
Dragon ball ill be the strongest

it was just another ordinary boring day for y/n until it wasnt follow y/n in his journey to get babes and become the strongest in dragon ball

Eric_Carroll · Fantaisie
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1 Chs


( y/n pov)

it was just another day of going to school doing boring subjects and suffering from the slow passage of time when there was a *boom* sound in the distance now at first i just thought maybe someone dropped something heavy outside the door or something but no a plane crashed right into the field outside and while everyone went outside in a rush i was slowly walking to it when out've nowhere a vortex like portal opened up and pulled me inside it killing me as it did so my last thought was why me the fuck did i do to deserve this but sadly that was it after that i woke up in a multicoloured space confused and alone but after what felt like an hour a booming voice spoke

???- hello child how did you get into my dimension?

y/n- w who are you where am i?

???- i am god but you can call me hmmmmm

y/n- you cant think of a name can you?


y/n- aghhh my ears dude geez if you cant think of a name ill just call you neo

neo- neo huh i like it now onto why your here as u can tell u died from a vortex which is quite rare to be honest anyways ill allow you 3 wishes and to pick a world you can go to anime worlds included


NEO- of course since i liked the name so much i thought why not ya know?

y/n- yes yes yes this is awesome so for the world or universe ill go to dragon ball as gokus twin but put me in the body whens its eight years old please now for my first wish is a strong mind to control my oozaru and super sayain states second wish a healing factor will do third wish good ki control will do and before we continue can you send me to a version where im the only male saiyin left?

NEO- wishes are beyong acceptable and yes ill send you to an alternate version but why did you these wishes there that op you couldve asked for god ki ancient saiyan bloodline broly bloodline why didnt you?

y/n- because itll be to easy that way to reach the top dont you think?

NEO- yes i suppose it would alright off you go have a nice second life child

As neo finished talking im covered by light and transported to my new body