

Scarlet was already dressed when Nicole came out of her room. She leaned on the banisters with her eyes closed and the necklace on her neck. A black leather jacket hung on her shoulders and a pair of sunglasses was placed carefully in her hair. Nicole was dressed the same way as Scarlett but her shirt was a faint shade of pink. Scarlett's aura for the first time was weak, that blazing aura she let on wasn't present as she stood there fiddling with the chain on her neck. It was like whatever made her possess that just excused itself to give Scarlett some time to think.

"You miss them don't you?"Nicole asked, Scarlett opened her eyes and a lone tear fell from her eyes. It caught Nicole by surprise. This was the first time after nine years Scarlett ever cried. Crying was not just for Scarlett, it didn't fit in her persona. Nicole crossed the distance between them and hugged Scarlett tight.


Outside was a black par parked in front of the mansion. Michael, Chris and Xander were standing there waiting there for them. Michael looked like he was asleep; he wore the same thing Scarlett wore besides the designs. Xander was dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans while Chris was dressed in a white t-shirt and black jeans.

"There's the birthday girl…happy birthday Scarlett," Xander said.

"Happy birthday Quinn," Chris said and hugged her.

"Happy birthday Scar," Michael said and ruffled her hair. Scarlett smiled with the gesture.

"Thanks guys," she replied.

"See I told you her smile is beautiful," Xander whispered with affection.

"Xander don't be stupid," Chris warned.

"We've been friends since we were little Xander, Scarlett isn't looking for love right now,"

"Morning Loretta," Scarlett said and materialized a few feet away from them.

"Happy birthday sweetheart, how are you?"

"I'm great thanks,"

"I hope Nicholas is treating you well, he isn't training you like before is he?"

"How did you know I was with grandfather?" Scarlet asked. Loretta remained silent. "You knew all this while I was with him and you didn't say anything?"

"I tried calling before but you were still healing from the poison…that should've been a lot to handle, are you okay?"

"Uh… yeah, it was excruciatingly painful but it's what I get for being reckless,"

"Just like your father…enjoy your birthday dear,"

"Thanks, how's Driguez doing? He isn't giving you any trouble is he?"

"No he's not, say hi to Nicole for me,"

"Sure and thanks Loretta," Scarlett said. "Loretta says hi" she told Nicole as she materialized beside her. "…hey I haven't seen Debbie since I came back from the forest, where is she?"

"She left with Mr. Quinn, she's been with him ever since," Michael said as they got into the car. Chris drove to the airport. Scarlett stared at them confused, why were they at the airport? There weren't any planes here so…?

"Where's the plane?" Scarlet asked and Nicole brought out a blindfold. "Blindfold…seriously?"

"It's a surprise," Nicole said and blindfolded her. They led her a few meters away from their car and stopped in front of a private jet. "Alright Scar, take of your blindfold,"

"Shit! Where the hell did you guys get this?"

"A friend of yours sent it,"

"It's from Grey Enterprises' CEO,"

"I don't know the CEO; I haven't met him before,"

"Excuse me Ms. Quinn?" A dark haired man called out.


"I'm David, Mr. Grey's secretary," he said. "Could you please sign this, it's a document of ownership; the plane's a gift from Mr. Grey Ms. Quinn,"

"Why would he…we don't even know each other,"

"If I'm correct today's your birthday Ms. Quinn?"

"How did you…?"

"Please sign it Ms. Quinn, you can't possibly refuse this,"

"It's too much and he's a stranger,"

"I'm very sure you've trusted your own fair share of strangers," he said knowingly. Scarlett stared at him, did he know about that friend of hers?

"You…thank you David,"

"Alright let's get going," Chris said. "Scarlett what was David talking about when he said you've trusted your own fair share of strangers?" Chris asked. Scarlett's mind wasn't there, she was thinking about the same thing. How on earth did he know about that? She wasn't even sure if that was what he was talking about. 'Why do all the people around me know something I don't?' Scarlett thought.



"Come back to earth, what are you thinking about?" Nicole said

 "What was David talking about?"

"I…have no idea, that's what's got me thinking…be honest with me Chris; did you and Michael know my parents are still alive?"

"We…uh," Michael stuttered.

'She already knows Michael, just tell her' Nicole said through their eyes.

"We knew…that was why we left in first place…we found out, your grandfather took us with him so we wouldn't spill, we were kids we would've spilled but I promise we didn't want to leave just like that,"

 "We're sorry we didn't tell you earlier, we didn't know you found out,"

"I'm not mad, it's just…I don't know a lot of things,"

"You'll know what you're meant to know soon enough Scarlett; all you need is a talk with them," Xander said.

"You're saying it as though you know something else, spill it Xander,"

"I don't, I swear, I'm just trying to make you feel better,"

"Hello Ms. Quinn, what would like to drink?" the host asked.

"Anything that's not alcohol will be alright," the host brought back a bottle of red wine and poured it out for Scarlett while everyone else took alcohol.

"Look, I'm sure Mr. Grey can get someone else who's more handsome and decent, back off if you don't want to lose your job," Scarlett threatened. The host had been trying to make Scarlett and Nicole notice him.

"I'm sorry Ms. Quinn Ms. O'Connor, It's just you both are just breathtakingly beautiful, I can decide,"

"I think you should let the ladies be dude, we'll take your services," Xander said. The hostess turned to Nicole and Scarlett, she didn't like the idea of serving them, especially Scarlett; she exuded a very terrifying aura.

"I don't think I can put up with this any longer. David, is there anything I can do to ease any inconvenience whatsoever?" Nicole said through clenched teeth. Michael watched with a sly grin etched on his face.

"Pardon me Ms. Quinn, but are you both interested…in girls?" he said.

'That's it!' Scarlett thought. Nicole had the same thought. Scarlett grabbed the man and followed Nicole to the plane's aft door. "You're a vampire aren't you?" Scarlett asked. She held him through his collar outside the plane's aft door.

"Ms. Quinn please don't do this I'm terribly sorry,"

"Answer the question blondy!" Nicole said snarling.

"Y…yes I am please Ms. O'Connor,"

"Scarlett, Nicole I really don't think Mr. Grey'll like that," Chris said trying to make them reason but they both ignored him.

"Scarlett, he said the plane was yours, not the employees, let him go! And don't do anything stupid," Michael said.

"Ms. Quinn, Ms. O'Connor, Mr. Grey has given you permission to do whatever it is that will ease the inconveniences," David said as he materialized beside Chris.

"What the fuck! He said that?!"

 "David, help me, it'll never happen again please," The vampire begged. "Please Ms. Quinn,"

"What's your name?" Scarlett asked.

"Luis," he said. Scarlett groaned and closed her eyes. When she opened them, they were scarlet. She turned to Nicole whose eyes turned bright magenta.

'What's wrong?' Nicole asked through telepathic communication.

'Someone's trying to invade my senses, I'm going to lose consciousness soon, I can't fight whoever it is, he's too strong,' Scarlett replied and they ended their telepathic communication.

"What are you going to do with him?"

"He's strong, I can feel immense power from him," Scarlett let go off his collar. Chris, Michael and Xander stared at the aft door shocked. They weren't sure what Scarlett and Nicole talked about through their minds but they had hoped it would be something reasonable but somehow they ended up still dropping him more than eight miles above sea level. David smiled; he didn't think Scarlett would be one of those gifted hybrids who had special abilities. He watched as Luis slowed down in the air. Scarlett used her telekinesis to slow his fall while she and Nicole walked away with Chris, Michael and Xander trailing behind them with shocked expressions written on their faces.

'These girls are one of a kind' David thought. He dialed on a phone he brought out of his pocket. "I think she gave him a spot on the elite team,"

"That wasn't what I expected,"

"They did throw him off the plane though, are you sure about this?"

"They're not our enemies David,"


"But nothing," the voice over the phone said and the line cut.

'Why the hell did I agree to this?' David thought and closed the aft door.

"Why the fucking hell did you drop him? What did that change?! Xander yelled.

"You don't want to go with him do you? Scarlet threatened. She gave him a slight smirk and Xander backed off. The killing intent around her was suffocating. Nicole's was just as suffocating.

"He does have a point Scarlett, why did you drop him?" Michael asked.

"He's an inconvenience," Scarlet said blankly.

"There are other ways to deal with that," Chris explained.

"Easiest way possible," Scarlett said. Her eyes flashed red and she groaned in pain before passing out.