
Dragon Ball Time Patrol: Universal Destruction

Just a story involving the Time Patrol and the many problems that come along with being a time patroller! this story is on pause until I'm done re writing the whole thing for now. Go Check out the remake I just dropped if you enjoyed this story its called Dragon Ball: Dimension Distortion. This is one of my first works so i hope you're patient with it and enjoy my work! PS: Please enjoy the story!, also don't be afraid to comment on how the story could be better ill take any ideas! Be sure to check out the second part of this story! Dragon ball Multiverse: Legacy! leave a review if you enjoy! Their also isn't just one Definitive MC! Be Sure to leave a review i take all types of Criticism weather it be good or bad! There are some Extra Chapters! They include, Expert missions Lost missions Story Quest Missions Side Missions or Comedic Relief The Past As always Enjoy the Story!

Nico_Leztier · Action
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56 Chs

A Past Mistake! Friend turned foe?

We saw someone wearing all black and wearing a mask, two others appeared behind him. It was Frieza and cooler, I see now they succeed in this timeline. I spoke to them.

"Freiza, do you know who I am? "I looked sternly at him.

"Why should i?", he barked back at me, he continued," i do however know that one", he pointed towards Samantha, Samantha talked back to the space tyrant.

"Oh yeah you mad bro?", she smirked, her saiyan blood boiling in anticipation of the fight ahead. Suddenly a bunch of enemies appeared in front of us, Turles, Slug, Dodoria, Vegeta, Ginyu, Jice , Recoome , Burter, Guldo, Zarbon, Nappa, and the masked man. I spoke out loud.

"Oh boy…." they all got coated in a mysterious qi their power shot up ten fold. They all started us down until Freiza gave them a single order.

"Attack!"They all rushed me, and I couldn't do anything. I was getting beat pretty hard, they all charged a blast and to Samantha's horror I didn't doge and the blast enveloped me. I landed by the PQ registration desk bot, I got severely injured, they all looked intrigued that i could still stand.

"Samantha!", she looked over to me and responded.

"What are you hurt?"She looked me up and down and saw I was bleeding everywhere, I threw off my cloak and cracked my neck.

"Don't hold back", i powered up to my max and my body got very slim as i was enveloped in a white red and purple aura, i then suddenly lost all of my aura and vanished out of sight and reappeared in front of frieza, i smirked, 'Too bad", i obliterated him on the spot my qi the exploded and i wiped out most of the Ginyu force, Ginyu was the one to remain.

Samantha's view:

I transformed into a Super Saiyan Blue and rushed Cooler but he transformed too and grabbed my neck he then started to talk, "Time for Vengeance…" he was made of metal i didn't realize that his muscles grew and shrunk again as his grip got tighter.