
Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire (II)

  "Becoming a god is just a legend! You really don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is. For hundreds of years, I have never heard of anyone who can become a god. Even the number of Super Douluo above level 95 is limited on the continent."

  After a long time, Dugu Bo replied with a hint of sarcasm. He admitted that Li Xuanji was very talented and could become a Titled Douluo in the future, but God was just a legend!

  At the same time, he waved his right hand, and a circle of emerald green flames suddenly ignited around the dark cave.

  The cave was not small, with a radius of nearly 1,000 square kilometers, and various daily necessities were placed in a mess. Under the illumination of the green fire, it looked a bit weird.

  "Senior, you are more or less a Titled Douluo, why is your quality of life so poor?"

  "Don't interrupt, little Li, why do you think you can become a god? Or why do you think there are gods in this world?"

  Dugu Bo continued to ask, ignoring Li Xuanji's complaints. As a Titled Douluo, he actually came into contact with some information about gods, such as the Angel God that the Spirit Hall has been advocating, or the Killing God of the Slaughter City!

  (Few people know the name of Shura God. Most people who know about the Slaughter

  City only regard it as a place to obtain domains.) The Angel God may be a boast of the people in the Spirit Hall. Maybe the so-called Angel God is just a powerful Titled Douluo who is slowly deified.

  In Dugu Bo's view, the Slaughter City is similar to the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire that he occupied. They are both a kind of strange place. The soul ring that can suppress people cannot use soul skills, and the domain is obtained through continuous killing. But the Slaughter City is too dangerous. There was a Titled Douluo who braved the Slaughter City to kill the domain of the God, but died in it.

  The most important point is that Dugu Bo has not only never seen a living god, but also has never seen a cemetery of corpses! Gods should also have a lifespan limit, right? So where do the gods go after they die? They can't leave the Douluo Continent.

  "First of all, the ancestor of our Spirit Hall must be a god, and a first-level god! There is also the Sea God of Poseidon Island, who is said to be a good friend of our ancestor Angel God and is also a first-level god. The other is the creator of the City of Slaughter, God Shura.

  I have read some secret materials of the Spirit Hall. The gods do not seem to interfere with the lives of ordinary people. They live in a world outside of Douluo Continent. The vitality of heaven and earth in that world is much richer.

  Whenever someone becomes a god, they will quickly take care of their own affairs and enter the world of the gods. Before leaving, some gods will leave behind a place of inheritance to help later generations become gods."

  "If you say so, then I understand why there are no gods on Douluo Continent and why various strange places were born.

  However, your ancestor Angel God left behind a legacy, so why hasn't your Spirit Hall produced another god in all these years?"

  Hearing Li Xuanji's words, Dugu Bo thought of the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire where he was, which was also a strange place. Could it be a place of inheritance left by a god?

  "To become a god, talent, opportunity and luck are all indispensable. The innate full soul power qualification is the most basic requirement, which has blocked most people in the world, not to mention the many difficulties that follow.

  The main thing is that I don't know what will happen next. Anyway, becoming a god is a qualitative change, which is several times or even dozens of times greater than the gap between Soul Douluo and Title Douluo."

  Seeing Dugu Bo's interest, Li Xuanji said it casually. In this Douluo Continent, it is estimated that no one knows more about the God Realm than Li Xuanji.

  Time passed quickly, and Dugu Bo was gradually shocked by Li Xuanji's knowledge and dared not underestimate Li Xuanji anymore. Although Li Xuanji was only thirteen years old, his knowledge of human body structure, various medicines, improvement of meditation methods, and various wonderful ideas gradually made Dugu Bo regard Li Xuanji as a peer.

  After Li Xuanji pointed out a mistake in Dugu Bo's poison skills and helped him improve his poison skills, he won Dugu Bo's respect.

  Dugu Bo felt that the backlash of the green phosphorus snake venom he suffered was reduced by half, and his body was much more relaxed, which greatly relieved his pain.     Usually, in order to suppress the toxins in his body, Dugu Bo didn't even have time to accompany Dugu Yan, let alone improve his cultivation. But after the backlash of the toxins in his body weakened, Dugu Bo could spare a lot of time.

  "Li Xuanji, I really regret that we met too late!"

  After hesitating for a long time, looking at Li Xuanji's childish face, Dugu Bo sighed and said, "I'll take you to a place, you follow me." After

  leaving the cave, Li Xuanji found that they were on a hill about 500 meters high in the Sunset Forest. This was the first time he had come out in these days.

  The sun shone on Li Xuanji, and the feeling of the automatic cultivation of the Lieyang Meditation Method made Li Xuanji extremely comfortable.

  Dugu Bo was walking quickly in front, and the rugged mountain road under his feet did not affect his speed at all. During the mountain climbing process, Dugu Bo seemed to take off vertically, although Dugu Bo really could fly.

  Li Xuanji did not hesitate, and the martial spirit possessed him and flew directly to the top of the mountain under the leadership of Dugu Bo.

  Arriving here, Li Xuanji looked at the inverted cone-shaped valley in front of him. Thick hot air was rising from the valley. The hot air was very moist and had a bit of the unique smell of sulfur.

  In the valley, the hot spring area was not large, but it was divided into two parts. The colors of the hot spring water in the oval pool were milky white and vermilion respectively. What was even more bizarre was that although they were in the same pool, they were clearly separated and did not invade each other, always staying on their own side.

  The rolling steam was generated by the position between the two hot springs. It kept rising until it slowly dissipated at the mountain pass. If you were not standing on the top of the mountain, you would not be able to find it at all.

  "Is this the legendary Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire?"

  Li Xuanji muttered quietly, but Dugu heard it and asked in confusion: "What is Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire?"

  "Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire refers to the unique spring in front of us. It has twins in one eye, and the two yins counteract each other!

  In this environment, the growth rate of plants is ten times that of the outside world! Moreover, Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire are not only effective for plants, but also have extremely special effects on humans and animals.

  Once humans or animals live next to Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire, if their cultivation is not enough, their bodies will be impacted by the two extreme attributes of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. If they cannot leave in time, they will definitely explode and die.

  But for someone like you, Senior Dugu, who is extremely poisonous, it has great benefits. Extreme heat and extreme cold have a restraining effect on poisons. This environment suppresses the toxicity in your body. This is your blessed land."

  Seeing the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire that he had always thought about, Li Xuanji was not so excited and said in a very calm tone.

  (End of this chapter)