
Douluo to become a god

Jiang Chen awakened a mysterious martial soul that had never appeared in the Douluo Continent, For Jiang Chen, who knew the ending, it was the easiest to follow Tang San, but after twists and turns, he entered the Spirit Hall. At first, Jiang Chen was still a little depressed, but thinking about it, the Wuhun Palace was quite fragrant. Beautiful master Bibi Dong, beautiful Xiaoxue, and a vixen sister... [Congratulations to the host for another day of catastrophe, rewards a bottle of Thunder Tribulation Liquid, and a soul ring upgrade coupon... **************************************** WARNING! I do NOT own Duoluo Dalu or this story i am just translating it. "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors. original novel:从斗罗开始逆天成神 patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498

THETRANANSLATOR · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

The Son of Heaven?

He could clearly hear the sound of blood rushing through Tang San's body, and he seemed to see the beating arteries at Tang San's neck under his concentration. The flowing sound and beating rhythm were so wonderful.

Tang San looked at Jiang Chen's sudden change of eyes, only to feel that his whole body was hairy, and a chill rushed from the tail vertebrae to the sky, making his scalp numb.

"Jiang Chen, I have to go back to make breakfast so I will leave first." Before the voice fell, Tang San had stepped out more than ten meters, carrying the big fish, and fled back to the Holy Soul Village in the blink of an eye.

"Damn, why are you greedy again?" Jiang Chen muttered, wiping out the sparkling saliva that came out of the corner of his mouth, and hurriedly ran the exercises to suppress the desire in his heart.

If Tang San and his father found out, he would probably crush him with one hammer.


Back home, Jiang Chen first set a fish, and then walked towards the house of the village elder Jack.

Speaking of, Old Jack was still his lifesaver. he also lived with Old Jack at the beginning. Until he was three years old, after he started practicing that evil technique, the whole village regarded him as a plague god.

Even Old Jack couldn't stand him, and he got sick every time. Until later, Old Jack couldn't stand him anymore, so he gave Jiang Chen the most remote yard and let him live alone.

Jiang Chen also knew the poison he had brought to the villagers, so he had no resentment for the villagers' rejection.

Since he was successful in his cultivation and greatly improved his abilities, he learned to hunt. He has caught a lot of prey and gave it to the villagers, but they were all rejected mercilessly.

The villagers' fear of him had reached an unimaginable level. Not only did they dare not approach Jiang Chen, but they even dared not ask for the prey sent by Jiang Chen, fearing that they would be contaminated with bad luck.

Only Old Jack and Tang San were not so scared of him.

Every time he caught game, he would give old Jack some past. Old Jack was also very pleased with Jiang Chen's behavior.

Along the way, everyone who met Jiang Chen, whether it was a woman going out to do laundry, a man carrying a farm tool and ready to go to work, or a child who had just gotten up and played together, all of them avoided in fear and fear Will be contaminated with unknown.

"He's a scourge, broom star!" The women whispered.

There were even some children who threw a stone from a distance, but how could they hit Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen turned his head suddenly, eager to rush, and suddenly scared a group of children screaming and fleeing like birds and animals.

"Hey, do you want to fuck me?" Jiang Chen shook his head and smiled. It is a kind of fun to scare these little brats who don't know the heights of heavens and earth.

Old Jack's house was near the center of the village, and it didn't take long before Jiang Chen came here.

At this time, the morning sun had already risen, and Old Jack was enjoying it. He moved a bamboo deck chair early in the morning and lay in the yard to enjoy the sun.

"Grandpa Jack!" Jiang Chen shouted from afar.

Hearing Jiang Chen's voice, the old Jack trembled imperceptibly, then quickly got up, ran to the gate of the yard quickly, and quickly locked the gate. The whole movement was done in one go, completely unlike an old man in his sixties. Did it.

After closing the door, he took a few steps back, only to let out a long sigh of relief.

Jiang Chen had already taken it off, and he was not angry in his heart, so he walked to the gate of the courtyard and stopped.

"Grandpa Jack, I brought you fish."

"Well, Xiaochen is such a good boy. Just hang the fish at the door. I'll bring it in by myself later." Old Jack was five meters away from the door and didn't dare to get too close.

Jiang Chen skillfully hung the fish on the doorknob, looking at the compound where he had lived for three years, his eyes were a little nostalgic.

Ever since he was a baby waiting to be fed in a swaddling, old Jack has picked him back and raised him for three years.

It is said that he was an abandoned baby who was abandoned outside Notting City. When Old Jack picked him up, he was skinny and the size of a mouse.

Old Jack once thought that Jiang Chen would not survive, but he did not expect that he would survive tenaciously.

And I heard from the villagers that on the day Old Jack picked him up, the sky over the village was covered with dark clouds and the thunder roared like a god of anger, frightening many people.

So when Jiang Chen later practiced the evil technique and harmed many people, the villagers linked his evil with the thunder rolling that day, thinking that he was a man who was abandoned by the sky, so they connected. God will be angry.


After hanging the fish on the door, Jiang Chen turned around and was about to leave, but he remembered another very important thing.

"Grandpa Jack, when will Su Yuntao come?"

"How many times have I told you, be polite, call Lord Su Yuntao, don't you know?" Old Jack reprimanded.

Immediately he said, "Master Su Yuntao will come to our village the day after tomorrow, and then you will come and awaken together."

Jiang Chen suddenly felt something was wrong and said suspiciously, "Grandpa, did you forget me? If I didn't ask about it today, would you not tell me that the day after tomorrow is the awakening ceremony?"

Old Jack coughed a few times to conceal his embarrassment, "When people are old, they are a little forgetful."

Jiang Chen was a little speechless, "Well, then I will go back first, and I will attend the awakening ceremony on time the day after tomorrow."

"Go, go." Old Jack waved again and again.

After Jiang Chen left, Old Jack quickly opened the door, happy to take the big fish in.

"I didn't look at the wrong person back then, Xiaochen is really a good boy." Jiang Chen would send him this nutritious gift every three and a half, making him think it was very wise to pick Jiang Chen back then.

Jiang Chen, who had already walked away, moved his ears. Hearing the old Jack talking to himself, a smile appeared on that handsome face.

Doraemon... Doraemon... Doraemon...

With the sound of iron strikes coming, Jiang Chen stopped and looked at the location of the village head.

There were three simple adobe houses. On the top of the house in the middle, there was a wooden sign with a simple hammer painted on it.

Jiang Chen knew that it was Tang San's home. Tang San should be practicing ironing at this time. You must know that the sloppy blacksmith Tang Hao would not get up until noon.

He has never been there before. He is the only person in this village who knows the details of Tang Hao. That is a terribly powerful Title Douluo, who can defeat the spirit hall when he first stepped into the title Douluo realm. Title Douluo even beat the former pope to death.

If Tang Hao thought he was a scourge like those villagers, and beat him to death with a hammer, he would be wronged.

After returning home, Jiang Chen ate the fish and fell asleep. This is his habit. It is not suitable to practice during the day. He usually stays in the house and sleeps except for eating and drinking.

It wasn't until the evening that he woke up leisurely, and after a simple dinner, he jumped up to the roof with a slight jump, waiting for the night to come.

Finally, the setting sun sank below the mountain, the bright moon also peeked out of the sky, and another wonderful night descended on the earth.

Jiang Chen started cultivating towards the rising moon. With the movement of his practice, the wisps of Yuehua that was invisible to the naked eye poured out from the sky and was absorbed into his body.

His pupils were instantly black as ink, and the nails that had been shortened grew rapidly, and they were as long as an inch. The nails were black and sharp.

Two white little tiger teeth grew strangely, and came out of his closed lips, which made his handsome face a little more cute.

A black energy that seemed to come from the Hell radiated from his body, lingering around his body, and his small body was looming in the black energy, which made it a bit gloomy and terrifying.