

Cell floated up from the sea, dusting himself off, "That's all?" Zephyr snorted and snapped his fingers at Cell, "Bang." Cell suddenly exploded into flames!

The rest were sent flying back by the shockwave!

Krillin and Tien were dumbfounded, "Zephyr is so strong!" Rocket's eyes were starry, "Of course! That's my dad!"

Cell walked out of the flames only to be greeted with a flaming fist!

Cell was dazed as he shot through the sky! Zephyr held out his hands as sparkles appeared in his palms, firing out blazing red lasers, bombarding Cell!

Zephyr shot after Cell and kicked out before Cell grabbed his ankle, "It's my turn!" Zephyr coughed as Cell punched him in the stomach, "Hm?" Zephyr grinned, "Come on… You punch like a woman!" before headbutting Cell and elbowing him in the neck, shooting him back into the island!

Zephyr held his palms over his head, Krillin muttered, "Is he…" Tien frowned, "Looks like it!" Zephyr grinned evilly, "Galick Gun!" before pointing out his palms, incinerating the island in a massive explosion!

Rocket cheered, "AWESOME!" 

Zephyr frowned and turned around, getting kicked in the face!

He shot into an island as Cell stood in the air, snorting as his arm regrew instantly!

Zephyr got up and Cell appeared above him, stomping down, "Die!" the island cracked and exploded as Zephyr flew out, skipping on the water.

Cell shot after him, punching and kicking! He kicked up, sending Zephyr into the sky before appearing above him, smashing down on Zephyr's chest! Cell appeared under him and shot his knee up as Zephyr screamed in pain, his spine snapping in half!

Cell grinned and grabbed Zephyr's ankle, slamming him into a mountain before firing a Kamehameha, blasting the mountain out of existence!

Rocket shouted, "DAD!?" Krillin held her back, "Rocket, stop! I can still feel Zephyr's ki! Calm down!" Cell looked at the smoke as Zephyr appeared from it, his skin ashing out and floating away.

Cell muttered, "Regeneration, huh… But you're getting weaker, Human!" as he laughed, shooting at Zephyr, stabbing Zephyr's arm with his tail! Zephyr chopped his own arm off as a new one grew out from ashes, like molten rock!

Cell was stunned as Zephyr clenched his fists, grinning, "Overheat!" as he erupted into flames, screaming at the sky!

Cell burst into a cold sweat as they were both engulfed in a fiery hell!

The ocean bubbled and steamed before everything disappeared…

Zephyr stood in the sky panting heavily returning to his normal form! He looked up and grinned, giving a peace sign. Krillin, Tien, and Rocket cheered wildly, "You did it!" Zephyr chuckled before freezing as a claw pierced through his chest!

His eyes lost focus and he fell into the sea, Rockets eyes widened, "DADDY?! AHHHH!" as she exploded into an inferno, shooting at Cell and smashing into him with red eyes, "DIE!" Cell was sent flying across the sky as Rocket flashed above him, holding out her palms, firing a massive beam!

The beam blasted Cell into the sea and exploded!

Krillin rushed into the sea and picked up Zephyr, dragging him out!

He brought Zephyr to an island, feeding him a Senzu bean, "Zephyr!" Tien came down, "He's still alive?!" Krillin was worried, "His Ki is weak and disappearing quickly!" Tien looked and said with a horrified expression, "How the hell can we win!"

Cell shot out and Rocket attacked him, enraged!

Cell kicked her flying and appeared above her, chopping down!

But his hand was grabbed.

Cell froze and Goku looked at him, "I don't have a chance at Beating you now… You have to wait a day!" Goku's muscles bulged as he felt Zephyr's Ki weakening… He growled, "I will… Kill you… Soon!" 

Cell frowned and jumped back as Goku stood in the air, trembling in rage! Vague electrical sparks appearing around him as his Ki was surging wildly up and down. Cell swallowed in fear and backed off…

Gohan carried Rocket back to the island, "Your dad is alive!" Rocket got off him and ran to Zephyr, "Daddy!" 

Zephyr laid on the ground, spitting up blood, his heart was quite literally missing an entire half… He could feel himself dying! He looked at Rocket and touched her face as she held his hand, bursting into tears.

Zephyr smiled, "Maybe it's time to train with King Kai…" Goku teleported around quickly, grabbing everyone here and Teleporting back to Kami's Lookout.

Goku put Piccolo down and came to Zephyr, "Are you alright?!" Zephyr coughed up blood, resting, "Trying not to die…" Goku shouted, "Get him a Senzu bean, Krillin!" Krillin panicked, "I already gave him one!"

Zephyr's heart was trying to regenerate but it wasn't working. He was thinking about whether to train with King Kai or not… as his sight blurred slightly, seeing a giant fat red guy at a desk…

Zephyr muttered something and opened the shop.

[Balance- 320,102p]

He bought a Zenkai Boost and sighed inwardly.

Zephyr exploded into flames and turned to ashes! Everyone was shocked and Goku clenched his fists angrily, Rocket burst into tears, hugging Gohan, who patted her back gently.

Suddenly, the ashes moved as an arm stuck out!