
Drag the Boss to Slack Off

Yu Xuejiao was a game addict whale who played most of the time, even pretending to be a man. So her brother threatened to cut off her gaming funds and forced her to get a job. Because of 'fate,' she accidentally landed a job as a personal assistant to the handsome, disciplined boss, Xiao Chunsheng. And that dear boss turned out to be playing the same game, with an identity she didn't expect. But who could explain how she dragged him into playing games during work hours? Yu Xuejiao: "You're a healer! Heal! Why the hell did you pick a healer character if you're going to act like a DPS? Hey, hey! Where are you going, Chunsheng! Xiao Chunsheng!!!" Xiao Chunsheng: "Shut up. What kind of DPS acts like a Tank? There's no use healing you!" Other employees, drowning from their workload: "Where do these two get their free time?" --- P.S. They always finish their job on time. --- Alternative synopsis: This is about a NEET otaku pretending to be a man in game, has no life, is bored to death, and is threatened by her brother to be productive. This is also the story of a bunch of people being deceived by gaming companies into spending money.

Reinesse · Urbain
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14 Chs

Never Celebrate Early

A gentle beauty, with a posture so graceful and so elegant, voiced her indignance as to vent her anger, "Die, you f*cktard! F*cking annoying. Why aren't you dead yet? Are you a cockroach?"

With eyes intently focused on the computer screen, her fingers moved nimbly across the keyboard, producing rhythmic tapping sounds.

At this point, she was basically smashing the keyboard erratically, sounding much like an anxiety symphony.

"Stop moving, and let me kill you, dumbass!"

Yu Xuejiao's mic was off. But it was like the healer heard her—they suddenly ceased fighting back and stood still as if waiting to have their soul harvested.


Earlier, when the healer was still fighting back, Yu Xuejiao's expression was so dark as if a squid had squirted ink on her face. Now, her face has brightened.

The less HP the healer had, the happier Yu Xuejiao was.

Soon, the cute healer died, and her eyes moved to the next target.

She glared at the other party's game avatar. This time it was as if her face was painted with ten layers of vantablack. It was so dark that it couldn't reflect light.

Top-tier graphics, and beautiful avatars. Too bad, the person behind the other character in her screen was a huge piece of sh*t.

Yu Xuejiao cleared her throat once to prepare her voice before opening her microphone.

"You're next." She purposefully deepened her voice, hoping to scare the other party despite using a pair of cliche words.

This scum she was currently dealing with had committed an offense that must be punished by execution. In-game execution. And lots of it.

It could be said that Yu Xuejiao had a vendetta against him. Yes. Vendetta. He murdered her friend's trust.

This wasn't the first time she targeted him. Unfortunately, no matter how much she killed him, she never felt satisfied. He was too easy to beat. It felt like grinding a higher level trash mob.

Yu Xuejiao's fingers finally matched her visuals this time—gentle and rhythmic. Anyway, his skills were really terrible. She even had the time to play anime on another monitor.

She opened her mic, yawning on it in an attempt to tell the other party that it was so boring to fight against him.

No matter how much she thought of it, there were still things she couldn't understand…

One, how can a DPS player be so weak? His equipment isn't that bad either, yet even a healer could deal more damage than him.

Two, how did he win over the hearts of a girl boss like Jade? Two, actually—Miss Healer was also badass. Was his charm being weak? To be fair, a weak DPS was such a gap moe.

Not her type of gap moe though.

Yu Xuejiao also wondered where he yanked his guts from.

Was he, perhaps, a simpleton who acted before thinking and didn't know how f*cked he would be for what he had done? Scamming a top player—if that wasn't stupidity, Yu Xuejiao didn't know what to call it.

The entire time, she toyed with him, giving him a 'chance' to escape from time to time, but she would drag him back and crush him every time he got close. This went on and on, not just once or twice or thrice, but way more than that.

It took ten minutes for the trash to finally realize that he was being played.

"—it!" The man opened his microphone either too late or too early, but either way, only half of his cuss was heard.

Yu Xuejiao found it fascinating. Whoa. His voice didn't sound pleasant either.

"Why don't you stop already? It's been a week, and you're still chasing me?! What's wrong with you? What happened isn't a big deal! Isn't it just—"

Yu Xuejiao felt something inside her snap, and she straight up scolded the other party, "You're not only a leech, but you're also more braindead than a degenerate Hitler x Stalin smut fanfic author. You—"

She suddenly stopped talking.

Although she had prepared a lot of ways to scold this scum, she realized that, when facing rotten trash, it was better to stay silent.

But mainly, she feared that her voice changer wouldn't be able to keep up if she spoke too fast. And that was beside the point that she wasn't good at scolding people.

Also, her words were gold, so it would be such a waste to throw them into the garbage.

It was her win, anyway. The weaksh*t was offended. That insult was too… Anyway, Yu Xuejiao didn't listen to what he had to say.

With cheeks puffed and lower lips pouted, she paused the show she was watching on the side and focused on fighting with the other party.

'Cheating is just one of his hundred blunders, but the fucking audacity to take over the joint house? He doesn't even want to give up Jade's items. It's one thing if there's something he actually paid for inside, but no. No! He's just a leech. I want to kill him until he quits… asdfghjkl…'

Yu Xuejiao was dissing the other party in her head so fast that it couldn't be translated into human words.

Who knew where the other party's guts were coming from? Even after being chased to die for a week, not once had he cowered.

To think of it, the cockroach wasn't the healer. It was this guy.

"...So what if I cheated? Since you've been after me for so long, that b*tch must've been cheating too. Jade seduced you, didn't she?"

Hearing that, Yu Xuejiao was livid. How dare this guy say such a thing?

She opened her mic. Screw holding back. She could play with him again the next time she caught him. Right now, her blood had already gone past the boiling point, and killing this guy as fast as possible was the only way for her to let out some steam.

"I'd date her even if she doesn't seduce me. How can you even compare to me? I can beat you with my eyes closed. I'm rich, my voice sounds good, and I'm confident with my good looks. What about you? You suck at playing, is basically Jade's sugar baby, and your face probably makes even your mom puke!"

She muted herself and the other party.

As a rich player—she just said it, she didn't even blink when she used a rare expensive potion to increase her attack speed.

Just a few seconds in, the other party's health had already dropped a lot. In fact, his HP was dropping at least twenty times faster than the healer from earlier.

Her grip on the mouse tightened as if doing so would increase her clicking speed.

Seeing that the other party was about to die, Yu Xuejiao maniacally laughed, celebrating in advance.

"Incoming call from Scary Brother." A calm AI voice sounded, shocking Yu Xuejiao.

With her concentration suddenly disrupted, she flinched and accidentally flicked the mouse out of her grasp.

I just want to say that this is a commitment challenge for me. Wish me luck, and enjoy~

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