John stared into the eyes of the bird. Catching a glimpse of John as the bird flew away, Master Posi approached him.

"Do you know what that was?" Master Posi asked excitedly. Preparing to say no, John was cut off. "That was a Chrystice! Okay now. New mission, track that Quinta!"

"How? It flew away." John replied.

"What you mean it flew away. Figure it out." Posi responded eagerly.

Shaking his head, widening his eyes, and taking a deep breath John prepared to make a rebuttal but changed his mind. Sighing John sat down pondering on what to do next.

"You really need to relax." Posi said pulling out his flask. "Drink some of this it should get the juices flowing."

Taking a sip out of Posi flask John closed his eyes and begun to meditate on the idea. Trying to clear his mind he couldn't stop the overflow of thoughts. After about ten minutes a wave flooded through his head and the drink kicked in emptying his mind. Seeing different images in his head a vision of how he saw light particles in the air reflected in his mind. Picturing the Chrystice in his head as it took off, he imagined a silver line trailing behind it. Taking a deep breath, he called on the Dragon of Wind. Looking at the tree where the Chrystice was perched John could see the silver strand. "You think you can keep up?" John asked.

"Can I keep up you must be drunker than you look. You just lucky that I'm not the one doing the tracking." Master Posi replied taking a swig out of his flask.

"Aite we will see." John said darting off into the sky.

Transition into his were-frog state Master Posi took another swig out of his flask. Smacking as he took in the taste of the moonshine he gazed up at John. "Aww man I gave him the wrong flask. Look like I'm going have to keep an eye on him."

Landing in a tree the scent of blood hit John nose. Staggering a bit as he turned around to see what was lurking in the shadows he fell to the ground. Picking himself up off the ground he released his aura in order to let them know to stay back.

"What's that!" Master Posi mumbled feeling the menacing presence in the air. Leaping up to the tip of the tree he scanned the area. "Hetots!" he whispered. "And a rather lot of them." Locating John whereabouts, he decided to kick back and see what will happen.

Accepting John's challenge, the Hetots revealed themselves. Hearing the hyena like laugh as they came out of hiding John took note of their triceratops heads, ape like bodies, and goat hooves. Slurring John said, "Look I don't wan' no problems."

Charging in like a bull one of the Hetots played as a distraction while two others bounced of the trees. "That won't work" said John drunkenly. Grabbing hold to one of the beasts he shifted its momentum and tossed it at another. Pivoting pass the slash of a third J. Mike grabbed it by its tail, placing it in front of the fourth Hetot as it tried to ram him. Awhran! The creature roared as its comrade horn drilled through its gut. Losing his balance John evaded two more of the beasts by accident as they charged in, headfirst. Catching the Hetots by the horns with whips made of water J. Mike leaped in the air making them flip over on their backs.

"Definitely wrong flask." Master Posi said to himself. Watching John fall and smack his head during mid-spin Master Posi shrugged his shoulders and took another swig. "Oh well he got this."

Rolling over as multiple Hetots stampeded his way John pushed himself into the air landing on one of their backs. Bucking like a bull the beast tried to shake him off, but John wrapped a reign of water around its horn. "Yeeehaw!" he shouted repeatedly until he grew tired of it. Flipping over the Hetot he launched it at its pack. Holding on to the reigns J.Mike spun around and slammed his victim into the rest of its surrounding comrades. Letting go of the reigns he sent the beast flying. Sighing John said "I don't have time for this as more Hetots surrounded him creating a bull pen. Creating a condense sphere of wind around himself he stood still as they charged in. "Air Boom" he shouted.

Fwooosh all the Hetots went flying backwards slamming into trees, rocks and any other objects in the forest of snow. Feeling the liquor even more John was ready to end this battle. Placing his hands on the ground he said, "Ice Prison". Leaving his hands ice spread until all the hetots was completely frozen leaving only their noses sticking out.

Sensing the power John had emanated the Chrystice landed in a tree a couple meters away. It had watched the entire battle inspecting John's every movement.

"Aite time to…" Puking everywhere John fell backwards as the world begun to spin. With one great flap of its wings the Chrystice was hovering over him. Grabbing him with its talons it headed towards it nest. "It's you…" was all John could mutter out before passing out.