
Chapter 366: It's Pleasant Chatting with You


"Yu Xiaogang?"

Bibi Dong suddenly brought up this topic, causing Zeng Yi to be stunned for a moment.

"You mean Grandmaster?"

Zeng Yi couldn't help but scratch his head awkwardly. During their time at Shrek Academy, Zeng Yi had always called Yu Xiaogang "Grandmaster" as a nickname. Although he couldn't recall his real name clearly, when Bibi Dong suddenly mentioned "Yu Xiaogang", Zeng Yi didn't immediately remember who she was referring to.

As for why Bibi Dong brought this up, Zeng Yi wasn't quite sure. However, he vaguely remembered that in the original work, Bibi Dong and Master Yu Xiaogang had an unusual relationship.

So, Zeng Yi didn't have any burden in his heart and started talking about Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang with Bibi Dong.

"He's doing pretty well at Shrek Academy. He is the vice principal. Additionally, he has a beautiful wife. Although her temper is a bit fiery, she is a nice person. Oh, and there is a talented disciple under him who is very powerful. He also participated in the current Spirit Master Tournament. If nothing unexpected happens, Grandmaster's disciple will become the champion of this tournament."

"Overall, Grandmaster is living a pretty comfortable life." Zeng Yi said, feeling a bit envious in his heart.

Not only did Yu Xiaogang gain fame and status, but he also had a beautiful wife. Moreover, with a protagonist disciple destined by fate, even the problem of his Martial Spirit mutation, which hindered his own strength improvement, was cured by his disciple. Although he was already in middle age, with a protagonist disciple's help, he wouldn't have much trouble breaking through to the Titled Douluo realm in the future.

What a life winner he was!

Zeng Yi only learned about Grandmaster having a wife after he arrived at Nuoding Academy, and that person happened to be Lui Erlong, the Mother Bear Tyrant Dragon.

That guy, Flender, told Zeng Yi that Yu Xiaogang and Lui Erlong had gone through the sacred ceremony of engagement, becoming a formal couple witnessed by friends and heaven and earth.

However, shortly after becoming a couple, Yu Xiaogang found out something that almost drove him to a mental breakdown.

Lui Erlong was actually his sister.

When Zeng Yi heard Flender talking about it, he burst out laughing.

The lovers unexpectedly became siblings. Such a melodramatic plot actually happened.

Zeng Yi calmly thought and pondered. After giving it some serious consideration, he realized that it was great!

When Bibi Dong heard this news, she immediately went blank. Her expression became stiff, and her body seemed to tremble slightly.

But she had her back turned to Zeng Yi, so he didn't notice Bibi Dong's current state, which seemed a bit off.

However, Zeng Yi's thoughts didn't focus on Bibi Dong. After finishing the story, he secretly glanced at her silhouette while she was in a daze and quickly reached out to the jade wine bottle on the table. He poured himself a glass of Ice Heaven Spirit Spring Wine and downed it.

What a great wine.

Zeng Yi inwardly exclaimed in enjoyment and then glanced at Bibi Dong across the table. Seeing that she still had her back turned towards him, he immediately rearranged the table as if nothing had happened.

Bibi Dong seemed lost in thought, somewhat mechanically turned her body, her face pale, and a look of disbelief in her eyes as she looked at Zeng Yi.

"Is this true?" Bibi Dong's lips trembled slightly as she asked Zeng Yi again for confirmation.

Seeing Bibi Dong's expression, Zeng Yi was taken aback. He had only mentioned some ordinary facts, and yet, it was enough to provoke such a reaction from this peerless beauty?

Suddenly, Zeng Yi remembered that the woman in front of him was the Supreme Pontiff of the Martial Spirit Hall and Yu Xiaogang's former girlfriend.

This... I didn't expect that when Grandmaster was young, he was quite romantic. Zeng Yi realized as he couldn't see it from her ageless appearance.

Looking at Bibi Dong's appearance, Zeng Yi could understand why. As an ex-girlfriend, hearing that her ex-boyfriend was living comfortably after parting ways with her must have been uncomfortable for her.

However, from Bibi Dong's expression, Zeng Yi didn't sense hatred, but rather discomfort. It seemed that she still had feelings for Grandmaster.

Seeing Bibi Dong's appearance, Zeng Yi couldn't help but secretly admire Grandmaster. Only he could affect this exceptional beauty like this.

"Uh, yes, it's true." Zeng Yi quickly nodded in response, not daring to say more. A woman in this emotional state, especially a powerful Titled Douluo, might slap him if her emotions got too stirred up.

Upon hearing this, Bibi Dong seemed to lose some weight. She sat on the stone stool, her expression absent-minded.

Zeng Yi didn't dare to make any sudden moves in front of an emotionally unstable woman, especially a powerful Titled Douluo. He sat quietly in his place.

It took a long time for Bibi Dong to react again.

She picked up the wine cup and emptied it in one gulp.


The movement of placing the cup back on the table was quite forceful. The crisp sound of the jade cup colliding with the stone table startled Zeng Yi. He couldn't help but jerk his body, almost jumping up.

"Ah..." A long sigh echoed in the courtyard.

Bibi Dong poured herself another glass of wine. A faint flush appeared on her fair cheeks, making her even more alluring. Her eyes were slightly misty as she stared at the wine cup in her hand, filled with memories.

Bibi Dong let out a deep sigh, her tone filled with relief and nostalgia. "Time passes so quickly. Memories of the past seem like just yesterday, yet it has been more than twenty years unknowingly."

"I didn't expect that he also has a family now."

Bibi Dong gently recounted, her voice tinged with emotion and reminiscence. Sitting across from her, Zeng Yi played the role of a qualified listener.

"It seems that the Supreme Pontiff and Grandmaster had a profound emotional experience." Zeng Yi couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this, Bibi Dong sighed, "Indeed. It was truly a beautiful memory. Unfortunately, for some reason, we didn't end up together."

Seeing Bibi Dong's regretful expression, Zeng Yi couldn't help but console her, "Grandmaster, you don't have to feel too sad. As they say, a mature woman in her life journey will inevitably encounter one or two scumbags... Uh, I mean, a few bad relationships."

Seeing Bibi Dong glaring at him with dangerous eyes, Zeng Yi quickly corrected himself.

"Hehe, there's a saying, right? About eighty percent of a person's life is made up of hardships. So relax a bit and don't get angry. Life is already tough enough, and wearing a gloomy face is equivalent to surrendering. So, keep smiling and carry on!"

Seeing the dangerous look in Bibi Dong's eyes, Zeng Yi awkwardly smiled and quickly tried to remedy the situation.

Hearing Zeng Yi's absurd reasoning, Bibi Dong couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"How old are you? You haven't even completed twenty percent of your life, and yet you dare to speak such theories?" Bibi Dong retorted.

Zeng Yi replied seriously, "That's not necessarily true. From the moment I made up my mind to become a Spirit Master, my head has been on my neck temporarily. I've long been prepared for death."

"Who knows, I might have already lived eighty percent of my life."

After hearing this, Bibi Don's narrowed her eyes, looking at Zeng Yi, "So, being in the Martial Spirit Hall is suffering for you?"

"No, no, I never said that. It's what you said." Seeing her dangerous gaze once again focused on him, Zeng Yi quickly shook his head and denied his words.

Seeing his fearful appearance, Bibi Dong laughed lightly, her voice as pleasant as a oriole.

"You really are amusing. I understand now why she cares so much about you."

"She? Who?" Zeng Yi asked in confusion.

"Alright, let's stop here for tonight. I had a pleasant chat with you. Zeng Yi, you are truly an unexpected young man!"

"If there's a chance, we'll talk again. Goodbye."

As she finished speaking, her figure disappeared into the moonlit night.

"Phew, finally she's gone."

Seeing Bibi Dong leave, Zeng Yi let out a long sigh and slumped on the table.

Having spent so much time with the Supreme Pontiff of the Martial Spirit Hall, Zeng Yi constantly felt an inexplicable pressure. It was truly mentally exhausting.

Even staying in a room wasn't peaceful. Why did it have to be so troublesome?

Just thinking about her last words and the possibility that she might appear here at any moment, Zeng Yi felt like crying.

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