
Drag the Boss to Slack Off

Yu Xuejiao was a game addict whale who played most of the time, even pretending to be a man. So her brother threatened to cut off her gaming funds and forced her to get a job. Because of 'fate,' she accidentally landed a job as a personal assistant to the handsome, disciplined boss, Xiao Chunsheng. And that dear boss turned out to be playing the same game, with an identity she didn't expect. But who could explain how she dragged him into playing games during work hours? Yu Xuejiao: "You're a healer! Heal! Why the hell did you pick a healer character if you're going to act like a DPS? Hey, hey! Where are you going, Chunsheng! Xiao Chunsheng!!!" Xiao Chunsheng: "Shut up. What kind of DPS acts like a Tank? There's no use healing you!" Other employees, drowning from their workload: "Where do these two get their free time?" --- P.S. They always finish their job on time. --- Alternative synopsis: This is about a NEET otaku pretending to be a man in game, has no life, is bored to death, and is threatened by her brother to be productive. This is also the story of a bunch of people being deceived by gaming companies into spending money.

Reinesse · Urbain
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14 Chs

Hatred Toward the Rich

"We're finally f*cking finished! This one was pretty hard. Ah~ I'm tired." Three Days shouted to the voice channel.

Blue Sword sneered and didn't miss the chance to mock the other party, "Hard? I'm the one who killed the Boss. What are you tired of? Tired of being carried?"

Yu Xuejiao's fake voice was seductive, but Blue Sword's voice didn't lose out too much. His voice was deep and husky. The only reason why everyone thought that he sounded like crap was because he only ever used it to start a fight against Three Days. Or bash other people.

But really, he mainly used his great voice to argue with Three Days. What a waste.

"Brothers, did you hear that? Blue thinks that we, tanks, are useless!" Three Days immediately called for backup.

Oh, how fast it escalated.

Blue Sword coldly chuckled and said, "Heh, they did their jobs properly. You're the only one who did sh*t! You AFK-ed for how long, and you even made a mistake earlier!"

Aggrieved, Three Days fiercely replied, "Mistake? When did I f*cking make a mistake, you *sshole? All you do is brainlessly spam attacks, and you think you're so great?"

The gap moe everytime Three Days shouted angrily was really too impactful. His voice sounded so gentle even when he was shouting profanities. It was really really really cute.

It was so effective that Yu Xuejiao, who was enjoying the show, almost verbally took Three Days' side.

Blue Sword's APM was constantly high. But as someone who was also a DPS player, she knew well that Blue Sword's attack sequence was too meticulous to be random.

To further rebuke the about-to-die-of-anger tank player, Blue Sword replied, "Your timing is so sh*t. There was almost an OT earlier!"

Truthfully, that barely had any impact. Plus, it had only happened once. The other tank players made way more mistakes than Three Days did.

Who knew what came into Yu Xuejiao? For some reason, she suddenly thought that this was the perfect time to joke.

With a gentle voice, she said, "Three, you sound so cute when you're angry, but you don't have to be offended. You did great, really."

Three Days quickly replied, "Thank you, Chestnut!"

'Oh my god, he sounds so fluffy~' Yu Xuejiao couldn't help but think.

But she wasn't done yet. She regained her composure and seriously added, "Although Blue Sword is right—"

"See!" Blue Sword cut Yu Xuejiao off.

A smirk was across her face as she continued speaking with a sly tone, "He only noticed it because his eyes are always on you~"

Her original plan was to end it at that, but she couldn't help herself from adding, "Yie! AHAHAHA—"

Yu Xuejiao abruptly closed her mic. She thought it was so funny that she wouldn't be able to stop laughing anytime soon, and she was also afraid that the voice changer wouldn't be able to keep up.

She exaggeratedly slid down from her chair to the floor, repeatedly smacking the floor to vent her laughter. After a while, she was already sprawled across the floor, still smacking the floor as she laughed, but now at a slower pace.

The other players also rode the wave of teasing she started and laughed. Blue Sword and Three Days were so offended that they fought each other instead of fighting everyone.

"What do you mean let them be? And why are you fighting me? You should be fighting them!"

"It is what it is. They're teasing us harder because you're so easily bullied. What are you afraid of? Afraid of being bent by me?"

"Who's going to get bent, you *sshole? If anything, it's you getting bent by me!"

When Yu Xuejiao heard their further banter and everyone's loud laughter, she got infected and her receding wheezing turned into an explosive cackle.

Despite trying her best to stop herself, she failed. She could only squish her right cheek with her left hand and clutch her stomach with the other hand. Her cheeks and stomach felt sore from laughing too much.

"Ah-hahaha, sh*t. I was supposed to—hahahahaha—tell them something important," mumbled Yu Xuejiao to herself.

She crawled back up to her chair, trembling as she laughed. With a wheezing tone, she opened her mic and said, "Jade, d-distribute the loot first."

Blood Jade didn't give any response even after a couple of seconds. When she opened her mic to reply, she was also wheezing as she tried to talk. "H-hold on. I'm still lau—AHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

After the laughing session stopped…

"By the way, I forgot to tell you guys. This will be the last time I'm joining a ten-hour long dungeon raid for a very long while. Actually, I probably can't join any raid teams anymore."

"You're quitting?" Blue Sword directly asked.

"No, I got a job."

Her qualifications exceeded others—education, experience, hard skills, and soft skills. Without a doubt, she bagged the role.




Their surprise wasn't unfounded. Yu Xuejiao had been playing the game for almost three years, and everyone knew that she was playing for fun. As. A. F*cking. Whale.

Her strength as a player mainly came from the fact that she spent a hell lot of money in her account.

No one expected that she was jobless. Well, they did at first, but she told them otherwise.

"Didn't you say you pay for games from your own pocket?" Blood Jade asked.

"More like Mommy or Daddy's pocket," Blue Sword sarcastically spouted.

Yu Xuejiao felt offended, "Hey! I was working at first, and I really earned it myself. I did high risk investments—"

"With the allowance given by Mommy and Daddy?" Blue Sword's hostility against the rich was very strong, but he didn't really mean it. He just enjoyed pissing rich kids off.


There were only two things that could incite Blue Sword's sarcasm and fighting spirit. The second one was second generation rich kids. As for the first…

Naturally, it was Three Days.

Yu Xuejiao rolled her eyes and just typed what she wanted to say in-game.

[Party] Chestnut: From now on, it'll be my handler who'll be using my account most of the time. He isn't as skilled as me, but feel free to use him as much as you want. It's just that you can't bring him to high level raids. Maybe I'll open my account when I have free time, but we'll see.

[Party] Chestnut: See if I can slack off.

[Party] Chestnut: Hehe.

Blue Sword's annoying voice sounded, "Yeah. Because if you get fired, you can still get money from Mommy and Daddy."

Perhaps it was because Three Days could put himself in Yu Xuejiao's shoes that he cut in. "Shut up. Why are you so bitter? Call me Daddy, and Daddy will give you a lot of allowance too."

"That won't do," Blue Sword replied.

But the next words he uttered made the entire group fall silent for a while before screaming.

Chestnut's name is showing because when she typed it, it also shows up on the tab above. For DMs, I don't write the username because it's on a separate smaller tab. The message from the other person is on the left, yours in the right kind of tab.

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