
Drag the Boss to Slack Off

Yu Xuejiao was a game addict whale who played most of the time, even pretending to be a man. So her brother threatened to cut off her gaming funds and forced her to get a job. Because of 'fate,' she accidentally landed a job as a personal assistant to the handsome, disciplined boss, Xiao Chunsheng. And that dear boss turned out to be playing the same game, with an identity she didn't expect. But who could explain how she dragged him into playing games during work hours? Yu Xuejiao: "You're a healer! Heal! Why the hell did you pick a healer character if you're going to act like a DPS? Hey, hey! Where are you going, Chunsheng! Xiao Chunsheng!!!" Xiao Chunsheng: "Shut up. What kind of DPS acts like a Tank? There's no use healing you!" Other employees, drowning from their workload: "Where do these two get their free time?" --- P.S. They always finish their job on time. --- Alternative synopsis: This is about a NEET otaku pretending to be a man in game, has no life, is bored to death, and is threatened by her brother to be productive. This is also the story of a bunch of people being deceived by gaming companies into spending money.

Reinesse · Urbain
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14 Chs

Crossplaying is Cool

Her anguish vanished as swiftly as it came. It didn't take her more than five minutes to put her phone down and go back to gaming—not even a single sign of frustration whatsoever was left on her face.

While she was moving her character out of the forest, she blanked out.

Yu Xuejiao dazedly looked at her screen. Earlier, something very important crossed her mind.

But she couldn't remember it.

'What is it?' Yu Xuejiao blinked, then looked up at the ceiling as if the answer would be written there.

Two minutes passed.

"..." Damn.

What was it?

What was it!?

She made her in-game avatar move back to where it came from.

It worked!

"Aha! Right!" Yu Xuejiao snapped her fingers out of glee. "I need a job! I'll ask Second Brother for the list of decent companies."

In other words, she needed the list of companies that had worked with their family company. Their family company would always whitelist the good companies they had worked with.

"Lili~ please call Brother Chengze!"

"Calling… Mr. Domineering CEO." The phone started ringing.

Yu Xuejiao couldn't help but chuckle. A few days ago, she impulsively changed Yu Chengze's nickname in her contacts because she overheard him saying something very much like a CEO from a cliché novel. It went something like…

"I'll buy all of it. Since you want it, I'll get it for you."

If she hadn't known that he bought it for his assistant, who was a man, she would've had weird thoughts—not that she was not having one right now. Her brother never said he was straight.

"Lili, change the name back to Ice Brother."

The ringing sound paused for a while. "Mr. Domineering CEO changed to Ice Brother."

Yu Xuejiao placed her phone in front of her keyboard and went back to playing. Her brother had always been a busy man, so he wasn't always available to answer her phone calls.

She teleported her in-game avatar to their Guild's base.

A cool feminine voice welcomed her with a reprimand, "Chestnut, you didn't have to actively chase them. The order is to kill on sight, not stalk and kill."

It was Blood Jade, the person who was cheated on by the scum.

Yu Xuejiao opened her microphone and languidly replied, "Two points, Jade. One, he deserves it. I won't stop bothering him until he quits. If he moves to another server, that's also good. I'll wait for him to spend a lot, then I'll hack his account. See if he still doesn't rage quit."

"..." Blood Jade was speechless, knowing that the other party was serious.


"What's point two?"

"I'm bored. It's fun."

Blood Jade sighed and sarcastically said, "With your enthusiasm, everyone will think that you're my new fling."

Yu Xuejiao awkwardly coughed. "That scum said the same thing earlier."

"See?" Jade sneered. "I also received a message from him just earlier."

"What was it?"

"It's—pfft. Hahaha…"

Yu Xuejiao was poker-faced as she waited for Jade to continue.

"He said… Are you seriously going to be with… someone… who…" Blood Jade was wheezing every other word.

"What?" Yu Xuejiao felt a bit irritated. She wasn't fond of cliffhangers.

"Has reached the side of the internet where there's a… Hitler x Stalin smut fanfiction." Jade burst into laughter after that.


Yu Xuejiao reacted by rolling her eyes, which the other party couldn't see.

It might seem like she was speechless, but she was actually wondering if her enthusiasm had gone overboard. She would always have random fixations, and punishing that scum was her most recent one.

"Anyway, won't hacking him be too cruel?" Jade asked, her voice laced with wheezes.

A devilish laugh escaped Yu Xuejiao's lips. "Don't worry, I'm unethically moral," she smugly said. "Besides, I'm—"

Another player suddenly appeared at the base.

"—just doing what's best for you, Jade." She managed to quickly deepen her voice. Her reflexes were really good.

"So it's true that something's going on," the newcomer gasped, thinking that he had intruded into something he shouldn't have.

Blood Jade had already muted her mic. She still hadn't stopped wheezing yet, and the new guy's reaction added to it.

Because Yu Xuejiao was straighter than a meter stick. She might bend a little, but she'd likely end up breaking instead of bending completely.

But it wasn't like others knew that she was a girl.

Yu Xuejiao found it interesting at first—being mistaken as a man, so she went along with it, to the point that she installed a voice changer when voice chats became necessary.

After a few seconds of in-game silence, she noticed that she had received a message.

Upon opening the inbox, she realized that it was from the newcomer.

[Nice one, Chestnut!]

This message was quickly followed by more.

[What a real man!]

[You really made a move right after they broke up.]


[There are other people who want to chase after her.]

Just as she was typing her response, the game client was suddenly replaced by a video call request from someone named Tyrant.

She felt her head suddenly turn hot from being suddenly interrupted again, but she reined it in. As a result, she was once again disoriented.

The moment she accepted the video call, the other party immediately asked, "Have you received it?"

"What?" Yu Xuejiao foolishly smiled and tilted her head in confusion.

'What do you mean I received 'it'? A gun?' Having thought of that, Yu Xuejiao silently chuckled. 'So stupid. Seriously though. I didn't receive any package?'

"What are you laughing about?" The man on the other side of the screen had a frown across his cold face.

Although Yu Xuejiao knew that it was just her brother's face that was inherently icy, she still couldn't help but feel cold. She coughed and wiped the smile on her face, mimicking her brother's vibes.

"It's nothing, Brother. What did you send me?"

"Why is your voice different? It sounds like Big Brother. Do you have a cold?"

Yu Xuejiao was quite surprised. With her usual carelessness, she never thought that this would be the first time her brother had heard her using a voice changer.

"It's a voice changer," she didn't hesitate to admit to it, but she still turned it off.

"So what did you send me?" Her temper was slowly going back, but she was doing her best to control it.

Recently, she was easily triggered by the smallest things.

"A list. I sent you the spreadsheet's link."

"..." Yu Xuejiao thought he was sending a package. Now, she felt stupid.

"List of what?"

"Earlier, you talked to—"

Yu Chengze's speech was cut off by a series of knocks. He glanced at the door of his office and saw his secretary's smiling face.

He glanced back at his computer, with his lower lips slightly pushed forward. "Sorry, sweetie. I have something urgent going on. Don't worry. You'll know when you see the list."

Yu Xuejiao took the initiative to end the call, a little bit pissed. She thought, 'He could've gone straight to the point! Brother, you jerk!'

She forced herself to smile, the kind that reached the eyes, to make herself calm down. A sigh escaped her lips.

'Eldest Brother is right. I'm becoming unstable.'

Little did she know, not directly telling her what she wanted to know was deliberate on Yu Chengze's part. Why? No reason. It was fun.

What a pair of siblings.

Yu Chengze's personal assistant, Jiang Zichen, confusedly looked at his boss, who had an ever so slight smirk on his face.

'Did he tease his sister again?' Sigh.