
Douluo to become a god

Jiang Chen awakened a mysterious martial soul that had never appeared in the Douluo Continent, For Jiang Chen, who knew the ending, it was the easiest to follow Tang San, but after twists and turns, he entered the Spirit Hall. At first, Jiang Chen was still a little depressed, but thinking about it, the Wuhun Palace was quite fragrant. Beautiful master Bibi Dong, beautiful Xiaoxue, and a vixen sister... [Congratulations to the host for another day of catastrophe, rewards a bottle of Thunder Tribulation Liquid, and a soul ring upgrade coupon... **************************************** WARNING! I do NOT own Duoluo Dalu or this story i am just translating it. "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors. original novel:从斗罗开始逆天成神 patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498

THETRANANSLATOR · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

Master Matthew Nuo

Su Yuntao was so excited that his face flushed a little, although he still couldn't win Jiang Chen, but if this report is delivered to the Pope's Palace, it will surely alarm Her Majesty the Pope, and maybe the Pope will come in person.

And he Su Yuntao, as a great hero this time, rewards are absolutely indispensable. He will definitely be able to get a promotion and raise. 

He has foreseen that his life has begun to move towards the peak.

When Master Matthew Nuo heard this, his old face sank, and he scolded, "What nonsense? Do you think God-level Wuhun is a cabbage? In our Wuhun Temple records, only the family of the previous generation of Pope Have a god-level martial arts spirit. You told me that a god-level martial arts spirit appeared in such a mountainous place? I think your head was kicked by a donkey."

Su Yuntao suddenly became anxious when he was scolded by Matthew Nuo, and quickly explained, "Master Matthew Nuo, I swear that what I said just now is true. At that time, the entire villagers in Holy Soul Village saw the Wuhun. The vision of awakening, if you don't believe it, you can send someone to investigate it. In this report, I have described the detailed process of the awakening and submit it. His Majesty the Pope will take it seriously."

Seeing Su Yuntao so swearing, Matthew Nuo couldn't help but feel a little surprised. He opened the report that had written several pages, and his expression became more solemn as he looked at it.

After a while, he closed the report heavily, and said in a deep voice, "Good job, this time you have done a great job. But the matter is very important, I will send someone to the Holy Soul Village to confirm it first, and then take your copy. Submit the report. You can rest assured that if things are true, your reward is absolutely indispensable."

"Thank you then, Master Matthew Nuo." Su Yuntao said gratefully, his face even more excited.

Matthew Nuo put down the file and asked, "By the way, I heard that you are still pursuing that girl Sisi?"

Su Yuntao flushed and nodded.

Matthew Nuo sighed and said, "Listen to me, Sisi is not for you."

Su Yuntao hurriedly said, "Master Matthew Nuo, don't worry about my business. I'm leaving now, and I'm going to find Sisi for dinner." Then he hurried out.

Matthew Nuo shook his head, looking at Su Yuntao's away back, his old muddy eyes were full of pity.

Then, his gaze moved down and placed it on Jiang Chen's document again.

He opened the report again, looking at the contents, his expression getting colder and colder.


Matthew Nuo directly tore the report to pieces and threw it into the trash can.

"Su Yuntao, Su Yuntao, your kid, don't blame me for cutting your future. As long as I'm here, I'll be in charge of the Notting City branch hall. Jiang Chen? If you are unlucky, blame it when you get underground. Su Yuntao."

Matthew Nuo's voice was extremely cold and creepy, and his old face was already full of murderous intent.

He worked hard for decades and finally sat in the position of chief deacon. Now the position of the head of the branch hall is vacant. Although he is eighty-one years old, he still wants to sit there.

If this report is really handed in, will this position be his turn?

At this moment, a figure suddenly flashed in at the door.

The person here is a young girl who looks like seventeen or eighteen years old. She is tall and hot, with a height of nearly 1.8 meters. She is convex and backward, and her face is beautiful.

After coming in, she locked the door with her backhand.

"Master Matthew Nuo." The delicate voice rang, making people's bones almost crisp.

Matthew Nuo's eyes lit up, and the smile on his face was somewhat meaningful, "Sisi, why are you here? Come here and make me pleasure."


Seeing Sisi's hot figure and exposed clothes, Matthew Nuo's old face suddenly glowed.

"Why did you girl come to me? Didn't Su Yuntao just go looking for you?" Matthew Nuo asked with a smile.

Sisi walked straight to Matthew Nuo's lap and sat down, nestled in Matthew Nuo's arms, and stretched out her hand to draw circles on Matthew Nuo's chest.

"I don't want to pay attention to that silly boy." Sisi Jiao said.

A fire in Matthew Nuo quickly escalated, but he still asked in a deep voice, "I heard that you and that kid are getting closer recently?"

"Where is it? I'm just teasing him. You hate it." Sisi gently beat Matthew Nuo's chest.

"Oh, I told that kid to give up on you, but unfortunately he just wouldn't listen." Matthew Nuo sighed.

"My dear, I'm hungry!" Sisi's big eyes stared at Matthew Nuo.

Matthew Nuo's heart was shaken, "here?"





Ten minutes later, Matthew Nuo was panting like a cow, sweating profusely, and his face a little scared.

Just now, he almost fainted, never before.

Is it really powerless?

"My dear, what's the matter with you?" the moving faintly asked with some doubts.

Matthew Nuo shook his head. How did he say this shameful thing?

"You go back first, I have something else this afternoon."

"Okay." Sisi stood up, adjusted her makeup, "Honey, you promised me..."

Matthew Nuo waved his hand and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will keep the position of the Lord of the Palace for you."

Sisi was very satisfied, twisting her sexy figure, walked to the door, turned her head and gave Matthew Nuo a wink, "Love you!"

After Sisi left, the smile on Matthew Nuo's face narrowed, and he muttered, "What a naive girl, I said I helped you sit in the position of the lord, but I never said when. Waiting for me to have enough. talk later..."

Closing the door behind him, the fascination on her face disappeared, and she became very cold.

"Hmph, if you don't have fancy position, do you think I will serve you disgusting old guy? It's useless!"

"It's still Su Yuntao that is eye-catching and strong. After I become the lord, I can give him a chance..."

Su Yuntao wandered anxiously in the hall, and suddenly saw the slightest coming downstairs, his eyes lit up.

"Sisi, where did you go? Yes, we will go to dinner together at noon."

Sisi walked over and said with a smile, "I just went to Master Matthew Nuo to ask some questions, I'm not very hungry, just eat something."

Su Yuntao's eyes lit up as he looked at her charming body and the blush remaining on his face.

"Sisi, you are so beautiful today!"

She gave a white look and said, "your mouth is slippery."

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