
Dragon ball: Tuffle reborn

Surviving Tuffles escaped to a far reach of the universe in which they chose to focus on there research of various topics sadly due to there lack of creativity they more or less just improve upon technology already created or commissioned. Making there daily life incredible easy through technology they don't even need to raise there children. Each child is raised in pods similar to that in cloning vats where they are taught all information they teach in there education from the age of 1 to the age of 5, this is similar to the gravity pods that sayians used to train their young to get used to the planetary conditions they live on. Z recently reincarnated by a gold dragon who impersonates the divine dragon places him into the body of a Tuffle infant. Z not knowing who his parents are is normal for Tuffles as the education pods teach them everything from math to language. Z however unfortunately was human and had learned of parents and similar society norms of humans and is conflicted. Not to mention now with his new alien child brain he lost most of his more human emotions controlled by his brain. Later he will solve these problems and finds a inner peace and spiritualism that fixes is inner conflict, lost humanity and emotions and ultimate his conflict with being a father in his past life and unknowingly connects his fatherhood to that of Goku who he deems as a poor father. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mention about Timelines and Lore, i binged watched all of Dragon ball to current just before writing this, not to mention i've read the manga(still reading the new chapters on DBS), and played some of the games. I also check the wiki and forums to confirm what is possible and not possible for Lore and Timeline and possible canonicity. Sorry if that seems snarky just want to cover everything, I tend to...Overanalyze? Point is I research everything and can sometimes add too much info, as well as respond and give more info then needed. So this is a warning of that and the fact I am very likely to respond to comments and stuff. I am a bit obsessives when it comes to doing certain things.

ZeOwl · Anime et bandes dessinées
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104 Chs

Next Turn

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">Stepping out of the Time chamber after spending 10 years inside was something else. I had learned a few things from the time inside. The first was that I technically hit a limit on my power level, sure I hadn't trained to much, but I still discovered the limit. My theory for the limit was that I was lacking something specific. My best comparison would be a situation like Goku's before he met his brother.

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">Goku still trained and al that in the original story before meeting his brother. Except his progress slowed considerably during that time. The same thing happens to him again after the defeat of Buu. This lead me to the conclusion that I lacked a opponent that could stimulate my potential. Chi-Chi gave me a good simile of how it worked when i told her about.

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">I had a such a large pool of water that when I try to cause a ripple in it. The ripple dies before it reaches the edge of the pool. This basically just lead me to helping Chi-Chi get stronger. She reached a solid 90k power level and after reaching that point she decided to stop. Giving yet another good point. If her power level was too different compared to the average power level of earth. It could cause more specific attacks.

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">Which meant I should start my next plan for earth. Have Krillin, Tien, Yamcha and so on teach Martial arts. Chi-Chi suggested having her teach them as well because she learned her own ideas. Which left me waiting on the lookout for the sayians.

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">"You know raising the power level of earth might mean more criminals."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">I looked at Kame and blinked, "You mean volunteer workers."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">Kame poked me in the back of my head with his cane. "Why do you seem so glum."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">"No more amazing sex..."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">"Oh god did you! Ewgh, you better have not left anything behind."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">"Pshh you lived on earth to know what people are about. It isn't my fault your species is Asexual."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">Kame rolled his eyes, "Your Volunteers, how many of them do you have?"

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">"172 average ones. People who robbed banks, acted as bandits in the wilderness and so on. If we are talking about Inhuman volunteers, that would be 5 I believe."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">"5?"

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">"An assassin and his brother, A dog shapeshifter, An Evil Sayian named Turles and surprisingly a demon."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">"A demon? Wait I know the Assassin I believe, but the others?"

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">I sighed, "The assassin and his brother were defeated by goku technically. The shapeshifter led an army of pigs. Similar to the pig Goku is friends with, but now he is just being forced to teach his techniques and stuff. The sayian Turles is irredeemable, but thanks to the fact he is an evil sayian he has his uses. Finally the Demon is this guy that just wouldn't die in the gourd of mist. He still in there too! Don't know what to do about him."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">Kame just looked at me and sighed, "Well I guess you are using them to do good. Anyway I noticed while in the Time chamber. Shenron seemed to be very agitated. You didn't bring the dragon balls in there with you right?"

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">I looked away, "Oh hey my scouter says that's the sayians!"

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">Kame sighed, "Don't use Shenron for a year out here. He needs to readjust to the time change. he could get sick if summoned before readjusting."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">"Wait an eternal dragon can get sick?"

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">Kame just smiled and walked away, "Good luck with the sayians."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">Goku landed first while Vegeta landed off to the side. Next was Nappa and Raditz who were looking back where Z2 was. My second body waved and I waved back, creeping out Nappa and Raditz. Hell even Vegeta seemed to give a curious side eye. Goku had gotten used to it though it seemed. I clapped as I jumped up.

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">"Goku! Did you take them to Roshi to learn about morals?"

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">"Heh, i may have forgot..."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">"Raditz?"

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">Raditz nodded, "We did visit that Roshi person's house. We actually got a few errm, lessons from a blue haired lady named Bulma. Kakarot mostly just talked to Roshi."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">I blinked, "Good enough for me! Now let's talk time chamber."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">I started walking over to the entrance, "So I spent my own time in there. Creating these!" I pulled out four head sets that covered the eyes and ears.

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">"They look stupid."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">I stared at Vegeta, "I hope it makes you live through something awful." Turning back to the devices I continued. "I suggest training together for 1 year before using these that way you are less likely to kill each other."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">"Why would we?"

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">"Because these bad boys will scan your brain and conjure up your worst memories. Making you relive them over and over and over. Each time you relive it the dream will get worse and worse. I suggest spending time together because if you put this on before that. You might just have a complete mental breakdown."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">"Our worst memories?" Three of them spoke at the same time and I nodded. "Let's use Goku here for an example, when he was a lad his best friend was killed by a guy named King Piccolo. The device will make him relieve that moment over and over and over again. Becoming more distorted from the original memory."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">I turned to Goku, "You put this on and you will witness Krillin's death on repeat. You will feel absolutely helpless and even if in the dream you win. It will restart more distorted then before. Eventually it will feel impossible, maybe even hopeless. If you fail to become a super sayian before that time. The device will permanently shut off."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">Turning back to the rest of them. "As soon as the device scans your brain it will only work for you. So if it shuts down permanently, you won't achieve super sayian within the time chamber. This is also why I suggest you train with each other first. If one of you achieves super sayian first it may rewrite the device's situation. Making it more competitive and more likely to succeed."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">I tossed each of them a device. Along with a bag of supplies. "Inside the bag are senzu beans, special meals and varying supplies. There is even a capsule for what I call evergrow saibamen. To cultivate them cut yourself and let the blood into their container and you will get a saibman to train with." I stressed this next part, "Do not under estimate these Saibamen. They are genetically spliced and will grow and learn exponentially. They could have the ability to kill you, they shoudl stop before you die. Except just remember the death thing."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">Finally left with the last part of this. "Goku in your bag is something that will regrow your tail. Have these three teach you to control your great ape form. Once that is done, stop using the great ape form."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">"Why would we teach him the great ape form and then stop using it?"

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">I smirked at Vegeta, "The choice is up to you. All of you can either lose your tails or master them and prevent them from being a weakness. The great ape form is useless compared to super sayian, but if you can stop your tails from being a weakness. They might be useful later for something... Untested. The choice is yours, I personally don't care. Don't have one after all."

<p style="--original-color: rgb(203, 198, 192); --original-background-color: body-trans;">-----This is just set up for next chapter... I really like my idea for the next chapter. I think it will be beautiful! We will see though.-----