
Dragon and Death

HSXD. Forget and now he back

LordCommander1 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs


They will forget you..." She had told me. I didn't believe him. "What you call love, they will never have for you." His cold voice resonated with me.

'You don't understand, the girls are like this because we just came out of a big battle." My smiling smile always kept repeating to him. Sure, it made sense.

She always stared at me, without even a smile, and that's why I never believed her. "Just, you are a Dragon, they always end up alone. Isolated by their own chaos and power in their minds." I didn't believe him, Draig was a good Dragon, we were a good match and I hadn't even had thoughts in my head.

Never trust her any more than you ever trust reality. I never looked forward with critical eyes, just laughed and hoped they loved me as I loved them.

It was lonely to think and I never wanted to be alone.

I never felt betrayed, rather, I never felt loved by anyone.

Let's face it, parents who love a Christian nun more than their child, and who show it with more obvious forms of affection is. He didn't blame anyone, he blamed me for not being a good son.

And he blamed me not on them.


[Partner]. Draig spoke to me. The only one who speaks the truth and it hurts me to accept that I never believed him. Not even my most loyal and beloved companion did I believe [Although the truth is hard and difficult, the truth is always good. Trust me that many of my users were lost by not being reborn after the truth.]

'You're right; I can't do anything anymore, I just have to look straight ahead and live as I can.'

Sigh, it was cold at this time of year. And because Christmas was approaching, so everything was going to be different in some way.

[Humans like this time of year, for some strange reason, I feel sad to think of some obese with reindeer giving gifts to children.] Thus, Draig was a shitty stranger, an interesting Dragon.

'Draig, we're going to tour this damn world.' I always dreamed of that idea of living my life as a tourist.

Hear a laugh from my partner, [whatever, Mate, I'm already tired of seeing boobs and not even being able to do anything].

I smiled, I was also tired of that boob shit and insinuation without real love. 'The Internet is killing love, my friend.'

[You are absolutely right mate. That shit ruined an entire generation.]

(Like the author)

Well, this is a problem. But stop thinking when my train arrived at the station.

I was going to the airport and from there to my goal.

I looked once at my past and was proud of everything I did for everyone. Somehow even if they don't love me I still love everyone I met on my way.

[You have matured, friend.]

It's the first time he's called me friend. Jaa really.

Smile and asenti.

'You're right Draig, the truth is hard but necessary, you said it.'

Then everything was going to change, for my good and my love for life. I was always a pacifist and I guess I deserve a break.

'Goodbye, Kuoh, maybe at some point we'll meet.'


Betrayal is unnecessary. Oblivion is real, women do not fall in love just because you have saved them many times.

Who leaves does not die

Only the one who forgets dies