
Drag the Boss to Slack Off

Yu Xuejiao was a game addict whale who played most of the time, even pretending to be a man. So her brother threatened to cut off her gaming funds and forced her to get a job. Because of 'fate,' she accidentally landed a job as a personal assistant to the handsome, disciplined boss, Xiao Chunsheng. And that dear boss turned out to be playing the same game, with an identity she didn't expect. But who could explain how she dragged him into playing games during work hours? Yu Xuejiao: "You're a healer! Heal! Why the hell did you pick a healer character if you're going to act like a DPS? Hey, hey! Where are you going, Chunsheng! Xiao Chunsheng!!!" Xiao Chunsheng: "Shut up. What kind of DPS acts like a Tank? There's no use healing you!" Other employees, drowning from their workload: "Where do these two get their free time?" --- P.S. They always finish their job on time. --- Alternative synopsis: This is about a NEET otaku pretending to be a man in game, has no life, is bored to death, and is threatened by her brother to be productive. This is also the story of a bunch of people being deceived by gaming companies into spending money.

Reinesse · Urbain
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14 Chs

It's Called Fate

'Why would that guy even need a personal assistant? Only eight months have passed since he started with his role. I can understand if he was looking for more secretaries. My brother has five of them.'

'But Personal Assistant? That's a long-lasting position with frequent pay raises. Look at Brother Zichen. He's been working with Second Brother since I was in high school.'

'This Xiao Chunsheng guy must be some sort of red flag.'

After getting back to her senses, she sent a message.

[I applied as a developer.]

But whether she applied as a developer or a personal assistant, it didn't matter. Either was surprising for everyone in the group chat.

For one, Yu Xuejiao never officially learned programming nor did she have any certificate. The only reason why she dared to apply was because she had some of her works posted online and also had quite the reputation in the most well-known programmers' forum.

For two, personal assistant? Yu Xuejiao was the boss.

One of her batchmates replied to her message.

[Jiao Jiao, I think you accidentally clicked the CEO's Personal Assistant right above Game Developer.]

'What the…'

'Why are those two options even that close to each other? Is it hard to sort them alphabetically?'

The HR guy was still active, so he quickly took the initiative to offer a resolution and explain on the behalf of his company.

[Do you want me to change it? Someone accidentally copied an intern's exercise code when editing the application page, so it's sorted according to the number of applicants, and… Hehe.]

No sh*t. Which idiot would make a mistake like that? It's not exactly inconvenient since there were limited positions open. Stil…

Someone dared to fan the flames.

[Jiao Jiao is as clumsy as ever!]

What infuriated Yu Xuejiao was the huge number of +1 emoji that reacted to that message.

She furrowed her eyebrows and angrily defended herself.

[I'm not clumsy. It's called fate. No need to change anything.]

Everyone just reacted with a Haha emoji.

"..." If Yu Xuejiao's eyes could shoot lasers, her phone would've melted by now.

[Jiao Jiao is so cute!]

The number of +1 emoji reactions to that message blinded Yu Xuejiao's eyes, so she angrily turned her phone off and put it aside.

She was going to log in to continue playing games, but she received a video call from Yu Chengze.

There was no reason to reject, so she quickly accepted the call.

"Sweetie, you're not clumsy. It's just fate." His usual stoic face was having trouble retaining its shape.

'F*ck you.' Yu Xuejiao automatically cursed inside her head. It hadn't even been a minute.

She felt so aggrieved, so she pouted. Tears were about to spill from her eyes, but she didn't forget to glare at her brother.

It was far from intimidating. She was too cute.

'How did he even know about that?'

Jiang Zichen, Yu Chengze's secretary, quickly stopped his boss.

"Sir, Jiao Jiao is about to cry."

Yu Chengze coughed and said, "Sorry, sweetie."

"I'm not blind! Is that the face of someone sorry?" Yu Xuejiao retorted.

"Big brother is really sorry." That was what he said, but his struggle to fight his smile was obvious in Yu Xuejiao's eyes.

Jiang Zichen quickly covered Yu Chengze's mouth with his whole hand.

"Jiao Jiao, your brother isn't smiling anymore." He softly smiled at Yu Xuejiao.

He was more of a brother than her actual brother, and he was also pretty. She wanted a swap!

Yu Xuejiao burst into laughter, while Yu Chengze glared at his secretary.

He couldn't help but think, 'Am I your boss, or is my sister your boss?'

As if knowing what his Boss was thinking, Jiang Zichen looked back and innocently blinked, as if saying, 'The boss' boss is his sister. It's the same.'

"If you have nothing else to say, then goodbye." Yu Xuejiao hung up the call, not giving her brother a chance to speak.

Who cared if he was about to say something?

Because of her brother's teasing, Yu Xuejiao impulsively decided that she would only work for Nexiv. She already said that it was fate, so she was going to take her words seriously.

If she wasn't accepted, it was fine. She could still request to apply for another position right after. The recruiter could just redirect her.

After all, if the HR guy's words were true, then there should be a heckton of applicants for that one position. It was also not guaranteed that she'd actually work in Nexiv.

Yu Xuejiao wasn't too worried though. Her resumé definitely matched the personal assistant position, even if she planned to apply as a developer.

Come on! What year was it? She used an AI that processed her every application, cross-checking the qualifications and job description with the all-in-one resume she had, retaining only the experiences related to the job. Even if she made a mistake, the AI won't.

Anyway, she was fine with anything as long as she didn't end up with any of the companies her brother listed for her.

Wait, no. She was angry at him, so no looking at his list. If she coincidentally lands the same thing as listed, then okay. At least she found it herself without looking at his list.

But Yu Xuejiao didn't think that it was enough.

"Lili, block Ice Brother in everything for two days!"

"Ice Brother, blocked."

Only then did she finally smile. "Hmph!"

But she suddenly felt guilty. 'Is two days too long?'

"Lili, make it just one day."

"Ice Brother blocked for one day."

Unfortunately, it did little to alleviate Yu Xuejiao's guilt. She resorted to self-justifying her actions inside her head.

"H-he deserves it!" Her eyes were droopy out of guilt.

But out of the blue, who knew what suddenly crossed her mind? She suddenly started screaming. "But f*ck! How did I end up applying as a personal assistant? Yu Xuejiao, you're so stupid."

She even dramatically plopped down to the floor. Just a tiny bit more exaggeration, and she would be mopping the floor with her shirt.

"Fate my *ss!"

"High pay aside, the only employee benefit is the Boss's face!" Well, she didn't really know what he looked like, but everyone was saying he was handsome, so it should be true?

"But if I wanted that, I could just look at my brothers?"

"Hehe, I'm so blessed." One moment, she was laughing…

"So why am I such a potatooooooo!" The next moment, she was crying.

It was amazing how she managed to go from self-justifyingly blocking her brother to crying about herself being a potato.

"Oh, yeah. I better not forget this one. I'm just going to do it right away."

How fast she got back up.

Yu Xuejiao grabbed her phone and combed through her contact list. Seeing the name she was looking for, she dialed the number.

"Hello," greeted the other side.

"Hey, I was wondering if you're free to take a piloting commission? I don't know how long, but it might be long-term."

"Sure. When do I start? Give me the details by then."


Her game account must not die. She already spent too much on it.