
The Land of Ice part 2

As he finished digging he saw Sheonin curled up into a ball with the haori still covering her, she was shivering in the cold. When Sheonin looked at Ryuki he had thick white hair due to the cold weather and blizzards, Ryuki took the medicine and fed it to her, Ryuki then told her to go to sleep. Sheonin fell asleep almost immediately knowing that she is safe with Ryuki. A couple of days pass by Sheonin was finally better and then they ventured back onto the wild. As they walk through the cold weather of the land of Ice they hear the marches of Ice warriors and arches, Ryuki quickly covered her mouth as they had to be silent and if the warriors heard them they would be exiled. They quickly figured out the reason for this is because Kentaro and Aurora had a truce and Kentaro told her that there was a trespasser named Ryuki and Sheonin. The Ice warriors climbed up the mountain went through the shack and interrogated the old man but the old man refuse to tell them, Ryuki and Sheonin watch as they torture the old man to try and get information out of him, then the warriors get so pissed that they tried to kill him but the general stops him and says "Queen Aurora has ordered us not to kill the old geezer", as time passes of the old man just cursing them and refusing to talk one of the warriors snaps and stabs him, Ryuki and Sheonin were horrified to witness this, Ryuki refused to do nothing so he screamed on the top of his lungs "STOP!!!", he draws his sword with red aura around him as his emotions were angry he quickly started fighting them going on a rampage as he just witnessed the death of the old man . As his rampage goes on Sheonin was horrified as she never thought a kind soul like him could do such a malicious thing, as Ryuki converts his rage into power and performs the technique "Slayer of Gods", he successfully kills over 100 men but he was quickly apprehended and captured but before he was taken away he said "don't worry Sheonin I will break out of here and come back to you" and after that he knocked him out in cold blood.