
Drag the Boss to Slack Off

Yu Xuejiao was a game addict whale who played most of the time, even pretending to be a man. So her brother threatened to cut off her gaming funds and forced her to get a job. Because of 'fate,' she accidentally landed a job as a personal assistant to the handsome, disciplined boss, Xiao Chunsheng. And that dear boss turned out to be playing the same game, with an identity she didn't expect. But who could explain how she dragged him into playing games during work hours? Yu Xuejiao: "You're a healer! Heal! Why the hell did you pick a healer character if you're going to act like a DPS? Hey, hey! Where are you going, Chunsheng! Xiao Chunsheng!!!" Xiao Chunsheng: "Shut up. What kind of DPS acts like a Tank? There's no use healing you!" Other employees, drowning from their workload: "Where do these two get their free time?" --- P.S. They always finish their job on time. --- Alternative synopsis: This is about a NEET otaku pretending to be a man in game, has no life, is bored to death, and is threatened by her brother to be productive. This is also the story of a bunch of people being deceived by gaming companies into spending money.

Reinesse · Urbain
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14 Chs

It's Easy to Get Distracted

Yu Xuejiao's eyes swept over her desk slowly as she tried to recall where she had put her phone down.

After looking at the table twice, she still didn't see it.

'I swear I put it down on the desk.'

'Did it fall?' She crouched to look beneath the table, but the phone wasn't there.

For the last time, Yu Xuejiao slowly scanned the area beneath the table to see if she just missed it.

"F*ck," she sharply cussed, her irritation bubbling up once again. "Lili, where are you?"

"I'm here, Jiao Jiao." Lili's calming AI voice sounded right above her head, which meant that it was somewhere on the table. She just didn't see it.

Yu Xuejiao sighed in relief and abruptly propped herself up, causing her to bump her head under the table. "Sonuvabi—"

Beep. Beep. Beep. Cursing must be minimized. Yu Xuejiao had just spouted a huge variety of them.

It was so painful that her eyes turned misty. She stood up—without bumping her head this time—and sat back on her swivel chair, aggressively massaging her head.

All this time, her phone had been in front of her keyboard. She picked it up, aggressively tapping her phone to find that damned spreadsheet.

"Lili, play binaural calming music. Max volume." Her voice sounded strained.

Being suddenly interrupted while playing games, on top of bumping her head a few seconds ago, triggered her so much that her throat felt tight and painful.

She left her seat, carrying her phone with her to the kitchen.

The internet connection in this period was very fast, so the moment she tapped the link to that spreadsheet her brother sent her, the whole file didn't even take half a second to load.

Seeing the content of the spreadsheet, Yu Xuejiao was touched.

It listed names of companies, positions with job description, their requirements, why it fits her, their mail names, and their websites.

'Brother, I take back my curse earlier,' she thought.

Her brothers really spoiled her the most. They were really just scary or annoying at times.

"Second Brother is really efficient. First Brother only talked to me about it this morning." A smile was on her face as she said that.

She pouted again after thinking of something. "I already have enough money. What's the point of looking for a job?"

For your mental health, sis.

Yu Xuejiao didn't want to admit it, but her lack of productive activities and messed up sleep cycle lately was probably the cause of her increasingly frequent irritability.

She got herself a cup of cold water and drank it in one go.

"Alright! I'll finish applying to the ones I like today."

Heh. That's what she said.

Five hours later…

"Moon! Go away, f*ck! The BOSS can insta-kill you with one hit," Yu Xuejiao shouted as she attacked the BOSS, pulling the aggro towards her character.

She was also reckless, but thankfully, their party had a good tank.

"My, my, Chestnut. You sound hot even when you're angry," Moon Lamp, one of their raid team's healers, joked.

Hearing those words from Moon, Yu Xuejiao couldn't help but think, 'Even the type of voice you like is synthetic.'

"No wonder you're single," Yu Xuejiao accidentally muttered aloud.

Laughter erupted.

Moon replied, "Hey, just because you sound hot doesn't mean you can personally attack me!"

The other members backed Moon, teasing Yu Xuejiao how she hadn't escaped singledom either.

"At least my voice is considered hot. Unless you have a handsome face behind your screen, then you don't have the right to talk." Yu Xuejiao really dared to say anything.

Those words of hers started a wave of self-praising.

It ended in war.

Everyone started insulting each other's face without even seeing it.

The players who weren't involved from start to finish kept their silences. Of course, they reacted accordingly and enjoyed the free dog show.

In the middle of the fight, one of the DPS players who didn't join the argument spoke up, "My ult's cooldown is over. I think we can speed up a bit. You're only waiting for me, right?"

The DPS players started increasing their pace. All of them had turned quiet, except for one who still found time to argue with one of the Tank players.

"Lol, wasn't the one who had 'weak internet connection' and can't open the camera you? You don't even dare to show your face, so how dare you claim that you're handsome?" Blue Sword sarcastically said, referring to Three Days.

Three Days immediately responded. "I was somewhere with a terrible internet! Didn't I tell you all I was on vacation? I was in the Philippines for a tour!"

Blue Sword and Three Days were the noisiest in the group, and they also fought the most. Still, they had a great relationship.

Of course, Three Days wouldn't forget to counterattack.

Copying Blue Sword's template, he said, "Lol, Blue, wasn't the one who had 'no camera,' you? What a liar. What computer doesn't have a camera? You don't dare to show your face either. Aren't you the ugly one?"

"No, you!"

"No, you!"

They exchanged the same words with increasing ferocity each time.

But no matter how loud they were, they still couldn't compare to Blood Jade.

"Stop fighting. The BOSS is almost berserk!" Jade aggressively shouted.

As if in cue, the BOSS roared and transformed into something bigger, and its body became surrounded by a red mist.

The vibes totally changed.

Even Blue Sword and Three Days were serious—this doesn't happen often. It was not everyday that they challenge this kind of dungeon.

"Everyone, use your ults now!"

The DPS players were nuking on purpose, so all of their strongest skills were available at the crucial moment. With the help of the support players, it didn't take long for the BOSS to be defeated.

After the raid was over, Yu Xuejiao closed the game client. She slumped back against her chair, losing the posture she kept straight while playing.

The raid was long and tiring.

'It's almost dinner time already.'

'We took an hour longer than expected.'

'The anime I'm following has already released a new episode by this time.'

Just as she was about to search for the new episode, her phone beeped, which meant that she had received an important notification.

It was an official reply to her application. Her application was accepted and the interview was scheduled in three weeks, and they were also apparently looking forward to meeting her.

A pained grimace was painted across her face. 'F*ck.'

If you're curious why she could receive interview notices fast, it's because she's a nepo baby. Yu Chengze, my baby but could also be yours, is prepared.

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