
Chapter 30: Tang Hao, is dead??_1


Tang San was typically self-centered to an exquisite degree, while Tang Hao bore a resemblance to Xiao Feng's chivalrous spirit.

Indeed, how could the two be the same, one being a transmigrator who stole the sect treasures and then committed suicide by jumping off a cliff, and the other a Douluo native who relied on innate talent and hard work to climb his way to the top step by step since childhood?

"Haha, you've got guts. As your senior, I'll let you have the first three moves."

By now, Ye Feng had already prepared himself for battle.

Standing firmly in a horse stance, Tang Hao suddenly spoke up.

"What, give me the first three moves? Are you serious?!"

Ye Feng was shocked!

Tang Hao, not using any Soul Power at all, was actually going to let him have three moves.

Was this Hao Tian Douluo being a little too overconfident?

"I will not break my word. I will stand right here and take your three moves, and only after those will I make my move."

Thereupon, Tang Hao spoke.

In the eyes of this man who once stood at the pinnacle of the Continent, a Soul Elder was no different from an ordinary person.

Not to mention a Soul Elder, even a Soul King could be dealt with without him using Soul Power!

"Alright! Then I'm going for it!"

Ye Feng suddenly sprang into action beside Tang Hao!

The palm of his hand revealed a lava-colored caterpillar.

He threw it straight at Tang Hao.

Having returned home the previous night, he had finally figured out how to use his second Martial Soul.

It was like a hand grenade.

Throw it, and it explodes.

Simple and brutal!

"What's this?"

Tang Hao, seeing a small bug flashing red light thrown by Ye Feng, was immediately puzzled.

What could such a tiny bug do?


However, the next second, Tang Hao felt an intense heat.

Then it was too late.

A blinding light flashed in front of him!

An intense explosion then rocked the forest, accompanied by a piercing sound that swept through.


Ye Feng sucked in a breath of cold air.

He had already started running, utilizing his soul bone.

After all, the incident from last night where the Space Burst had awakened and blasted a mountaintop was still vivid in his memory.

Hence, he deliberately gave himself time to escape.

But he had still underestimated its power!

With Tang Hao at the center, the Space Burst created a huge crater with a radius of a full ten meters.

Ye Feng slowly approached.

His heart was somewhat uneasy.

The Hao Tian Douluo, who once stood at the pinnacle of the Continent, hadn't been killed accidentally by him, had he?

If that were the case, it would be a big deal.

"Where is he? Where??"

Ye Feng saw, in the moonlight, that the crater was more than ten meters deep.

Complete darkness below.

There was no sign of Tang Hao, not even a speck of bone dust.

That Space Burst was terrifying!

No wonder the system warned last night to be careful when using it to avoid self-injury.

At the time, he thought it was nonsense!

Now he understood!

"Good lad!"

Just as Ye Feng was about to find a bunch of flowers and fruit to mourn Tang Hao, two gleaming whites suddenly appeared from below.

They were a pair of eyes!

Staring right at him!!

Soon, Ye Feng saw a face.


That face looked as if it had been run over by a wheel.

Unbelievably dark on either side, with a white streak across the middle.


A gust of wind shot up from below.

Ye Feng saw clearly then.

Tang Hao was alive.

But at the moment, Tang Hao did not quite look like Tang Hao.

He resembled, resembled… an African version of Che Guevara!!

His whole body was blackened by the explosion, his hair all curled up.

And that face, it seemed to have been shielded by his hands, so the hands were black, leaving a line of normal skin tone across his face!

"Haotian Senior, shall we continue?"

Good heavens!

Ye Feng couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for Tang Hao.

This was the first time he had seen a Titled Douluo in such a sorry state!

"Continue! Of course, we continue!"

Tang Hao spoke at this moment.

The row of teeth that were revealed looked particularly white against his too dark skin.

Stopping was not an option.


Otherwise, as a Titled Douluo, wouldn't he be breaking his word?

If this talk were to spread out, how could he ever hold his head high in the Douluo Realm again?

"Oh! So, Haotian Senior continues to stand here without moving?"

Ye Feng inquired.

"Of course, when I said I would take your three moves, I meant three moves!"

Tang Hao stated firmly, somewhat resembling a final act of defiance.

To be honest, Ye Feng's soul skill had completely baffled him just now.

If Tang Hao weren't a Titled Douluo and instead a Soul Sage like Zhao Wuji, would he be lying down by now?

"All right then, Haotian Senior, here I come!"

As Ye Feng spoke, his speed began to pick up once more.

"Come on!"

With the experience from before, Tang Hao was now extremely vigilant, constantly watching his surroundings!

Planning to shatter all techniques with sheer force!!


The next second, another ten-meter-wide crater appeared on the spot!!

That's right, Ye Feng had used the Second Martial Soul Sky Blast again!

Based on his calculation, his Soul Power was just enough for three uses of Space Burst.

"How is it this soul skill again!!"

Tang Hao climbed out of the deep pit.

His face was even darker, his hair even curlier, his grey cloak now the epitome of a street hero's look!

His anger at this moment!!

He had thought that if Ye Feng attempted a close-range attack,

He would counter it with his overwhelming strength.

But instead, it was that red bug once again.

And then it exploded!

Utterly preposterous!

"Haotian Senior, am I not allowed to use this soul skill?"

Ye Feng looked at Tang Hao.

For some reason, seeing this man so disheveled, he felt an odd sense of sympathy.

Indeed, one must swallow the boastful claims they can't back up.

Setting aside whether he could use Soul Power or not, if the other party hadn't promised to stay put and take his three moves, they needn't have been so pitiful.

One could only say that Hao Tian Douluo was asking for trouble.

"You can! Come on, just one more move left!!"

Tang Hao felt extraordinarily aggrieved!!

Who asked him to have said all that just now?

Now he truly had to swallow his own broken teeth and call it delicious!


Ye Feng rapidly circled around Tang Hao!

Then he forcefully threw the Martial Soul Space Burst in his hand.

"Damn it, this move again!"

Seeing that little bug, Tang Hao couldn't stay still any longer.

He did not want to be blown up a third time.

All he saw was Tang Hao suddenly raising his foot, trying to kick the little bug away before it reached him!

According to his experience from the previous two times.

The bug would only heat up and then explode when it got close to him.

If he was quick enough, he could kick it to the other side before it detonated.

However, Tang Hao hadn't expected he would be wrong again.

As he lifted his foot, his body stiffened immediately.

Because he could clearly feel a scorching blast sweeping over him!!

A wave of heat furiously erupted from beneath his foot!!

Tang Hao was swept up as if caught in a tornado!!

Twisted and blown away in spirals!!

"Haotian Senior!!"

After the explosion subsided, and the dust had settled,

Ye Feng hurriedly searched for Tang Hao's corpse, bah! For Tang Hao himself!!

Tang Hao was now hanging from a tree.

One side of his pants had been blasted away.

One of his shoes was smashed to pieces.

He struggled to fall down from the tree, looking even more pitiful than a homeless man who hadn't bathed for ten years, his hair no longer wavy curls but scorched frizz!!

Seeing this, Ye Feng couldn't help but feel admiration.

This was the true example of the Douluo Realm.

Look, he said he would not use Soul Power, and he didn't.

Even after the scene just now, by using a tiny bit of Soul Power, Tang Hao wouldn't be as miserable as he was.

"Finally, it's my turn!"

Tang Hao, as if grievously wrong, staggered to his feet, giving off the sense of an oppressed slave turned landowner.


To retaliate against today's humiliation!

At this moment, his mind teemed with countless strategies like a raging flood, ready to burst forth in the next instant!


PS: The second update is here. In the new book pk, if I lose, I will be eliminated by the website. If you like it, please vote, and if you appreciate it, you can also tip. Thank you so much to all the readers here~~ I'm truly, truly grateful.