
Chapter 8

Emily decided she needed to try to stay away from the Brink brothers. Zander messed with her head way to many times. And Clint messed with her heart way too many times.

This was the last straw. In order to get over them she needed to get under someone else. But there was no one else around that was single. And ready to mingle. Not in her field.

Maybe Clara had some male friends to introduce her to. She was so ready to move on. Or transfer to another hospital. Those were her top options right now.

Find a new man or a new place to work. She really liked working here. For the most part. The reason why she liked working here though was because of Clint. She truly had enjoyed getting to know him more when he allowed her to.


To bad there was not a way past the walls he kept up around his heart.

"Zander wanted me to tell you that he is sorry he had not kept in touch. He wants you to contact him" Clara mentions to her as she heads up to the desk to get her work orders.

Emily shakes her head. "No, I am done with those two stringing me along. He should have contacted me after the first date" she huffs out. "I am done giving chances out"

"You are done with both of them?" questions a confused Clara. She makes a face. Emily blushed.

"I mean I am done waiting around for Clint to take a notice to me. I am done waiting for Zander to ask me out again. I am done" she informs her friend.

"Good for you" says Clara.

Emily sees Dr. Brinks over talking to a nurse in the hall. Her heart softens. He was so handsome. Why did he have to attract her so much? Why did she want him so badly?

Was it because she could not have him? Was that it? That had to be it. It was because he did not want her. That made her want him even more. She had to move past this. And past those beautiful brown soulful eyes of his. Emily sighed.

"There are some new faces here today" mentions Clara.

"Oh?" asks Emily.

"One you need warning about" says Clara.

"Why?" she asks.

"Clint's mother will be here to check in on us. She is head of all us" warns Clara. "Mercy Brinks, Dr. Mercy Brinks" Clara tells her.

A chill wash over Emily to hear that name.

"How long will she be here?" wonders Emily.

"Long enough to make all our lives a living hell" sighs Clara as she types out clerical work on her computer.

"Grand" sighs Emily.

"Emily, we have a new nurse on staff I want you to meet" Clinton says as he comes up to both of them.

"Ruben?" gasps Emily.

"Em!" Ruben Mattlock exclaims.

They hug. They had went to nursing school together.

"What are you doing here?" she asks him.

They had dated on and off. Nothing real serious. Back when they were studying to be nurses.


"I am being trained. But I won't be here for long. I am heading to a bigger hospital" says Ruben. He was taller. His long blond hair hung in his right eye. He had beautiful blue eyes. And loads of tattoos. He wanted to work at the worst places. Because that was how he had grown up. He wanted to bring help to others like himself.

"I am so thrilled to see you! We should catch up at lunch or something" offers Emily.

He nods. "I would love that"

"I take it you two know one another?" asks Clinton.

Emily nods as she crosses her arms. "We went to medical school together"

"How nice" says Clinton.

"And we dated" brags Ruben. Emily blushed. And Clinton did not look pleased.

Ruben winks. "So Em is going to show me the ropes around here? I am good with that" he says.

"Hold on! There are a few things I need to go over with you first then Emily can help you out" warns Dr. Brinks.

Clint leads Ruben away for a bit to talk to him.

Clara whistles. "Someone is a bit jealous" chuckles Clara.

Emily blushes furiously. "No way" she scoffs.

"He is taking charge. When you can help" points out Clara. "I know Clint. I have for years. He looked jealous to me"

Emily giggles. "I doubt that. Clinton said we are friends. Nothing more nothing less"

"That is the thing. People like Clint do not have friends. They are more until he decides if they stick around in his life Emily" warns Clara.

"You are reading to much into this" says Emily. "To much that isn't there"

"So how long did you date that hottie Ruben?" asks Clara curiously as she tightens a bun on top of her head.

"We made friends in school. It was nothing real serious. Just fun. He was always going to clubs. He had big dreams though to help inner cities. He is a great guy" explains Emily.

"Working hard or hardly working ladies?" someone speaks up making them both jumps.

"Dr. Brinks!" exclaims Clara.


Emily turns around to see an older lady. She was dressed to kill. Her perfume was overpowering but smelled nice. She had perfect hair. And Emily could see a hint of both Zander and Clinton in the woman's powerful gazing eyes. She did not smile at all. That seriousness that Clinton also got was there in her cheekbones.

"I do not believe we have had the pleasure of meeting yet? Is that correct nurse Emily Summers?" asks Dr. Mercy Brinks.

Emily was surprised that the doctor already knew her name.

"I get to know everyone before I meet them" mentions the doctor.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. Dr. Brinks is a wonderful man" says Emily. "I enjoy working for him"

"Good, good to hear. Come with me Emily" says Mercy. "I can use your help"

"Sure" agrees Emily nervously. She glances back at Clara who smiles at her.

"I heard a lot about you from Zander. He said only great things about you" mentions Mercy. "You two are dating?" she wonders.

"Kind of" mentions an unsure Emily nervously.

"Wonderful. I am happy he is getting away from at god awful tacky Clara. The one who broke my Clinton's heart after he lost so much. Clara is a home wrecker. She went after both men. She is awful. You better watch out for that one" warns Mercy.

"Thank you I will" lies Emily.

Wow it seemed Clinton's mother had it in for Clara hurting Clinton.

They go into check on a patient.


"This is Mrs. Crest. She is a bit early. We do not think we will have to induce her labor" Emily informs Mrs. Brinks.

"Thank you. How are you feeling today Mrs. Crest?" asks Mrs. Brinks.

"I want this baby out of me!" wails Mrs. Crest.

Dr. Mercy Brinks checks on Mrs. Crest.

"Dilated at ten. She or he will be here any moment" promises the doctor.

"Twins. She is having twins" warns Emily.

"Oh my" sighs the doctor.

"Where is Clinton? He is my normal doctor?" wails Mrs. Crest.

"I am his mother. Mercy. I am here to check in on my staff" explains Mrs. Brinks.

"Pleased....to....to...to...meet you" puffs out Mrs. Crest.

They leave the room.

"I better get Clinton" warns Emily.

"She will be fine" says the doctor. "Tell me what are your intentions with my son?"

"I have had one date with him. He has yet to ask me on another" explains a nervous Emily.

"Well after the second date I would love to have you both over for dinner. I am so thrilled you got him away from that awful Clara. I like you already Emily. I think we will get along perfectly fine" whistles the mom as she wanders away.

Just as she does Emily gets a text from Zander.

"I am so sorry. Can I get another chance?" he begs her.

"Sure, why not" she replies.

After all she better. She did not want to get on her main bosses bad side.


"Great. What time are you off work? We can make arrangements soon" he asks her.

"I will call when I am off" she offers.

Emily sighed. She was trying to get out of dating Zander. Now she was back smack into another date. All because it made her boss happy! Now she had no other options. Not if she wanted to keep her job here.

"Was my mother giving you a hard time?" Clinton asks coming up to her side.

"She seems like a lovely lady" Emily answers as she shakes her head.

"As lovely as a barracuda maybe" jokes Clinton.

"No, she was fine. She asked all about me and Zander" says Emily.

"Did you tell her that was over?" wonders Clinton.

"Why? When I have a second date coming up soon" lies Emily.

"Why? Wait what?" Clinton asks.

Emily bolts away. "Gotta go! Lunch break" she stammers.

One man wanted her. She did not want him. And the other one she wanted wanted nothing to do with her. How did she manage to get her heart into these messes?
