

"Damn how I get here?" Michael moaned as he stretched and rubbed his eyes. Yawning and blinking his eyes a few times he mumbled to himself. "I mustah blacked out." Standing up he staggered a bit before catching his balance. "All I know is next time I wake up in a random area it better be to breakfast and some bad…" Thinking about the reptilian women in Mythellonia, Mike decided not to finish that thought.

Walking with his eyes half open Mike tripped over a rock and went tumbling over a ledge. Reaching in vain for a rock, branch, or something he found himself falling towards a pit of lava. Screaming as he fell the thought "I can fly" suddenly dawned upon him. "Mayne I'm tripping." Michael said shaking his head at his own stupidity.

Looking up at the ledge he fell from he noticed two eggs perched up ready to eat. "Breakfast" he yelled rubbing his hands. "Them eggs so big I can feed the team off one ov dem boyz." Slowing his pace as he reached the eggs he begun to look around. "Where izda momma." He thought. "Who cares free food."

Gazing at the red and gold inscription on the eggs as he approached them he couldn't help but trace his fingers across them wondering what it meant. "Damn" he said as the eggs shook then started to emit a golden glow. "I shudda popped them boys open first chance...On second thought I wonder if dey taste like chicken."

Gazing at the eggs two dragons popped out starting with the Dragon of lightning. She had a bronzish orange armor that fell down her back like fallen dominoes and golden scales. Standing up to Michaels knee she was at least five feet long. Next to her was the Dragon of flames. He had a shovel head with two horns on the side of his face which resembled tiny ears, a lemur-like body, a mace tail and five triangles on its back which made a five star. The rest of It scales were black. "Definitely can't eat them." Mike said feeling his stomach doing flips all over again.

"Well I definitely hope you wouldn't eat one of your own."

Yanking himself around to see who was speaking Mike stared at a rust colored man with dreads in his head and no shirt or shoes on. "Say Bo, who are you."

Shaking his head Loweyuda said, "Is that how you greet people how rude."

"Say hol' up bo, don't worry bout how I greet people just answer the question or move arine."

"Alright no problem but Imma need you to come with me."

"What are you da laws or some" Michael asked taking a step back ready to run.

"Naw I am Loweyuda Master here at Heliopolis."

"Here we go wit' this Master shit again." Mike mumbled rolling his eyes. "Whacha wan' from me."

"Im here to train you" Loweyuda replied.

Sizing up Loweyuda, Mike let out a small laugh. "Train me you can't even whoop me fam" He said.

"It's not my duty to discipline you but to teach you disciplines."

"Look bo unless you can beat me up you really need to move arine." Michael said shooing Loweyuda away.

A giant smile spread across Loweyuda face. "Is that a challenge?" he asked eyes ablaze.

"Call it what you want fam what you gonna do."

"I'll take you up on that challenge." Loweyuda roared.

"But Master" one of Loweyuda disciples yelled out revealing themselves.

Staring at the woman Michael said, "Know what let me beat that up. Like bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, I'll beat the puh…" Catching a glimpse of another one of Loweyuda's disciples through his peripheral Mike noticed that he was surrounded by three more people. "Oh, yall trynna jump wah'sup." Throwing up his arms he begun to point at each one of them. "You can get it, you can get it, and you can definitely get it witcho uglass. Knowamsaying it's EBK rine hea"

"No worries this fight is going to be just between me and you." Loweyuda said placing right palm on the ground a gold pentagram materialized "Instant transport."

Finding himself in the middle of a field Michael turned back to make sure that his Dragons were still with him. "Bo that is live" Michael said noticing that they were no longer in the volcano. Getting back on track he turned his gaze over to Loweyuda and the rest of his disciples. "So which wanah yall want to get it first, betta yet all five ov yall can come at once."

Stepping up Loweyuda said, "I told ya this just between me and you."

Shrugging his shoulders Mike replied, "Bool wit me." Using his lightning speed, he struck Loweyuda in the jaw. "Thunder Punch."

Sliding a few inches Loweyuda laughed. "So, you can utilize flash step quite interesting but you're gonna have to hit way harder than that."

Agitated Mike threw another punch, but his opponent ducked it and hit him in the chin with an uppercut then spun around and hit Michael with a back fist. Following Michael as he soared through the air Loweyuda stared at him face to face. "Pyrosphere!" Mike shouted releasing flaming blast of energy while he glided.

Leaping over the blast Loweyuda plummeted down upon Michael. Shooting a burst of fire out his palm Mike rocketed himself out the way barely escaping a grave.

Standing upright Loweyuda opened and closed his fist peering out the crater at Michael. "Lion Fist" he shouted punching his opponents "Plasma Cannon."

Using flash step Mike swept the feet from underneath Loweyuda, "Comet Fist" he yelled as his right fist lit up.

Calling the Lion in him Loweyuda let out a devastating roar. Levitating from the force of the roar Mike body was left open. Spinning on the ground like a break dancer Loweyuda kicked Mike in the side, then in the stomach, then pushed him down to the ground with another kick.

"Your making this to easy" Loweyuda taunted leaping back away from Mike.

Pulling himself up out of his crater Michael spread his arms apart forming five rocket shaped bursts, "Fire rockets" he yelled using flash step immediately afterwards. "Meteor Compound"

Bobbing and weaving all of Michaels attacks Loweyuda hit him in a pressure point then in the gut. "Low blow" he said releasing a blast into Mike's stomach.

Propelling backwards Michael created a flash barrier as his opponent cocked his arm back. "Lion Fist" Loweyuda shattered through the barrier slamming him on the ground like a football.

Laying inside a crater the size of a kiddie pool Mike took out his headphones and placed them in his ear. Turning on his mp3 he used his music to trigger his anxiety. Breathing erratically, he begun to laugh.

"So, you given up already?" Loweyuda mocked waiting on his opponent to get up. Catching Mikes elbow before it hit the side of his face Loweyuda leaped backwards before the second punch could reach. On his adversary tail Michael knocked Loweyuda hand out the way as he released a wave of thunder from his palm. Flipping over Loweyuda landed on all fours. Charging in Loweyuda swung two quick strikes but Michael danced in between them swinging two jabs himself. Catching Mikes arms Loweyuda fell backwards flipping on top of him. Throwing his head to the side avoiding a punch Mike released flames out of his mouth. Leaping to the side Loweyuda roared deflecting Michaels fire breath.

"Eyyyy" Mike yelled as his menacing mood turned into a joyful one through the shift of the song. Using flash step, he swung two jabs then leaped up in the air trying to knee his opponent.

Catching Michaels knee Loweyuda used the force of it to flip over Mike kicking him in the back of the head. Kicking Mike, a second time Loweyuda then lifted him up and slammed him.

Gasping for air Michael was slammed again, then again before Loweyuda leaped onto his stomach as if he were a trampoline.

Grabbing hold to his foe leg Michael released millions of volts of lightning into his opponent body. Clenching his teeth from the shock Loweyuda transitioned to his Were-Lion state cocked his arm back and knocked Mike out.