
Douluo Dalu: Serpent's Legacy

Li Xin, a modern-day enthusiast of fantasy novels and martial arts, meets an unexpected end, however in a twist of fate, his soul is reborn as Dugu Xin, the young son of Dugu Bo, within the Douluo Continent. The story is inspired from "Douluo's poison is supreme". Here is the link if you wish to read it: https://www.wuxiahub.com/novel/douluos-poison-is-supreme.html I write this for fun so I don't have any specific day I release chapters. I will try to post 2 chapters per week, maybe more if I have the time for it.

Night_Builder · Anime et bandes dessinées
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44 Chs

Ch.36: End of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament

Dugu Xin felt as though he had been submerged in a long, hazy dream. His head was heavy and groggy as he slowly pried open his eyes. At first, the scene appeared blurred and indistinct, with multiple figures vaguely discernible in the dim light. As Dugu Xin's eyes fluttered open once more, the world before him resolved into sharp focus. A heaviness settled in his head, the weight of exhaustion pressing down on him. "I didn't expect to be this tired," he murmured to himself, his voice hoarse. "I haven't really slept for the past six years or so. I didn't realize how much I missed it."

Apart from his own team members, he was surprised to find Tang Yuehua and Yu Tianxiang standing by his side, their presence creating a tense atmosphere. Yu Tianxiang was the first to break the silence. "Tang Yuehua, it's been a while. I didn't expect you, with all your pride and elegance, to attend the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament. "

Tang Yuehua's smile was serene as she replied, "And what of it, Yu Tianxiang? Do I need your permission to come and watch my brother compete? Besides, I wanted to see what kind of genius could defeat my brother. Dugu Xin can be considered my disciple in music. Is there a problem with that?"

Yu Tianxiang's expression shifted, and she let out a cold snort. "You... hmpf." 

Then, with a sly smile, she added, "So, what brings you here other than ogling at your brother's opponent?"

Tang Yuehua remained composed. "I have my reasons. Can't I come and support my student? It's only fair. And what about you, Yu Tianxiang?"

Caught off guard, Yu Tianxiang stammered, "I... I just came to check out my competition." The excuse sounded feeble even to her ears, prompting Tang Yuehua to chuckle. Yu Tianxiang, slightly embarrassed, was about to leave but not before adding, "You just have a thing for him, old lady. Admit it."

With a rush of embarrassment, she hurriedly pushed the door open and made her exit. Tang Yuehua's gaze lingered on Dugu Xin, her expression turning slightly grim. "It seems the Hollow Beast's team captain is enjoying good health. Enough time to dabble in extracurricular activities, I see. Take your time recovering. I shall take my leave." With those words, she turned on her heel and left the room.

Seeing the two of them bickering, Dugu Xin couldn't help but sigh. 'Why are women so complicated?' he thought, a hint of amusement tugging at his lips. Ma Jun and the others seized the moment to chime in, their playful teasing creating a lighthearted atmosphere. "Boss Dugu, you've got it good!" 

"Our boss is something else." 

"So envious!" 

Meng Shu, ever the voice of reason, interjected, "Tianxiang, be careful now. This isn't something to joke about." Chao Tianxiang shrugged off the banter and made her exit, with Meng Shu scurrying after her.

At that moment, Teacher Luo Tian entered, pushing open the door with a grin. Spotting Dugu Xin awake, he finally let out a smile. "You, kid, not bad at all. You only put in some effort to take down Tang Hao in the end, but once everyone got back to heal their injuries, you just fell asleep standing up. Hahaha. But your two little girlfriends were so worried they got you the best medical elixirs from the families to make sure you are alright. Hahahaha."

Teacher Luo Tian then shooed everyone out of the ward. "You lot, give this kid some peace already." Ma Jun and the others left with grins, leaving Dugu Xin alone in the room. Looking into the mirror, Dugu Xin noticed a change in his eyes. They had shifted from their original blue and red to a vibrant jade-green, laced with intricate blue and red lines.

"Poison" he muttered bitterly to himself, " "It seems that by using Spirit Ring Fusion Mending, the toxins and poison increased exponentially, becoming even more deeply rooted, poisoning even my pupils. They have become powerful enough that even my spirit bone can't fully extract them. It seems that my choice of sleeping has caused them to get out of control." He sighed, the weight of the realization settling heavily upon him. However, amidst the uncertainty, a flicker of thought crossed his mind.

"What if I can kill Ah Yin and obtain her spirit bone? As far as I remember, one of her spirit bone's skills grants extreme regeneration, which might help me." He shook his head, dismissing the idea almost as quickly as it had surfaced. "No... I don't know where she is, and searching for her would take too much time. Even if I found her, I don't have the confidence to absorb a 100,000-year-old spirit ring." With another resigned sigh, he decided to bide his time and consider his options more carefully in the future.

The long-awaited award ceremony for the competition was finally set to take place the next day, although it had to be delayed due to the critical condition of Tang Hao and his teammates as well as the soul power exhaustion of Dugu Xin's teammates.

With the resounding roar of the colored cannon, the members of the Hollow Beast Academy team, were all adorned with bandages and plaster, except Dugu Xin and Lin Jinging, making their way to the stage with a determined gait. 

The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as the rewards were to be presented by the esteemed Pope of Spirit Hall in person, as had been the tradition in previous years. Qian Xunji's voice carried a note of satisfaction as he acknowledged the performance of the Hollow Beast Academy team. Despite being from the Heaven Dou Empire, Dugu Xin was Spirit Hall's most recent investment in pills, and the rest of the team showed great potential to reach the ranks of Spirit Douluo, and perhaps even Titled Douluo with sufficient resources. Observing their interactions, he was confident that they would remain together, which, by default, meant they would support Spirit Hall to some extent. Qian Xunji was thus quite content with the results.

A smile tugged at his lips as he declared, "The first place in this Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament goes to the Hollow Beast Team from the Hollow Beast Academy. Let's congratulate them." 

He continued, "The prize for the first place, as stated before, is a 9,000-year-old Sacred Soul Grass, a rare 20,000-year-old spirit bone of a Nightmare Flame Lord. In addition, the champions will receive 30,000 gold soul coins."

Ma Jun and Yao Chen's eyes nearly bulged out at the mention of the 30,000 gold soul coins, completely disregarding the 20,000-year-old spirit bone. Dugu Xin, though visibly pleased, maintained his composure and politely thanked the Pope Qian Xunji, who smiled at Dugu Xin and offered, "I have high hopes for you, child, and I can't wait for our cooperation to fully begin once you become the clan head. If you ever find the time, come to the Martial Soul Hall. I'll be happy to offer some guidance."

Dugu Xin nodded in acknowledgment. Whether he would take up the offer was a decision he would make in due time, but the groundwork for cooperation between him and Spirit Hall had already been laid, and he had no objections to it.

As Tang Hao and Dugu Xin bid each other farewell, Tang Hao handed Dugu Xin a token that belonged to the Clear Sky Clan. "Dugu Xin, come to Clear Sky Clan when you have the chance. There are people there who want to see you, and I will definitely win next time," he declared with a hint of arrogance before taking his leave.

On their way back, Dugu Xin was handed a token from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon escort teacher, with a note bearing the words, "Come find me when you have time - Yu Tianxiang." Invitations from the Heaven Dou Royal Family and the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect followed suit. Finally, Dugu Xin and his team set off for their return to the academy, satisfied with the end result. 

After three grueling days and nights, Dugu Xin and his companions, fatigued yet resolute, finally arrived at the imposing gates of the Hollow Beast Academy. The sight stirred a surge of bittersweet memories within them. As they disembarked from the carriage, the junior brothers and sisters gathered at the entrance. Their soul rings blazed beneath their feet, conjuring their beast martial souls with a resonating roar that echoed through the air. It was a powerful chorus, the distinctive voice of the myriad beasts exclusive to the Hollow Beast Academy.

A scarlet carpet unfurled before them, and as Dugu Xin and the others advanced, a wave of salutations and cheers followed in their wake. The junior siblings chanted their names with reverence, while others in the crowd joined in, echoing praises for the academy. Amidst the jubilant atmosphere, Dean Lin Mo's proud gaze settled upon Dugu Xin and his companions. "You have brought honor back to the Hollow Beast Academy," he declared, a glimmer of admiration in his eyes. "You will be remembered forever by this institution."

With a flourish, Lin Mo drew back a crimson cloth, revealing a grand statue that stood as a testament to their triumph. A colossal Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor coiled around the figure, its icy eyes flashing with an otherworldly glint. A dragon staff and a serpent cane were intertwined, flanked by a fiery warhorse and a shadowy black tiger. A resplendent battle flag adorned the center.

Dugu Xin and the others gasped in awe. "Dean, this is..." began Ma Jun, only to be cut off by the Dean's hearty laughter. "Indeed, it is. But you have achieved more than I could have ever imagined. You have graced this academy with your valor and glory."

The unending festivities and jubilation marked the beginning of a celebration that would be etched in the annals of the Hollow Beast Academy's history. Dugu Xin felt the tension finally dissipate, giving way to a profound sense of accomplishment. However, after three days of revelry, Luo Tian summoned everyone to the training grounds. As they arrived, Ma Jun couldn't help but inquire, "Why do you think old Tian called us here?"

Dugu Xin pondered for a moment and then replied casually, "It's probably about our graduation. If I'm not mistaken, the condition for graduating is to reach level 35 before the age of 25. Me, Yao Chen, and Meng Shu have already fulfilled this condition, and the rest of you are also very close to it."

"The brat is right," said Luo Tian as he appeared on the training field. "I called you here to conclude the distribution of rewards and discuss your graduation."

At his words, everyone became apprehensive. They were elated at the prospect of rewards, but the notion of graduation cast a shadow of melancholy over them. Ma Jun, the ever-outspoken one, spoke first. "So… what are we going to do?"

Dugu Xin interjected, "Well, for the rewards, I assume everyone agrees with me when I say that Ma Jun is the most suitable candidate among us to absorb the soul bone of the Nightmare Flame Lord."

Upon hearing Dugu Xin's words, everyone concurred with his judgment. Overwhelmed, Ma Jun burst into tears and threw himself at Dugu Xin's feet. "Thank you, boss. Are you sure?"

Observing the unanimous agreement, Ma Jun beamed with joy and nodded in acknowledgment. Witnessing their interaction, Luo Tian smiled. 'These kids have truly become a team.'

"Alright, enough with tears of joy. Here," Luo Tian spoke as he retrieved the spirit bone of the Nightmare Flame Lord. "Hurry up and absorb it. I'm very curious to see what ability you will gain from it."

Ma Jun nodded, taking the spirit bone, the left arm, and assuming a meditative position to begin the absorption of the spirit ring. After a few minutes, he finished the absorption, rising up in elation. "Haha, I have broken through level 35. As for the ability, well, hehe, let me show you."

A fiery aura enveloped Ma Jun, and his height surged to a staggering 5 meters, his body becoming muscular with broad shoulders, black claws, and black lava rock armor cascading down his legs. The temperature of the surrounding area escalated by a few degrees as his flames blazed, before, 15 seconds later, he reverted to his original form, his soul power entirely drained.

Meng Shu was the first to inquire, "What in the world was that? Why is your soul power already exhausted?"

With slightly labored breath, Ma Jun explained, "It's called the Primal Fire Spirit Transformation. It allows me to temporarily transform into pure energy in the form of flames as long as I have soul power. But as you saw, it's more draining than I expected."

Acknowledging Ma Jun's explanation, Luo Tian nodded. "Not bad. Although it can't be used in combat at the moment, but it's a powerful trump card that can save your life. As long as the attacks aren't elemental, you will survive any attack below the Titled Douluo level. Moreover, as your soul power increases in the future, you'll be able to sustain the transformation for longer periods."

Meng Shu then proposed, "As for the 9,000-year-old Sacred Soul Grass, I suggest we give it to Boss Xin. After all, he is the only one who can make the most of it."

Agreeing with Meng Shu, everyone turned their attention to Dugu Xin. He couldn't help but smile at his teammates and accepted the Sacred Soul Grass. However, just as he was about to take it, Xiao Cai, the no longer tiny snake, flew out from Dugu Xin's Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse, attempting to devour the precious plant. Dugu Xin swiftly caught her by the tail, holding her firmly. The snake struggled fiercely to reach the grass but failed, eventually coiling around herself and burying her head inside. Seeing Xiao Cai's aggrieved state, Dugu Xin sighed in defeat and gently patted her head, offering her the 9,000-year-old Sacred Soul Grass. Xiao Cai devoured it instantly before uncoiling herself and rubbing her head against Dugu Xin's, giving him a few licks with her tongue, and then retreating to sleep inside the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse.

Before Xiao Cai could sink her fangs into the treasured herb, Dugu Xin acted swiftly, snatching her by the tail and holding her firmly. The snake writhed and struggled, her emerald scales shimmering in the sunlight as she strained to reach the Sacred Soul Grass. Alas, it remained just beyond her grasp, teasingly out of reach. Frustration swirled in her luminous eyes, and she turned her gaze towards Dugu Xin with what could only be described as "puppy eyes" - an expression that could melt even the hardest heart. Dugu Xin couldn't help but chuckle. "You damn glutton. Didn't I tell you to stop devouring my precious herbs? You've nearly consumed every last one of them, and if I hadn't been vigilant, you might have even gobbled up the immortal herbs."

As he continued to reprimand her playfully, Xiao Cai, now increasingly aggrieved, attempted to hiss back at Dugu Xin. However, to her chagrin, the sounds that escaped her were barely more than a muted hiss. Defeated, she coiled around herself, burying her head in a mixture of shame and resignation. Seeing the comical exchange between Dugu Xin and the snake, everyone couldn't contain their laughter. Dugu Xin relented, offering the 9,000-year-old Sacred Soul Grass to Xiao Cai. Her response was instantaneous. She voraciously devoured it, and her entire being seemed to radiate with newfound vitality. Replete and content, she uncoiled herself and wrapped around Dugu Xin, nuzzling her head against his. With gentle licks of her tongue, she conveyed her gratitude before retreating to the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse to indulge in a well-deserved slumber.

Witnessing this endearing interaction, everyone burst into laughter, while Ma Jun shed crocodile tears at the sight of the snake devouring the precious grass. "So much money wasted…"