
Manual of the heavens chosen

Life had been hard for Son Gochi since his birth. From the death of his father at a young age due to a incurable heart virus to the killing of most of his mothers friends to the hands of a pair of homicidal androids. Even through all of those difficulties his mother did her best to make the world seem at peace for him and his brother, however even as young as he was he could tell it was not easy on her with the stress beginning to mar her frame deteriorating her slowly by steadily. His brother did not help with her stress. Ever since the androids appeared and killed the man he looked up to just as much as their father, some guy named Piccolo, he does not return home much choosing to instead spend his time training in the wilderness and chasing the androids around the world attempting to save as many lives as he could. Not that he blamed him, however, because while is mother did not specifically disallow him to train he chose to secretly train so as to not worry her but there was only so much a 7 year old could do by himself with no instruction.

One morning that seemed like it would be like any other he was awoken with a splitting headache that nearly made him cry in pain that disappeared as quickly as it came. From that pain a new almost sixth sense appeared. Attempting to grasp hold of this new sense he felt a gushing sensation before he appeared inside of a what could only be described as a endless room with a small puddle of water for the floor. In this room a small bubble floated in the air with a small book inside it.

Touching the bubble the book lands in his hands titled 'the manual of the heavens chosen'. As he begins flipping through the book half he gets a few pages in before pages becomes impossible to turn any more pages with the text suddenly appearing with the words 'Grow stronger to continue'

Reopening to the first page he is barely able to make out the title of the first technique :Art of Dark Heaven and Earth: when a woman's voice is heard bringing him out of the room he has dubbed his mindspace.

"Gochi breakfast is ready" Chi-Chi yells

"Coming mom" Gochi replies joining her for breakfast

Finishing breakfast Gochi surprises his mother by exclaiming "I want to begin really training. I have been secretly training for a a while now but I don't believe I can get any stronger continuing like I am now. I know you are worried about me but I need to be strong like dad was so that nothing can happen to us"

"Gochi.... very well I will try and get into contact with your bother to begin your training but until then I will start your training myself. In the mean time start doing laps around the house. There should be some of your fathers old weighted gear in the chifforobe by the door" Chi-chi replies with a defeated but accepting tone. With a excited jump Gochi gives his mother a hug and grabs the weight gauntlets and sash from their place and begins to make laps around the house.

Even with the insane strength that he already felt in the body he now called his own, stamina was quite lacking. After 10 laps around the property Gochi had to come to a stop below the tree to recover.

'Now that I have some alone time let's try out this art of {dark heaven and earth}' Gochi thinks as he wills the martial arts manual to appear.

With the manual in front of him he begins to read through the directions given along with the diagram that is on the page. Assuming the lotus position as the manual calls it, he begins to attempt to perform the first step in the book named {air herding}

As he starts performing {air herding} he notices something vastly different in his body as compared to what the manual described. In the manual the ki center is located in the dantian, which in turn is located below the navel. He could feel his dantian but was located at the base of his spine where his tail was connected. Even then, however, unlike referenced in the manual his ki also seems to be stored throughout his entire body along his energy channels.

Tossing any distracting thoughts to the side, Gochi begins his meditation following the instructions in the manual.

4 hours later-

Standing up completely energized, Gochi does a internal inspection to see how effective the technique was. If his original ki center was the size of 2 grains of sand, after his meditation it is now the size of 3 grains.

With a newfound sense for sense the ki in his body, Gochi wills some to pool up into his fist before walking over to a tree away from the house and punching it. As the ki clad fist makes contact with the tree, the tree explodes upon contact falling over with a loud bang startling him.

"Gochi my baby are you ok" Chi-Chi yells sprinting from the house "Are the androids here?"

"Sorry mom that was me I punched a tree to see what would happen and this was the result" Gochi replies in a embarrassed manner

"Try to not make too much noise if you can help it. We have gotten lucky so far that the androids haven't found us yet since we are in the mountains but let's not push our luck too far" Chi-Chi says hugging Gochi

"Won't happen again" Gochi replies in her embrace

The next day with his body feeling stronger than it did the day before increased the weights he had on him. As he did the day before following his run Gochi would meditate under the tree and meditate until his mother called for him for dinner.

3 months later-

With none of his fathers old training weights having any real effect on him, he continued to wear the heaviest ones every day due to his belief something is better than nothing. With a large amount of ki in his ki center now available to him , Gochi begins flipping through the manual in his memories looking for a offensive technique to begin practicing. He found a few that he really liked the idea of but unfortunately the one he really wanted to learn when performed correctly would cause a explosion. The {Spirit-crushing fist} was a perfect technique due to its effect of targeting the internal organs. Gochi managed to successfully perform it once, thankfully he performed it with such a small amount of ki that the explosion of a energy did not release a loud noise.

The second technique he was looking at was had a few different names {twin impact},{divergent fist} either way the effect was the same. Using his ki in a specific way it allows the user to perform a second impact shortly after his physical attack lands, technically allowing for 2 punches from 1 punch.

Making his choice, Gochi begins channeling his ki in preparation for the new technique excited to learn something new.

With the completion and dropping of a bunch of the better dbz fanfics here recently I thought to myself why not write a dbz fanfic that I would want to read so here I am trying to write again after awhile. I have a actual set schedule unlike I did in the past when I have attempted to write and I have drawn up a time line so as to help me from messing up and writing myself into continuity errors. I have some big plans for this so if you find any errors or have any ideas please let me know!

Phoenixrdcreators' thoughts