
Drag the Boss to Slack Off

Yu Xuejiao was a game addict whale who played most of the time, even pretending to be a man. So her brother threatened to cut off her gaming funds and forced her to get a job. Because of 'fate,' she accidentally landed a job as a personal assistant to the handsome, disciplined boss, Xiao Chunsheng. And that dear boss turned out to be playing the same game, with an identity she didn't expect. But who could explain how she dragged him into playing games during work hours? Yu Xuejiao: "You're a healer! Heal! Why the hell did you pick a healer character if you're going to act like a DPS? Hey, hey! Where are you going, Chunsheng! Xiao Chunsheng!!!" Xiao Chunsheng: "Shut up. What kind of DPS acts like a Tank? There's no use healing you!" Other employees, drowning from their workload: "Where do these two get their free time?" --- P.S. They always finish their job on time. --- Alternative synopsis: This is about a NEET otaku pretending to be a man in game, has no life, is bored to death, and is threatened by her brother to be productive. This is also the story of a bunch of people being deceived by gaming companies into spending money.

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14 Chs

She Also Bought It

It was not that Yu Xuejiao was unhappy with the content of the reply. But…

Yu Xuejiao exaggeratedly slid off her chair.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA–I… got sidetracked again!"

After lying down on the ground like a dead fish for a while, she stood up and sat on her chair again.

She straightened her back and seriously stared at the computer.

"Okay, the computer keeps distracting me, so I'm just going to open the spreadsheet there and use my phone to send emails," Yu Xuejiao said with determination. It was matched with hand gestures, making her look more serious.

She raised her fist up high and shouted, "Aja! Jiayou! Ganbatte!"

Impressively enough, she did manage to continuously send her applications to different companies for twenty five minutes straight.

But at the twenty sixth minute, a notification bubble popped up over the send button, leading Yu Xuejiao to a group chat.

Her job application streak was ruined just like that.

'I should close this app,' Yu Xuejiao thought.

Hehe, not gonna happen. Her brain found the conversation so interesting that she went to read the 347 unread messages from the beginning.

To her surprise, they had been talking about the same topic since lunch.

"If it were me, we would've had more than just one topic."

That wasn't even something she should be proud of—especially with how random her next topic could be.

For example, if she started with business as a topic, before everyone knew it, she had already somehow shifted the topic into ducks.

The group chat's conversation was mostly about the young, hot and cold CEO named Xiao Chunsheng. Apparently, it was recently revealed that he had taken over Nexiv ever since eight months ago.

Of course, this wasn't something extraordinary—at least in Yu Xuejiao's eyes. She even thought that everyone else only cared because he was their senior in university.

[Jiao Jiao, you're online!]

Whoever mentioned her must be looking for death. She just looked at it without replying.


Yu Xuejiao usually found this kind of topic boring, but as an occasionally very condescending person, she found the simping of girls and boys alike in the chat very amusing.

"How good can he be?" Yu Xuejiao sneered.

It was understandable since…

"Young, hot and cold CEO? He's not that different from Second Brother."

"But well, this guy did make a lot of progress within eight months. I didn't think Nexiv could improve so drastically." She did give credit where it was due.

Surrounded by good-looking capable men since birth, Yu Xuejiao had sh*tty estimation skills when it came to the rarity of hot capable men. Being drowned in fictional characters didn't help either.

With how she thought of cream of the crop men as above average at most, she'd probably die single.

To avoid looking rude, she at least sent a waving emoji before going back to reading.

When she saw someone send the link to the Xiao Chunsheng guy's company's website—specifically the page listing which positions they were hiring at the moment, Yu Xuejiao couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Yo! Is this guy a paid recruiter?"

After all, her previous university was prestigious and had high requirements for their student applicants. Their best faculty was also Business, and they were also the crème de la crème of that category in the whole country. When it came to worldwide rankings, they weren't losing either.

Yu Xuejiao was genuinely curious, so the first thing she did was look up the link sender's online employment profile.


He wasn't a recruiter, but dude was working in that Xiao guy's HR Department.

When she went back to the group chat and continued reading…


"They actually bought it!"

Although she laughed like that, five minutes later…

"Heh, application sent. I like how convenient their website is!" Yu Xuejiao even nodded in approval.

What a hypocrite. She also bought it.

After closing her browser, she even pasted the link to her [Great Company Ideas] Notes with the description [very efficient application process].

Just as she put down her phone to go back to gaming—totally forgetting that she should be applying to the companies she planned to apply to, her phone beeped.

"Looks like another interview notice," she mumbled to herself.

Yu Xuejiao took her phone and clicked on the notification. She was right. It was an interview notice.

"In two days from now? What a very short notice, but it's fine." She put her phone back.

'Wait, what the f*ck?' Yu Xuejiao's eyes widened as she grabbed her phone.

She had basically buried her face on the phone, reading the sender's name over and over again. 'Nexiv?'

Yu Xuejiao's facial expression went back to neutral, but her mind activity was still in chaos.

'I DON'T THINK ONE MINUTE HAS EVEN PASSED!' Luckily, she was only shouting inside her head. If she really screamed, even people from five floors above and below would've heard her.

"Holy sh*t! Their efficiency is way way way beyond expectations. What the f*ck!" Yu Xuejiao was fascinated.

This time, she didn't even nepo-baby her way in.

As if on cue, a notification bubble, which led to the group chat she had been reading, popped up.

Seeing the new messages, it seemed like she wasn't the only one who had the same experience.

[Jiao Jiao, I saw your application!]

The message was from the HR guy.

Aw. In the end, she still got through the back door.

[Yeah, it seemed interesting.]

Yu Xuejiao was very popular in their batch.

She was four years younger than most of them, so she was like the whole batch's baby. Also, she was smart and very cute in everyone's eyes.

It didn't start that way though. After all, she was pretty eccentric.

[I sent you an interview notice right away.]

'So? Am I supposed to thank you for that?'

[Thank you.]


Since it was about Yu Xuejiao, the little genius, everyone's interest was piqued.

[Jiao Jiao will surely get the job~]

[Jiao Jiao, what position did you apply for?]

[I want to work with Jiao Jiao!]

Yu Xuejiao remembered applying for the Game Developer position.

Eight months ago, which was about the time Xiao Chunsheng supposedly took over the CEO position, Nexiv heavily invested on a gacha RPG game and launched it three months later. It quickly earned them hundreds of millions.

The game wasn't created within a short period of time, of course. Nexiv acquired a team of fresh graduates who had been working on the game since their freshmen year with a relatively high price, which pleased the public, labelling them as a humane company.

Although Yu Xuejiao took a business course for college, her productive hobby was programming. She was the one who programmed Lili and her phone, and she often updated the former to better suit her needs.

The HR guy replied on Yu Xuejiao's behalf.

[I was actually surprised. Jiao Jiao applied to be a Personal Assistant. Can you imagine our little tyrant following someone else? But it's Xiao Chunsheng after all…]

Someone immediately reacted.

[It turns out Jiao Jiao is also a fangirl?]

The group chat exploded.

Yu Xuejiao was startled. 'No sh*t?'