
Chapter 15: Nalan Yanran in the finale

After Yunhai's narration, Chen Mo learned some details.

Although Mo Li's background cannot be compared with the sea of ​​clouds, it is also extraordinary.

One of the four major families from the northeastern provinces of the Gama Empire, the chief elder of the family is even the deacon of the outer door of the Yunlanzong, who is highly valued by the Yunlanzong.

Therefore, as soon as Mo Li joined the Yunlan Sect, it didn't take long for him to enter the inner gate, and after showing his extraordinary talent, he was personally received by Yun Yun.

It was also after that interview that Mo Li recognized Nalan Yanran.

Especially since Nalan Yanran retired from Xiao's family three years ago, Mo Li's offensive has intensified, and wherever Nalan Yanran appears, he must be there.

Nalan Yanran is very arrogant, far from being able to catch up with stalkers, and has never agreed.

"But how do I remember that Mo Li seems to have been specially sent by the Mo family to attack Nalan Yanran."

Chen Mo thought to himself that the Mo family seemed to be weak, but their ambitions were so great that they even wanted to replace the Jiama Empire and Yunlanzong.

Seeing Chen Mo quietly thinking, Yun Hai suddenly teased, "Hey, Junior Brother, shouldn't you also like our Senior Sister Nalan!"

"Yes, fair lady, gentleman is so funny. Brother, if you tell me, we won't make fun of you. Besides, with your talent, you deserve to go to Senior Sister Nalan."

Yunhai watched Chen Mo not speaking, thinking that he had tacitly agreed, and said to himself.

Chen Mo does have ideas for Nalan Yanran. To be precise, he has ideas for everything that looks good.

But it's one thing to have an idea, but another thing to chase or not.

At present, the most important thing is to get Yunyun first.

Mo Li's personal show is quite good, and it is remarkable in all aspects.

But it is not impressive.

Especially after Nalan Yanran's finale came on stage.

As Yun Yun's first personal disciple, Nalan Yanran is also the imperial young master, her status and status are no different from that of a princess in the royal family.

Her debut has a rhythm that will ignite the scene.

Chen Mo wouldn't admit it anyway, he stared at the two big white legs of the family for the first time.

"Hey, Nalansu, the so-called female big eighteen times, I didn't think that she was a savage girl in the apprenticeship ceremony, but now she has transformed into a beautiful big girl." Mu Chen stroked his white beard and said with emotion.

When Nalansu heard someone calling his name directly, he was about to get angry, and when he found out that it was the old patriarch of the Mu family, he suddenly lost his anger and said with a smile: "Where, where."

"I heard that Yan Ran broke off her engagement with the boy from the Xiao family in Wutan City? I don't know if I'm interested..."

"You old fellow, don't harm Yanran. Who doesn't know that your Mittel family is overwhelming, and there are no men or women. But my Mu family doesn't dislike it, Ya Fei..."

Seeing the two old guys say something to you and me, all of them were red-faced, especially when Ging Xing Tian also participated in the back, and Nalan shivered in the middle.

"Nalan Yanran, eighteen years old, Master of Seven Stars."

Nalan Yanran was wearing a white group robe with wide sleeves and moon, and slightly bent over. Under the sunshine, her graceful figure curve was undoubtedly revealed.

After giving the ceremony, the light of the ring in his hand flashed, and a light blue long sword flashed out, the blade tilted, the sun shone, and the momentum appeared.

"The extreme wind, the split wind whirls."

Nalan Yanran danced a long sword and swung out a sword. The space in front of her was slightly fluctuating. Several blue wind blades measuring five or six feet long, flashed out of thin air, and then entangled with each other to form a cylindrical wind full of blades. The volume, spinning out in a spiral at high speed.

"Thousand Wind Gang!"

At this moment, a white shadow of the moon flashed out and suddenly appeared on the opposite side of the cylindrical wind roll.

Nalan Yanran's long sword was put away, her snow-white slender hands poked out from the loose sleeves, and her slender jade fingers popped out gently. Five light cyan spiral winds emerged from the fingertips, like five sharp cyan colors. The nail, cut on the cylindrical wind roll.


As a sound exploded, two surging energies dissipated in the sky and the earth.

The so-called two-to-two allocation of money is nothing more than the case.

What tm is called pretending to be, what is tm is the finale.

This is.

If there is a live broadcast in this world.

The barrage button must be 666.

The effect burst.

Mo Li, who had shown eight points of strength before and showed his personal show, suddenly turned bitter melon color.

"Senior Sister Nalan is mighty, Senior Sister Nalan is domineering."

"This time the Inner Sect is the number one, Sister Fei Nalan is none other than Senior Sister Nalan."

"Sister Nalan, I want to have a monkey with you."

"Pop, go away."

Nalansu's face flushed at this time, not doing something shameful, but agitated, from the praise of her daughter, and the bright excitement on her face as a father.

Mitteltenshan, thinking of the previous words, looked strange.

Yun Yun nodded, very satisfied, and even personally transmitted the voice to Nalan Yanran, saying a good thing.

Jia Xingtian's worries are even stronger, this is just a personal show, and has not yet entered the official inner door competition.

Think about the royal children again.


"Ding, the Extreme Wind series, the mysterious stage advanced fighting skills, you can spend 1,500 gas luck points for in-depth snooping, and you can spend 1,000 gas luck points for fighting skills."

Seeing knowledge points that he didn't understand appeared in his mind, Chen Mo quickly asked, "What is deep-level snooping? What is fighting skill snooping?"

"In-depth snooping, snooping the opponent's understanding of fighting skills and the strength it exerts. For example, if you snoop deep into the Qianfeng Gang displayed by Nalan Yanran, you will get the Qianfeng that Nalan Yanran has fully understood. Gang."

"The peeping of fighting skills only obtains the formula of the extreme fighting skills of the wind. Note, the deep peeping is only useful for fighting skills."

It took a long time for Chen Mohua to digest this, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

It seems that he has found a shortcut to practice Qian Lei Jue.

After the solo show is over, there is a little rest time in between.

Used to restore vindictiveness, and related personnel to repair the site.

After the break.

It's the exciting solo session.

Chen Mo is number 29.

The same number 29 is just a dragon set for the peak cultivation of the fighters.

The latter does not have the protagonist's halo and is not open.

After facing Chen Mo, the result is self-evident.

For nothing.

After two battles, Chen Mo directly entered the top sixteen.

When the sixteen enters eight.

Chen Mo got Mo Li.

"Chen Mo vs. Mo Li."

When Yun Leng's voice sounded in the square, murmurs followed.

Most of the disciples felt sorry for Chen Mo.

"It turned out to be Mo Li."

"Although Chen Mo's performance is very good, the difference in cultivation base between the two sides is too great. One is a five-star fighter and the other is a two-star fighter."

"This is too unlucky, right? It's okay to match Zheng Tian, ​​even against Mo Li."

"Does it stop here?"