

"Uhhh" John groaned as he woke up still feeling the Cognik Red-eye. A cold breeze whipped him in the face as he opened his eyes staring blurrily at the icy cave. "Where am I?" he wondered holding onto his head. Shaking his head J. Mike laid back down and stretched. Tapping two eggs on the right and left of him John blinked repeatedly until his eyes focused. Staring at the eggs he could see some inscriptions on them. Curious about the markings he begun to trace them with his finger. Shaking violently from his touch the eggs emitted a sky-blue light.

Scooting backwards as the eggs begun to hatch John watched as a head popped out of one and a leg out the other. Struggling for about fifteen minutes both creatures freed themselves from their shell prison. Rubbing his eyes John couldn't believe what he was seeing but he knew it was true. Two baby dragons!

The first one to break free was the Dragon of wind. She was all white with black stripes with a tiger shaped head, foxlike mouth, and a long otter like body filled with both scales and fur. Dragon two fully resembled a sea otter with a fox snout. Watching the two newborns John couldn't help but feel an attraction to the innocent looking dog sized little dragons. "Aww" he whispered as they whined.

Five Days Prior Atlantean Time

"Atlanteans the time has come." A man shouted standing on top of a podium. "The Platinum Dragon shall be here soon you must prepare for him, while four of our best warriors including myself head to Permafrost Mountain to retrieve him. When I call your name please approach the podium. First will be Strigi, the snow owl."

Walking up to the podium with a twist that defined her curves that her slender frame held Strigi, tossed her long black hair from one side to the next.

"Next is Lago the snow fox." Approaching the podium Lago was tall and skinny but cut with an orangish-red tan.

"Octo the Blue ring." Octo stood five foot five and wore black shades which supported his jet-black hair.

"And last Turk the tortoise" Turk walked to the podium with a slow swagger that revealed his confidence and ripped body. He stood five ten with waves that surrounded his head making you sea-sick just by looking at them.


"We are not far from the cave Master Posi" Lago said sniffing the air. "I can definitely smell him, and it seems he have brought two guests along as well."

"Well then let's pick up the pace" Master Posi shouted through the howling blizzard wind. "Strigi you can go ahead of us we will be there shortly."

"Yes Master" she replied bowing. Transforming Strigi, blasted off into the sky high above the winter storm.

In the cave

"Mayne how imma get out hea." John wondered while staring at the two baby dragons as they ran around nibbling on each other and releasing tiny elemental blasts.

"Sometimes what you are looking for could be right in front you. When all else fails close your eyes and meditate…." Cutting off Elrond words in his mind John placed his arms behind his head and laid back. "Too bad this isn't a mirage this cave issa maze." J. Mike mumbled as he stared up at the cave ceiling.

Curah, Skree, skree, curah, skree, skree. Being nudged by his dragons John woke up out of his sleep. "My bad I didn't mean to pass out." He said stretching then releasing a yawn. "I guess the two of you must be hungry." Feeling his stomach growled he shot to his feet. "Let's go find some to eat." Releasing purring sounds the two bolted off. "Hol on!"

Outside Permafrost Mountain

Landing on the ground Strigi stood in front of Permafrost Mountain. Pulling a feather out of her wing she returned to her human form. Releasing the feather into the wind she allowed it to drift back to her comrades so they would know she made it.

Somewhere in the snowy barren wasteland

"The mountain is about a thousand meters away." Master Posi shouted transitioning into his were-frog state. "It's only going to get harder from here." Nodding their heads in agreements his disciples also transformed. "Turk"

"Yes Master" Turk replied bowing.

"I want you to block the wind."

Tucking into his shell Turk spun rapidly until he begun to hover. Turning himself vertical he positioned his self in front of the others.

Back in the Permafrost Caves

Dragging along behind the two hatchlings they finally made it to the outskirts of the cave. Petting them on the head John told them "Good Job." Walking to the edge of the cave the wind pushed John trying to knock him over. "I want the two of yall to wait here, I'll be back." He told them before flipping off the edge of the mountain. Diving thousands of miles down to the bottom J.Mike encircled wind around him right before he landed. Scanning the horizon all he could see was snow.

"That's weird" John thought as he put up his circagen looking for any signs of motion. "It seems like the range of my wind stretches six times farther than usual." Shrugging his shoulders, he said, "Cool!"

Remembering Master Elrond telling him about the difference between Mythellonia Law of Gravity and how much denser it was compared to others, John wondered where he was. Somehow, he knew it wasn't Earth or at least his version of it. Walking through the snowstorm he picked up on a motion it felt like a human body. Heading towards whoever it was he could see a shadowy figure. "A woman?" John whispered squinting.

"There she goes!" Octo yelled.

Stopping in is tracks John decided to monitor the situation as the rest of her comrades approached. "What should I do" he thought. Hearing his stomach growl the decision was made.

Ears twitching Lago turned to John direction. "Show yourself," he commanded.

"How" exhaling John approached the Atlanteans cautiously.

Stepping in front of their Master the Atlanteans prepared for battle. "Peace" Master Posi said calmly stepping in front of his warriors. "This is the Platinum Dragon"

Taking a knee everyone bowed.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa chill I'm not royalty." John said feeling uncomfortable.

"You might not be, but you are the reason we are here." Master Posi replied.

"Oohkay. Who are you and where am I if you don't mind me asking?"

"Master Posi and you are in Atlantis"

"Atlantis as in the lost city."

"Yes, and this is Strigi, Lago, Octo, and Turk."

"Wait hol' up go back, rewind what you mean we are in Atlantis don't this spose to be like a super intelligent underwater city."

"Those are mostly fables, come with us and I will tell you the true story of Atlantis and show you the ways of Arcadians."

"What's an Arcadian?" John asked.

"Any human with the soul of an animal. On earth we are called were-beasts."

"You mean like werewolves and vampires?"

Yes, and frogs, bulls, foxes and pretty much any other animal you can think of."

"What 'bout insects."

"Yeaaa those are called insectoids and there placed in a whole other category" Master Posi explained.

"Okay, cool." John said nodding his head. "Prove it then."

"My pleasure" Master Posi said transitioning into his were-frog form.

"Wait so ya'll don't transform into giant versions of the animal?" John asked.

"Of, course we can but that's only one of our forms." Master Posi replied.

"How many are there?"

"We have four stages. First, we gain the characteristics: sight, hearing, strength, speed, etc. Then we take on the were-form like this where we have the anatomy of the beasts but still stand upright like humans. Third we learn how to go full beast where we can transform into the actual creature. Last, we gain our spirit form which is practically unattainable unless you are an Atlantean or Heliopolitan."

"So, Arcadians on Earth can't gain spirit form?"

"Oh no they definitely can gain it but there is only three ways of doing it. One by aligning their mind, body, and spirit. Two through death and three through the blood of a Mystic such as yourself but only when you become one with your Mystic Soul."

Nodding his head John mind wanted to know more but his stomach wanted to know where the food was.

Hearing John stomach rumbling Strigi asked, "Are you hungry."

Grabbing hold to his stomach John answered. "Yes, but I'm not the only one. I'll be right back."