
Douluo Dalu: Legend of the Cat Douluo

Mao Xingyun has been a loner since he's a kid and it's not because he wants it but because people who got close to him suffers from bad luck, even his parents don't like him and tries to stay as far away as possible from him the closest he got to them was when he's still a newborn. Everyone who knew his complications tries to stay as far away from him, except for his cat Blacky who since the time he got him, never left his side. He never had a friend or even a girlfriend, basically he's alone so when his cat died of old age he also followed him to the afterlife.

dreammyyy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Chapter 23 - Friends?

"What deal?", Tang San asked seriously.

"if you teach me how to use hidden weapons and promise that if I ever needed your help, you'll help me no questions asked, then I can give you this", Xingyun reached out for something in the spirit guidance tool in his waist, it was given to him by his parents when they heard he is training how to use hidden weapons, he took out a book from it then handed it to Tang San.

"Soul Core? What is this?", when Tang San read the title of the book he is confused, this is the first time he heard of it.

"It's something that all spirit beasts who have very strong bloodlines condense when they reached a certain point in their cultivation journey-", Xingyun explained but he was cut off by Tang San

"If it's for spirit beasts, then why are you giving this to a human like me?", Tang San was confused.

"It's also something that every spirit master will automatically condense when they reached the limit douluo rank-", Xingyun continued once again but was cut off once again.

"So it's for limit douluo rank? I don't need this then", Tang San said.

"Geez will you let me finish? Spirit masters automatically condense soul cores once they've reached limit douluo, but because of my very strong bloodline I found out that these soul cores can be condensed by anyone as long as their mental power is strong enough", Xingyun finished.

"You're a spirit beast?", Tang San was shocked.

"No I'm not! Ugh, guess I gotta explain bloodlines too huh, bloodlines aren't only present in spirit beasts it can also be present in spirit masters and their spirits is typically what their bloodline is, example is: someone who has a tiger spirit will have a tiger bloodline", Xingyun patiently explained, when Tang San heard this he looked at Blacky then back at Xingyun.

"Oh, guess you found out about me, yeah I am also a twin spirit spirit master just like you, Blacky here is my first spirit", Xingyun isn't really worried about Tang San finding it out, because in Tang San's case, he will just think that Xingyun's spirit is just like Yu Xiaogang but stronger, "Though, I can't tell you what our powers is", Xingyun playfully said.

"So, are you okay with the deal? In that book is all you need to know, to condense your own soul core, all you need to do is teach me how to use hidden weapons and help me in my time of need, in my opinion it's a fair deal, even if what I asked is a bit much, that soul core condensation method will still make me lose more than what you will give", Xingyun finally said after seeing that Tang San finished reading the book.

"Okay I'll teach you", Tang San paused, "I, Tang San, plead that if ever Mao Xingyun ever need my help, whatever it is, I'll come to his aid", Xingyun was satisfied of it, Tang San is a very strong ally plus he has a very strong father and clan backing him, all his plans that involves getting a colossal clan like Tang clan as an ally involves him getting close to Tang San first for reassurance.

After they finalized the deal, the two talked about their own knowledge the entire night, Xingyun talked about bloodlines, which led to Tang San finding out that his Blue Silver Grass isn't simple, and Tang San also shared about what he knows regarding immortal plants and poisons to Xingyun, which delighted the book loving Xingyun, all in all they became close to each other after all of it.


The next morning, Xingyun as always woke up early, but he was disappointed that Tang San woke up at the same time as him because he planned to make a loud noise to frighten him awake, just like what he does to Oscar everyday. After getting ready they went their own ways, Tang San went to the field to collect his hidden weapons and Xingyun went to Oscar's room.

Like always, Oscar was startled awake by Xingyun, "C'mon Oscar, let's shave your beard first, before we go training", after a few minutes of shaving, Oscar finally looked like a handsome 14 year old guy, Xingyun then dragged him to train.

After the training, then they had breakfast with everyone, everyone including Bao'er was shocked by the transformation of the uncle to a handsome 14 years old guy that is Oscar, but the shock didn't last long and everyone introduced themselves to everyone in the group, which brought everyone closer to each other, except for Zhu Zhuqing who left immediately after she had her fill.

While they're still in the middle of conversation the sound signifying Flender calling them rang out, Xingyun was quick enough to suggest that he will be the one to call Zhuqing, which made Mubai smile bitterly, he just couldn't imagine what possessed this guy to actually actively chase for someone.

Xingyun quickly arrived to where Zhuqing was, he knocked on her room and after a few seconds, the door opened and a beautiful girl came out, "What do you need?", Zhuqing said, her attitude still the same as before.

"The dean is calling us, I'm here to take you there", Xingyun responded then gestured for her to follow, while Zhuqing followed without questions, "So... what is your relationship with senior Mubai? Seems like you had a bad past", Xingyun asked.

"Not your problem", Zhuqing answered.

"Geez you're really stuck up, loosen up or you'll never get to experience life, I'm here as a friend you know, forget it if you don't want to answer, I won't force you", Xingyun said, which struck a nerve on Zhuqing's forehead.

"When did we become close?", Zhuqing angrily said.

"*sigh* we have spirit harmonization remember? I'd at least want someone who will perform spirit fusion with me to become my friend, whether you want it or not I'll stick around you from now on", Xingyun answered, which made Zhuqing dazed, "C'mon let's hurry up, dean Flender hates anyone who comes late on his calls", Xingyun took her hand and ran, which made Zhuqing blush but she didn't complain and just followed on his whims.


(author's note: Here's the update guys, hope you like it, and from the vote's results regarding Bao'er × Dai Mubai, guess many of you guys really hated the idea lol, it wouldn't happen then. Anyways thanks for all of you guys who still supports me and my story, I appreciate all of your support.)