
Dragon's soul mate

Yuri was just a normal coffee clerk who lost his lover to his bestfeiend. His life took a huge turn when he met the Dragon Prince Victor. Dragons as sacred most powerful creatures ruled all kingdoms. Married to two beautiful wives he didnt love Victor felt lonely. His encounter with Yuri a fragile commoner who bravely stood up to him filled Victor with curiosity and wonder what life would be like with Yuri beside him. Disgracing the royal household Victor rapped and impregnated a commoner Yuri. With the burden of raising the children Yuri was blinded into marriage. Shion the ex-male wife of Victor, growing up never knew what feelings are. in the company of Yuri, his view of the cold world changed and he fell in love with him. These two day by day grew close, it was one-sided love for Shion. In the midst of a blissful love...old skeletons fell off Victor's shelf. The encounter with an old lover made Victor to lose all that he had. Tragedy befall on the royal household....bonds are broken whilst new ones are created. What is a soulmate? Two lovers fight a journey to save their marriage... Read more to find out how the story goes... Disclaimer...the art is not mine. Credits and thanks to the owner

DaoistvtdATq · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

Volume 24 The Twin's birthday

Royal guests from all kingdoms gathered at the palace to celebrate the life of Prince Juan and Princess Yuna. Their kindergarten friends were all present, the royal ball was well decorated. All the royals were dressed in expensive robes and gowns, they showered the twins with luxurious and expensive gifts. Yuri was struggling with Takato to wear a proper suit; he wanted the comfortable bunny outfit. Shion looking at the little fella said, "I guess you have out cried us, let us do his bidding for us to arrive on time." Yuri was dressed in a white suit with a white and golden cape on top matching his handsome husband. Shion placed a little crown over Takato's bunny ears, "I never noticed before but not only your hair is blonde, even your lashes. I am lucky I married a handsome…a beautiful king." Yuri kissed Shion as he placed his crown on his head, Shion placed his mother's crown on Yuri head. Daniel opened the door, he was dressed in a black tuxedo, Talin had no control over him. Shion glared at Daniel when he hugged Yuri, "I need your help, it will only take an hour." Yuri was dragged by Daniel before he could reply, they arrived at the lounge and saw an elderly woman. Talin was left with Shion, "What is happening?" Talin took a deep breath, "His mother brought another bride for him. She is against us dating, I am sorry for troubling you." Yuri was having an emotional conversation with Daniel's mother, from afar Shion could see her wiping away tears. Yuri excused himself to give mother and son time, after ten minutes Talin joined in the conversation. Shion looking at Yuri asked, "What did you three talk about?" Yuri fixed Shion's tilted crown, "I only expressed my opinion and experience, it is hard to accept same sex marriages to us commoners. She might succeed to force Daniel to marry a woman, but his true happiness lies in Talin. We are late, it almost sundown let us go."

When they arrived at the palace the royals were already settled inside enjoying the party treats. Shion saw how nervous Yuri was, he held his hand, "I am nervous too, we can go back if you aren't comfortable." Yuri busted out in laughter, "I am worried that my children will resent me, step by step I will recapture their heart." The maids were holding the presents, Takato refused to be carried by anyone. The doors were opened, the announcer said, "Please welcome King Shion, Prince Takato and…His Imperial majesty!" Everyone turned their heads to face Yuri who was dressed as the King of Qin kingdom. The twins immediately ran towards the door, embracing Yuri they broke down to tears of joy. Yuri knelt to embrace them back, there was total silence in the room. Lord Usagi stood up from his royal seat, "Is that Yuri?" Yuri gently held the twins cheeks, "Happy birthday my lovely babies." Takato with a jealous face broke down to tears, Yuri lifted him up as they walked their way greet Lord Usagi. Victor was glued to his seat, Nara walked down the stairs to embrace Yuri, "It is you flesh and blood! I am glad." Lord Usagi looking at the crowd said, "Please proceed to the garden, we shall join you shortly." Yuri held Shion's hand for him to stay, "My tittle is no less than of my husband's. I humbly extend my greetings my Lord." Victor was only starring at Yuri who was holding Takato in his arms, pardon our rudeness of being late." Victor stood from his chair, he asked, "Have you come back home at last Yuri? I waited four years to finally see you, even in my dreams every night I waited for you. Why are you referring Shion as your husband in my dreams? Tell me…" He suddenly collapsed on the floor. Lord Usagi and Yuri went inside his study room, "We are quite shaken with your presence. We buried you four years ago…as the head of the royal court I demand an explanation." Yuri standing from his seat replied, "My lord, with due respect for now I would like to celebrate my children's birthday."

The twins were extremely happy to see their mother, he was even more handsome in person. Takato fell asleep in Yuri's arm, he looked so cute in a bunny suit. The twins took Yuri and Shion to their room to take Takato to bed, Yuna bowed down as she pointed on an empty bed, "Your Majesty, Prince Takato can rest in here with us. We will take good care of him." Takato was a bit spoiled by his parents, he was naughty and quite energetic when he consumed sugary stuff. Yuri always limited his desserts to weekends; in place of sweet desserts he ate fruits. Yuri smiled at Yuna, "I am honoured with your offer but Takato will trouble you late at night. Should I tackle you to bed?" Juan and Yuna weren't used to being tackled, Shion helped Yuri to carry Takato. Yuri helped the twins dress for bed, he helped them tackle inside their blankets. Switching off the light Yuri said, "Goodnight, sleep well my little angels." Shion and Yuri were assigned different room, they expected the treatment. Yuri placed Takato in bed, he kissed him on the forehead before he joined Shion in the bathroom. Yuri removing his robe said, "Today was better than I anticipated." He sat inside the tub facing Shion, giving Yuri a foot massage Shion said, "I am quite sad my honey isn't paying any attention to me." Leaning over Shion to give him a kiss Yuri said, "I like it when you are whining." Amidst their romance, Takato suddenly began to cry. Shion looking at Yuri said, "I am sorry honey." Yuri attended to Takato's needs, he was hungry since he slept on an empty stomach. Yuri went inside the kitchen, a maid helped him prepare porridge for Takato. The maids excused themselves, it was almost midnight and the party activities tired them out. Yuri was humming a song whilst feeding Takato his porridge, Shion sneaked from his behind, "Oh you startled me honey!" Shion lightly kissed Yuri, Takato banging the table exclaimed, "Mama! Papa!" Shion tasted the porridge before he dished himself a bowl, Yuri said, "Honey, what time are you leaving tomorrow? I was hoping we would eat breakfast together." Shion had to return earlier to the palace to manage the kingdom, clearing his throat he replied, "Thanks honey, shall we head to bed?" Yuri placed the dirty dishes in the sink before he retired to bed.

Takato was wide awake when Yuri opened his eyes, he was eating an apple Shion had given him. Shion was fast asleep whilst holding Takato's leg, he had a tendency of roaming around once he was awake. Yuri careful removed Shion's hand, he took a bath together with Takato. Yuri wore Shion's oversized shirt with his trousers, Takato as a bunny guy wore his white bunny suit. Yuri was helped with the maids to prepare breakfast for his husband and children. Victor entered the kitchen when Yuri was in the middle of cooking. Takato was happily eating the bunny shaped watermelon Yuri had cut for him. Victor said, "Leave us." All the maids left quickly; Yuri was focused on his pot. Victor looking at Yuri said, "Aren't you going to look at me?" Yuri placed his spoon down, he turned down the heat and faced Victor, "Good morning my Prince." Victor with cold eyes lightly chuckled, "Are you fucking kidding…." "Mind your language my son is listening." Yuri smiled as he cut Victor's sentence halfway. Banging the table Victor startled Takato, "Do you hate me this much? I messed up…was my sin gravely big for you to punish me this way." Yuri lifted a teary Takato into his arms, he glared at Victor, "Please excuse me." He collided with Shion as he walked out of the room, Shion looked at Victor. With an angry face Victor said, "It is a matter of time before Yuri realises that his true soulmate is me. You shall pay for risking my wife's life for your selfish reasons." Shion saw Yuri standing in their room, he said, "I guess breakfast isn't happening today." Yuri kissed Takato before he handed him over to Shion, "I will follow after the twins birthday. Takato isn't safe here, you have to take him home with you." Shion placed Takato on his baby seat inside the car, he hugged Yuri, "I love you." Yuri passionately kissed Shion, "I love you. I will be home soon, don't miss me too much." He waved at the cars as they drove away, Takato was silenced by his father with a sweets.