
The Land of Ice part 3

After he was captured he was taken to the dungeons of Pure Ice, while locked away he saw a fellow inmate just sitting by the window, Ryuki asked the fellow inmate what his name was, "Naruhito Sojito" answered by the fellow inmate, "what's yours?" Asked by Naruhito, "Ryuki Somen" answered by Ryuki, Naruhito laughs at him stating that the Somen clan had been wiped out 6 years ago. After some time passes Ryuki worries the safety of Sheonin. Sheonin infiltrates the kingdom of Ice, as she wonders around the kingdom of Ice she finds herself lost at the kingdom, she has a vague memory about the kingdom when she was a little girl. As she moves quickly into icy roads with only using her memories and instinct to move and find where Ryuki was locked up. Time is of essence she swiftly dashes pushing through crowds as she worries his safety, she worries that he might've already been executed but she doesn't want to think that way as this would only slow her down. As she near the heart of the kingdom she sees a massive tower and figures that Ryuki was locked up there. She threw a rope attached to a kunai to essentially climb the walls of the castle. She successfully climbs the walls and figures out that she has to get to the tower from the inside. Ryuki and Naruhito are still trapped in the tower, they discussed the best way out is the gate. They pushed through the gate but it wont budge, they kept pushing turn by turn and still wont budge. Ryuki had enough and was gonna bring the door down by force, Ryuki charges up a technique and was willing to risk it all to break out, he used the technique "Death's gamble" and successfully brings the gate down. Sheonin hears the loud thud and worried even more that she might've lost Ryuki, Sheonin calms herself down and draws her sword. Some guards appear and Sheonin took them down, as she runs towards the tower they reunite with each other. Ryuki hugs Sheonin, as they hug the background goes blank and they didn't have a care for what was happening only thought about each other. As they were about to have a romantic moment Naruhito coughs and says "Sorry to ruin the moment but more guards are coming". As they pulled away from each others arms they fought the guards taking them down one by one. As they defeat every guard they escape the kingdom and is now headed for the portal of shadows, as they run through the icy roads they were now wanted fugitives. "Hate to say it now but there is a requirement to open the portal" said by Naruhito, Both Sheonin and Ryuki stare at him, "to open the portal it requires a sacrifice" said by Naruhito, "but not just any sacrifice, it needs to be a royal blood sacrifice" Naruhito followed, "and I am Royal blood" Naruhito said. Ryuki and Sheonin knows what he is about to do, but Ryuki stops him and says "No, there is no way we are sacrificing you, we just met", " And this is the end of it" said by Naruhito, "take my katana and put it in the shrine of the solar eclipse and only the worthy ones are the only one who can wield its true power"said by Naruhito. Ryuki hugs Naruhito goodbye while sobbing, " its okay Ryuki you will soon see me in the afterlife"said by Naruhito. "Goodbye Ryuki, defeat Kentaro for me" said by Naruhito. Naruhito hands him his katana and smiles at him, Ryuki takes Sheonin's hand as they walk closer to the portal. Ryuki refuses to look back at Naruhito cause he doesn't want to witness another death of a close one.