
Dragon's Fall, Humanity Rising

Reborn as a black dragon with a system, my mission is clear: empower humanity. Stripped of my wings in my relentless quest to conquer the kingdom I was robbed of, I was betrayed and left for dead. Now, I seek vengeance and ultimate power, a journey that cuts deep into my very soul. With each human I enhance, my own strength grows, and my pursuit of revenge intensifies. In a world where might reigns supreme, this is the story of my resurgence, a tale of fury and redemption. As I forge uneasy alliances and confront formidable foes as I unravel the mysteries of the system that binds us. "I am SKALITHRAX!"

Islorae · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Schemed and Shattered: The Fall of the Black Prince

My black wings beat powerfully against the air, I felt them lifting me higher, drawing me tantalizingly close to the sun. My vast shadow cascaded over the land beneath, sending the lesser races scurrying into hiding.

Gaining altitude, the Runeclaw Range soon came into view—a majestic series of mountains that seemed to graze the heavens. Nestled within these peaks lay Wyrmhold Summit, the stronghold of the reigning Dragon King, my younger brother.

As I approached the range, a sudden, ominous cracking noise captured my attention. I looked down to see a fragment of land trembling before it catastrophically collapsed, plunging towards the oceans below and dragging an Elven village into the abyss. A snicker escaped me, a twisted amusement taken in their frantic, insect-like scurrying.

The Floating Continent was a realm where only the strong could thrive. Dominated by power, the land itself stayed aloft, infused with energy flowing through its mithril veins. This mighty continent, created aeons ago by the primordial dragons – the forebears of all dragonkind – loomed majestically over the lower continents. But now, the magic that sustained it was waning, and with it, the fates of those lesser races teetered on the brink of extinction.

I was reveling in this dark spectacle when an abrupt pain seared across my back. A large claw had raked my scales. Instinctively, I roared in fury, twisting my head to confront the audacious, smaller dragon. With a swift, powerful snap of my jaws, I sent the annoyance hurtling towards the earth. Its lifeless body crashed through the forest canopy below.

From my maw, I unleashed a bolt of dark energy, a swirling mass of purple fire, towards the spot where my adversary had fallen. As it struck, it scorched the earth, leaving a sinister, smoldering scar. A laugh, deep and triumphant, rumbled within me. There had been a time when such foes might have posed a challenge, but that time was long gone. Now, with the ancient and darkest of magics coursing through my veins, I was beyond the reach of their feeble assaults.

The day was fast approaching when not just the kingdom, but the entire world, would quake at the name Skalithrax the Black. My resolve was ironclad: I would claim Wyrmhold Summit as my own, or else I would consign the entire continent to the depths of the sea.

But my reverie was abruptly interrupted. A sudden blast of fiery breath, scorching and searing, struck me from behind, sending a shock of pain through my wings and neck. Wheeling around in the sky, I countered with a furious lashing of my tail, ready to confront the onslaught of dragons descending upon me.

"ENOUGH! SKALITHRAX!" a commanding roar erupted from a large red dragon. At her behest, a torrent of dragons surged towards me, their claws slashing, teeth gnashing, and many spells weaving through the air.

Buffeted by spells that sought to bind my wings, I flexed against their magical grip. With a burst of strength, I broke free, halting my perilous descent. Just then, two small white dragons dove towards me, their sleek bodies streamlined for speed.

"NO, STOP!" commanded the Red Dragon, but her words were in vain. Ah, to be young and bold.

Laughing at their recklessness, I readied myself. The whistling of their rapid descent filled the air. Inhaling deeply, I prepared my deadliest weapon.

As they entered my range, I unleashed a cloud of putrid acid. It enveloped the young dragons, their roars of agony echoing across the land, reverberating off Runeclaw Ridge.

Twisting agilely, I soared between the falling dragons, ascending towards my captors, my gaze fixed on the Red Dragon.

"Little sister, welcome," I spoke, my voice steady and unyielding. "If you continue, I will be happy to kill the rest. Retreat now, and I will leave you unharmed." My words echoed quietly but powerfully, commanding the full attention of everyone present.

Her snarl was thick with contempt. "Oh, how noble of you, Skalithrax," she mocked. "You dare to empower the dark races, challenge our king, your younger brother, to a duel to the death, and, most heinously, you siphon the magic that maintains our continent's position above the vagrant races below. You must be held accountable for these transgressions. You are an abomination, Skalithrax! The king has decreed your death, and it is with eagerness that I shall deliver it!" Her roar filled the skies, her figure hovering just beyond my reach.

"An abomination? How dare you all cast judgment upon me!" I roared, my voice thundering with fury. "Forced to dwell on the fringes of civilization, I have fought tooth and claw for every scrap of dignity. At every turn, you pushed me further into the shadows, heaping humiliation upon me. And now, you, the regals, born into luxury, dare to judge me with the world served to you on gilded wings? Are we not hatched from the same brood?"

"Skalithrax, you ceased to be a sibling of ours long ago," she retorted with a fierce gaze. "You are tainted, and your actions have only confirmed it. Rising to power at the expense of your own kin is despicable. And now, threatening to plunge our continent into the seas? You are beyond redemption!"

Her words sparked a dark amusement within me. "An unfortunate side effect, an unintended consequence," I laughed, the sound cold and hollow. "Yet, I can live with it. You stripped me of everything; now, I shall strip everything from you."

My declaration was met with a second barrage of spells, a storm of magical fury in response to my defiance.

Most of the spells hurled towards me were futile, harmlessly deflecting off my obsidian scales like mere pebbles. However, a few managed to pierce through, sending sharp jolts of pain coursing through my body. I couldn't help but laugh at their efforts; these dragons were no true warriors. Our kind had not seen real war for a millennium, and yet here I stood, a symbol of unbridled power at its very peak.

"I see this is your choice, then," I declared. With determined beats of my wings, I ascended higher into the sky, undeterred by the relentless barrage of spells. I soared upward, my shadow engulfing the crumbling valley below in darkness.

Only when I reached this lofty height did I begin to weave my own spell. Mysterious rings materialized in the air around me, etched with strange, ancient characters. Inside these circles, lightning crackled and thunder roared, signifying the gathering of immense power. The very air around me became charged with energy, sending tingling sensations across my scales.

"Now, witness the true extent of my power!" I thundered, releasing the spell with a ferocious roar. Bolts of lightning, conjured from seemingly nowhere, lanced through the sky, striking my would-be captors with relentless fury. Their scales darkened under the brutal electrical onslaught, and the pungent scent of seared flesh filled the air.

Several of the smaller dragons could not withstand the assault and tumbled from the skies. Yet, a few managed to remain aloft. I found myself impressed despite my intent; my high-level spell had tested them, and they had endured. Regrettably, their resilience meant I would have to deal with them personally.

Embracing this realization, I began to summon an even greater power. "Kneel before me! Before Skalithrax the Black!" I commanded. Energy surged through me, so intense that it felt as though my heart might rupture. Only the might of the ancient dragons could contain such overwhelming force.

As my vision began to dim, I fought against the encroaching darkness, channeling more and more power. Determination burned within me – I would obliterate them all, the traitors who had dared to judge me. Now, with the power of the Ancients at my command, their fate was sealed.

I began to draw energy from everything around me, a voracious siphoning of power. The dying continent itself and even my sister became unwilling contributors to my growing strength.

The pounding of my heart became a solitary rhythm in my ears, drowning out all else – thud, thud, thud. My gaze shifted towards Wyrmhold Summit, the symbol of their authority. I would lay it to waste. That throne, my birthright, would be mine, or it would belong to no one.

As I exhaled, the culmination of my spell took form. A colossal circle materialized in the sky, mirroring its twin on the ground, encasing my shadow. Within, symbols writhed and danced with a wild, almost manic glee.

The energy drain began to warp my sister's very being. Her agony was unmistakable, etched upon her twisted, contorted face.

"KILL HIM!" she managed to scream. Spells continued to assail me, a desperate and futile attempt to halt the inevitable. The spell had been unleashed, and with it, the doom of this continent and its kingdom was certain. All that remained was for me to stand as the conduit of this devastating power, waiting for the inevitable conclusion.

"Come and face me, False Dragon King!" I bellowed towards Wyrmhold Summit, my voice thundering across the distance. I knew my younger brother was watching, fully aware of the unfolding chaos.

In the sky, the images within the circle abruptly halted, then began to whirl counterclockwise. As they spun, the circles started to contract, steadily compressing the amassed power. A deep darkness formed overhead, while from the earth, a piercing light began to emerge. The magic in the air was palpable, quaking the very essence of all who felt its tremor.

This turmoil caused several spells to veer off course. Some detonated mere inches from my face, the blasts searing the air around me. Only a few more seconds, and it would all be over. I could sense the crescendo of power reaching its zenith, my chest ablaze with a radiance of pure energy.

"Emberion!" a dragon below me cried out, followed by a chorus of roars echoing his call. Tilting my head slightly, I noticed a Golden dragon hovering a mere few hundred yards away. In my focus on channeling the spell, I hadn't realized his approach.

"Enough, Skalithrax, this will not change anything," Emberion's voice resonated, tinged with a sad patience.

Bound by the immense power I was channeling, I couldn't afford to speak, lest I lose control. My silence seemed to prompt a reaction from Emberion, the Golden Dragon, my younger brother. To my astonishment, he too began to gather power within his chest. Mirroring my own, a circle formed both in the sky and on the earth around him.

How had he mastered this ancient, formidable magic? It had taken me centuries of arduous study to harness it, and yet Emberion wielded it with such proficiency, such ease. This unexpected development disturbed me deeply. I could not allow him to interfere again.

Facing Emberion, the rings of magic around me were primed, pulsating with their potent force. The plan to seize Wyrmhold Summit could wait; Emberion had always been a formidable barrier, a recurring obstacle in my path to supremacy. If I could eliminate him it would only be a matter of time. And now, once again, he stood in opposition.

Determination flared in Emberion's eyes, a silent testament to his unwavering resolve. This was more than just a clash of powers; it was a fight for destiny, a battle to claim what I believed was rightfully mine. If seizing my birthright meant reducing it to ruins, then that was a price I was willing to pay.

With a surge of resolve, I unleashed the gathered magic, sending twin beams of destructive energy hurtling towards my brother. The ground below quaked, and the sky itself seemed to tear, so immense was the force of our unleashed powers. The continent beneath us, already teetering on the brink, began to disintegrate further under the strain of our battle.

Emberion, steadfast in the face of my onslaught, held his ground. My energy, now a torrent of raw power, surged forward, gaining momentum as it neared him. I had released my spell first and had more time to gather power. He would die here! But at the crucial moment, Emberion released his counterattack, a wave of energy tinged with a golden hue.

The meeting of our powers was cataclysmic, resulting in an explosion that filled the sky with blinding light. The shockwave from the collision was immense, nearly shattering my concentration. I doubled my efforts, pushing more power into my attack, attempting to drive Emberion back. Yet, as our energies clashed, it became clear that his power was underwhelming to mine.

As our powers clashed in the sky, the resulting explosion was a blinding inferno of light. The shockwave threatened to dismantle my focus, but I clung on, channeling more power, pushing against Emberion's force. My energy, a torrent of raw power, crept towards him, inching closer to victory.

But in that critical moment, my concentration shattered. A sharp, searing pain erupted at the base of my neck. I felt the unmistakable sensation of teeth sinking into my flesh. Out of the corner of my eye, a misshapen red dragon had latched onto me, her fangs burrowing deeper into my skin.

This unexpected assault caused my spell's energy to scatter chaotically. Bursts of power shot out in all directions, striking distant mountains and ravaging the continent below. The diversion sapped much of my strength from the battle with Emberion. Gritting my teeth against the pain, I tried desperately to regain control and redirect my dwindling energy back towards Emberion. But it was an uphill battle; his power, now overwhelming in its intensity, was steadily advancing towards me.

Desperation gripped me. This was my ultimate gambit, with no fallback, no escape; I had staked everything on seizing the throne. Evading the oncoming blast seemed futile with the sheer velocity of Emberion's power. In a final act of defiance, I channeled my dwindling magic into a last-ditch effort, attempting to encapsulate the impending explosion within a protective cocoon.

In the instant Emberion's power struck me, it felt as though death had claimed me, if only for the briefest moment. My body, overwhelmed and defeated, spiraled downward from the sky, consumed by shock. The realization that I, Skalithrax, had been bested by the runt of our brood, ignited a fierce surge of anger within me. Desperately, I tried to stabilize my descent.

But then, the brutal truth hit me just as hard as Emberion's magic had. One of my wings was gone, torn away by the force of the collision. Without it, I was helpless against the pull of gravity, and I plummeted towards the shattering continent. As I fell, my mind fixated on revenge. One day, I vowed, I would be the one to destroy Emberion. But for now, there was only one thing left for me to do.

With a heart seething with defiance and hatred, I unleashed a final, ferocious roar and directed the last of my waning strength towards Emberion in a futile gesture of defiance.

Then, the ground rushed up to meet me, and as I collided with the unforgiving earth, darkness enveloped me, swallowing everything.