
The village of Danryuzo

After running for a while Ryuki found a huge tree and he hid under it. Days after days of hiding under the tree with no food he went hunting, after failing trying to hunt some animals for food he adapted to the wild and he hunted birds, wolves, snakes, bunnies, and more. After a couple nights and days he said to himself "what's the point in staying here forever, I gotta venture off into the wild", so he did, he went running, climbing onto trees, swimming through rivers, there was nothing Ryuki couldn't do except fight. After venturing into the wild he found a village in the land of the earth it ended up being the village of Danryuzo, Ryuki entered the village and as he walked through the village he found a swordsmith named Gamo. " are you alright boy?" Said by Gamo. "I- I'm o- okay" said weakly by Ryuki. Gamo went running towards Ryuki as he falls onto the ground "Maria take him inside!" Said by Gamo. After a while Ryuki wakes up he looked around the place and stood up "Helloo? Anyone there?" Ryuki asked. "Oh the boy is awake" Maria said shockingly. Gamo quickly rushed in the room and said "Are you okay boy? You've been injured like alot" Gamo questioned, Ryuki nods his head, after time passes Ryuki asked "Excuse me but where am I?" "Oh you're at the village of Danryuzo" Gamo exclaimed. After years passed by Ryuki trained to avenge his fallen father and after 6 years passed Ryuki was now 17 he had short black hair, 6'2 and his swordsmanship had significantly increased he was powerful but was he powerful enough to beat Kentaro and his entire kingdom? Ryuki says his goodbyes to the village of Danryuzo, but before that Gamo gave Ryuki a katana which he named Onigoroshi he said his goodbyes to Gamo and Maria and left,