
Douluo to become a god

Jiang Chen awakened a mysterious martial soul that had never appeared in the Douluo Continent, For Jiang Chen, who knew the ending, it was the easiest to follow Tang San, but after twists and turns, he entered the Spirit Hall. At first, Jiang Chen was still a little depressed, but thinking about it, the Wuhun Palace was quite fragrant. Beautiful master Bibi Dong, beautiful Xiaoxue, and a vixen sister... [Congratulations to the host for another day of catastrophe, rewards a bottle of Thunder Tribulation Liquid, and a soul ring upgrade coupon... **************************************** WARNING! I do NOT own Duoluo Dalu or this story i am just translating it. "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors. original novel:从斗罗开始逆天成神 patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498

THETRANANSLATOR · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

Confronting Tang San

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Fortunately, the boy did not completely die. As long as Jiang Chen's corpse poison eroded his soul, he would completely turn into a zombie, a zombie with wisdom like Jiang Chen.

If this young man's strength does not surpass Jiang Chen too much, he will be completely controlled by Jiang Chen, and this control will penetrate deeper and deeper into his soul, and it is difficult to get rid of it.

Having received the memory of the boy in his mind, Jiang Chen knew that the boy had not lied before, and he really did not know who the employer was.

Jiang Chen can only hope that this young man can be controlled by him after he becomes a zombie, so that he can rely on this young man to investigate who is behind the scenes.

After thinking about all this, Jiang Chen lifted the vampire state and stood up.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen felt someone is watching

him, turning his head and looking towards holy soul village, and he saw a small head sticking out from behind a big tree 100 meters away.

After seeing Jiang Chen spotting him, his little head shrank suddenly and hid behind the big tree.

Due to the distance, Jiang Chen didn't see who it was. Just as he walked a few steps and wanted to go over and take a look, a small figure ran out from behind the big tree, heading towards the holy soul village Rushing away.

Jiang Chen was a little stunned, he was very familiar with that small figure, it was Tang San.

Immediately he smiled bitterly, and the misunderstanding was so big that Tang San witnessed him sucking blood, and he would definitely treat him like a tiger in the future and dare not touch it again.

He shook his head, turned and walked back to the boy, waiting quietly.

The heart he was stabbed before has recovered, and the vampire are difficult to kill unless there is a special restraint.

He looked carefully through the boy's memory in his mind, and found that the boy was somewhat pitiful.

The young man named Jing Wuming was once the young master of a small sect. Unfortunately, he was kidnapped when he was three years old. He was rescued by a man named Jing Wuchang and trained as a killer.

Starting from the age of six, Jing Wuming followed his adoptive father Jing Wuchang to learn to kill. He is only ten years old this year, and his spirit power has reached the nineteenth level. He is a good genius.

What surprised Jiang Chen was that Jing Wuming was actually he has 9th level innate power, his martal spirit is shadow sword.

Before that, Jing Wuming used the shadow sword martial soul's first spirit ability, hiding in the shadow of the tree.

"It turns out that he was hiding in the shadow. No wonder I can't find it." Jiang Chen realized it at this time.

"This Martial Spirit is really peculiar, as long as there is a shadow, it can be hidden."

Jing Wuming's current spirit power level is nineteen, and when he awakens, his innate spirit power is 9th, which is already a super genius level compared to most people.

After learning about Jing Wuming's situation, Jiang Chen was shocked. The 9th level of innate spirit power was already extremely genius, plus the special martial spirit, it was only slightly worse than Tang San.

If he can control such a genius, then there will be a powerful assistant in the future, and Jing Wuming's adoptive father is still the leader of the Killer Organization in Notting City, which shows that Jiang Chen has a good chance to control this organization in the future.

In Jing Wuming's mind, this assassin organization was a huge power, but he didn't have a specific concept of how big it was.

About ten minutes later, Jiang Chen suddenly had an inexplicable connection in his heart. A strange feeling came from Jing Wuming's body, and he was intimately connected with him.

Jiang Chen was overjoyed, knowing that things are already moving in a good direction.

In his eyes, the wound on Jing Wuming's stomach and the tooth mark on his neck began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, and his smooth skin was restored.

Jing Wuming's eyes were a little confused, and after a while, he recovered his Qingming and stood up.

He looked at Jiang Chen in front of him with a complex expression, but in the end he knelt down respectfully on one knee.


Until this time, Jing Wuming was completely under Jiang Chen's control. This kind of obedience came from the soul, even if Jiang Chen wanted him to die immediately, I am afraid he would not resist.

"Before Wuming has offended the master, please i ask the master to punish me." Jing Wuming looked very respectful.

"Get up, now you are my own servant, how could I blame you." Jiang Chen smiled and helped Jing Wuming up.

Jing Wuming stood up, but his expression remained respectful, standing there waiting for Jiang Chen's instructions.

He still has his own thoughts, but there is a kind of obedience to Jiang Chen in his soul, which seems to be natural.

Jiang Chen felt it again, and after confirming that there were no mistakes, he said, "I will give you the first task to find out who wants to kill me as soon as possible."

"Ok master, but I have one question to ask!" Jing Wuming bowed his head 

Jiang Chen seemed to have anticipated that Jing Wuming would ask such a question, and suddenly smiled, "You can feel your body carefully."

Jing Wuming felt the changes in his body carefully, and after a while he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Master, my spirit power has broken through to level 20, and I feel that my physical quality has improved a lot, and my strength has more than doubled."

After all, he was still a young man, even as a killer, Jing Wuming would inevitably show joy.

Jiang Chen nodded, "This is the ability I bestowed on you. Not only that, do you remember my poison? Now you also carry this poison on your body. As your cultivation level improves, the poison will become more and more. Domineering, even if your sword martial arts with soul skill can exert amazing power."

Jing Wuming finally understood Jiang Chen's meaning, and his heart became more and more grateful.

"However, with this powerful ability, there will be very strong side effects." Jiang Chen's words made Jing Wuming startled.

"It won't be long before you will find that you have a strong desire for blood. You have to drink blood to relieve it. You are no longer a normal person. To be precise, you have become a blood sucker. Monsters can survive only by sucking blood."

Although Jiang Chen didn't know why he could be like a normal person, he knew that Jing Wuming was definitely a normal zombie, and only by sucking blood could he survive like this.

Jiang Chen's words shocked Jing Wuming, a blood-sucking monster, what an evil and terrible thing this is.

Although he was afraid in his heart, he did not waver at all to Jiang Chen's submission.

Jiang Chen continued, "You can drink human blood or animal blood in the future, and you must never bite a living person without my order."

The horror of zombies Jiang Chen knows deeply. If a zombie virus breaks out in this world, it will be an unprecedented disaster.

If such a thing happens, I am afraid that the zombies will become the monsters that everyone will punish in the Douluo Continent, and Jiang Chen will also be doomed.

Of course he wouldn't want such a thing to happen before he is fully strong.

Although he hasn't realized what it feels like to feel the desire that Jiang Chen said, Jing Wuming has already engraved Jiang Chen's command in his soul, and he will not bite others until he dies.