
History of Terra-nova

"Terra-nova was a peaceful world, that is, until the 'Great Calamity' happened 25 years ago." Grandpa Barney was talking about the history of Terra-nova.

"Are you awake Sage?" Grandpa Barney asked as he bumped my shoulder.

"Huh? Oh, sorry." Sage said as he shot up from his slouched position.

Sage is a 14 year old orphan who lost his parents in a car accident 7 years ago, he was the only one who survived the crash and is now the only surviving member of his family. After the crash Sage lost his only living relatives and was forced to live in the slums. Grandpa Barney wasn't actually his grandfather, he was just some old man that helped Sage while he was growing up.

"Well as I was saying, 25 years ago portals started appearing in different places all over the world. Many scientist were dispatched to the different portals to try and identify them but to no avail." Grandpa sighed.

"The people didn't even know what was coming. The portals opened and monsters spewed out killing millions, if not billions of people. After the portals opened, the mana inside of them spewed into Terra-nova and people started to awaken the Hunter system."

After hearing word of the so called Hunter system, Sage got curious.

"What is the hunter system?" Sage asked.

"The hunter system is a miraculous thing that gave humans the power to fight back. Some people could shoot fireballs from their hands and even instantly freeze the monsters, while some people got the ability to heal and help the dying civilians." Grandpa continued.

"Eventually all the monsters were killed and humanity cold start up again. The government announced that the awakened would be called hunters and that they would pay the hunters for the things monsters dropped upon death." Grandpa said as he finally stopped rambling on about history

"Will I ever be able to become a hunter?" Sage asked Grandpa as he wanted to help people.

"Who knows? Maybe you will Sage." Grandpa said in a sad tone.

Grandpa knew that Sage had an extremely low chance of awakening because both of his parents where normal people, if they were hunters they would have survived the car accident.

This chapter is a massive info dump (I think) but I think it is nessissary to say.

Jack_Maincreators' thoughts