
Dr_Rework Crossovers

eieushwuaojrg2hiaiwy: (Translation) READ. THE.DAMN.BOOK!!! Disclaimer: I don't own anything that is not mine belongs to their respective owners

IIDr_Reworkv2II · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Fallout:New Vegas

Disclaimer: I don't own Fallout:New Vegas or anything only the OC











Energy Weapons:100




Melee Weapons:75








Greystone Riot Gear(modified version of elite riot gear) (the whole thing is grey, the green parts are white, the boots have no laces, the helmet has a grey plaque doctor crow mask, the duster is grey with my emblem(account picture) in it, the leather parts are grey, the mask has two oxygen muzzles)

V Magnum portal gun V.2 (Upgraded version of V magnum) (Looks like the alien blaster (NV version), is cleaned and the thing is grey, the blue is white, the barrel is is covered with the base, the tip has a sphere triangle spiral like coil, there is my emblem on the side)

V rifle (Modified and upgraded version of the Holorifle "Borrowed" from Elijah (and I have no regrets in doing so fuck him)(the stock is replaced with a grey one, the gun is cleaned, the metal parts are white, the blue parts are white, there is my emblem on the side)

Cavender cane (imagine Jacob Frye's cane sword from AC Syndicate with it being a white curved cane with a grip)


Courier P.O.V

It was over... it was finally over. After what seemed to be an eternity I managed to escape from that damn vault treasure my ass Elijah was right though about there being treasure but too bad he did not know exactly what it is or who it was for to me, the real treasure was giving the old bastard a fate worse than death and I got all the gold... which I burned it all out of spite just in case

Elijah ever got out IF he gets out he will get a nasty surprise if Christine did not get to him first. I was about to get out of here when I saw someone that... shouldn't be here by the looks of it he looked like some sort of angel and he seems to be setting up shop so with the things I have I decided to go sell to him and might as well get some answers. Bonjour Amico! (Hello friend) the man is known as... Dr_Rework...V.2? Hmmm confused about my name eh? Just call me Doc or Rework if you want. The figure said which I nodded. What are you doing here? Glad you asked... why not? Why... not? of course Amico(friend) I came here to see the landmarks as well as scavenge for materials to sell and merchandise to craft care to have a look. I began to then barter with him I got some nice stuff this guy has one hell of an arsenal WAY better than the Gunrunners in terms of craftsmanship and not that expensive but he damn as hell is a pro at this I tried to decrease the prices of his wares but it seems that this isn't his first time in the business so I have to suck it up and pay full price. [PERCEPTION 7] Hey, isn't that Elijah's Holorifle? I asked and he nodded. [SUCCESS] Merveilleux oeil (Marvelous eye) gumshoe, yes I "Borrowed" it from the old geezer not that he would need it since he is trapped... if you know what I mean and for the sake of irony I killed him with his weapon. [INTELLIGENCE 7] How the hell did you even get inside! let alone not get trapped down there as well as getting here before me! [?] call it a lot of luck, some skill at lockpicking, hours of studying, and a gas mask, and leave it at that. [INTELLIGENCE 10] Bullshit! no way you can enter the vault or anywhere in this place without being spotted! or at least some people there seeing you and your work is known and you're a sight for sore eyes!. [?] Like I said a LOT of luck like you said bullshit, Luck is bullshit it defies logic and it seems that lady luck is on my side. [?] Anyhow, you seem to be an intelligent person so far and us colleagues try to know the unknown wish for me to enlighten you? Why not? I said with Doc nodding. Sure, let's start with how it all began like THE began how whole factions that lay the Mojave were made, however, some knowledge I have yet to know even our mystery man so we shall call him THE vault dweller. And so I began to hear about his stories how the NCR was made, how the Legion existed, who the Remnants are, and so on I learned a lot and as we part ways he said these last words I would hear from him as well as one is would keep deep in my heart and then I left back to the Mojave wasteland.


[Fallout New Vegas: Ending theme]

As Courier 6 marched away from the burned remains of the Sierra Madre and towards the Mojave desert enlightened and filled with knowledge by the mysterious doctor he began to wonder about his origins, how he appeared? how he knows so much? and the most dominant question is how he managed to survive in the cursed vault with not a scratch on him. However, he wisely pushed those thoughts out of his mind as some things are better left unanswered. Unbeknownst to him, the strange man watched him from a distance on his long trek as the second battle for Hoover Dam will soon begin with him knowing that the Two-headed bear would prevail in its battle against the Bull and show whoever worshiped it the reason why their way of life was replaced so long ago. Sadly, he knew that the Bear only won the battle but lost the war along with the Bull. While the latter becomes a monster consuming itself the former dies out of exhausting its surroundings as well as itself. However, he comforted himself by saying that a "perfect outcome" can happen if there are people like the Courier out there and his constant sights of many individuals doing the impossible if not so then at least some close to it. Looking around seeing no one in sight he took out a strange device and a portal came from it he began to recite the words he gave the Courier into his head "War never ends as it will never change even in a world that is slowly burning itself apart and in times of peace, war will be there waiting... And then he entered the portal and it closed behind him whereas this road ends another one begins.