
Chapter 23: Little Princess Yang Tianyue

After a period of meditation, Yang Podi finally understood that he did indeed possess a second martial soul, but it could not be fully summoned.

Whenever he meditated, besides the Breaking Soul Spear, his body would exhibit unusual, strange sensations, as if it could operate on its own.

Through reviewing the original story, Yang Podi gradually realized that his second martial soul was likely his own body, which in later times would be referred to as a Body Martial Soul.

However, during the first era of Douluo, Body Martial Souls were extremely rare, and the Soul Master world had no research on them. Many people even believed Body Martial Souls were useless, especially since there was no method for second awakenings, and cultivating a Body Martial Soul was extremely difficult.

But having one's entire body as a martial soul was considered the pinnacle of Body Martial Souls, not inferior to any other martial soul in existence.

The second awakening of a Body Martial Soul, however, posed a significant challenge. It took millennia for the Body Sect to discover a method for awakening using deep-sea pressure, where a Soul Master was submerged into the sea, enduring immense water pressure and lack of oxygen. Through countless life-and-death experiences, they could eventually achieve a second awakening.

Once awakened, both the martial soul and the body would undergo a substantial transformation. This was also the reason why members of the Body Sect possessed multiple 100,000-year-old soul rings.

With this understanding, Yang Podi realized that to grow stronger, he would have to undergo countless trials, especially those that involved pushing himself to the brink of death.

Because of this, Yang Podi began intense daily training, pushing himself to the point of exhaustion, even collapsing from the effort.

At the same time, his mother had grown increasingly anxious, both about his training and her pregnancy. At mealtimes and other occasions, she would constantly chatter at him, much to Yang Podi's bemusement. Was this what they called prenatal depression?

After about two months, the day of his mother's delivery arrived. Outside the delivery room, both his grandfather and father were incredibly nervous, and even Yang Podi felt a bit tense.

When a baby's cry finally sounded from inside the room, there were cheers of joy: "The baby's born! The baby's born at last!"

Soon after, a family member responsible for assisting with the birth came out holding a baby, presenting it to his grandfather: "Congratulations, Patriarch. Congratulations, Young Patriarch. It's a girl."

Both his father and grandfather rushed to hold the little girl, their faces filled with excitement, with his father even stammering in his joy.

Yang Podi also took a close look at his new little sister. Her skin was as white as snow, with curved eyebrows, large eyes, and a small mouth that made her look absolutely adorable.

The clan's elders all gathered around, fussing over the new princess of the Breaking Clan. Even his second granduncle, Yang Wushuang, was particularly fond of the little girl, saying, "Brother, you know I'm childless and alone. I really like this little granddaughter. How about letting me raise her?"

But before he could finish his sentence, Yang Podi's grandfather, Yang Wudi, shooed him away: "My little granddaughter is precious! I wouldn't dream of letting you take her!"

Then someone said, "Patriarch, this little girl is so beautiful. What are you going to name her?"

Both Yang Wushuang and Yang Zhentian looked embarrassed. They both adored their daughter and granddaughter but hadn't thought about a name yet. Naming a child seemed more difficult than going into battle.

"She's just been born, there's no rush, no rush," they said.

That night, after everyone had left, Yang Wudi, Yang Zhentian, and Yang Podi gathered together.

His grandfather and father had been thinking hard, but every name they came up with was filled with too much aggression, more fitting for a warrior than a little princess.

"Son, as the patriarch, I know all about fighting and alchemy, but naming? I'll leave that to you as her father," his grandfather said.

Yang Zhentian's face looked a bit uneasy as well: "Dad, you know me. I've never liked reading. Naming isn't my strong suit either."

At the mention of reading, both of them turned to look at Yang Podi.

"Son, you've always liked reading since you were little. How about you come up with a name for your sister?"

"That's right, grandson. Your father and I have been struggling with this for a while. You should give it a try."

Yang Podi looked at his grandfather and father in disbelief. How did two illiterate men end up leading the clan? They couldn't even come up with a name. The future of the Breaking Clan looked grim under their leadership.

But, thinking about how this was his first time having a little sister to dote on, he couldn't help but feel happy.

After a moment of thought, he wrote down three characters on a piece of paper.

"Yang Tianyue!"

"'Tianyue,' like a heavenly pearl bestowed from above. Son, that's a great name. It suits our little princess perfectly."

"That's right! This name is just right for my little granddaughter. It's decided. From now on, she will be called Yang Tianyue."

And so, the little princess of the Breaking Clan, Yang Tianyue, was born, and Yang Podi now had a little sister.

In the days that followed, both his father and mother doted on the little girl. His father, in particular, couldn't bear to let go of her, losing interest in everything else. He seemed completely content with his daughter.

Yang Podi couldn't help but think: They say daughters are their father's little sweethearts from a past life. But isn't my dad taking it a bit too far?

His mother, however, was more focused on his training, frequently asking him about it and offering advice. Whenever she saw him looking weak after his weight-bearing runs, she would feel a pang of worry.

Another month of training passed, marking three months since his martial soul awakening.

One night, Yang Podi suddenly felt the flow of soul power in his body speed up significantly. His body felt unusually light, and a wave of comfort swept over him.

"I've broken through! I've finally reached level 10!"

After three months of hard training, Yang Podi had finally reached level 10. He could also distinctly feel the presence of his second martial soul, which was indeed his entire body, a supreme Body Martial Soul.

However, Yang Podi didn't tell anyone about this, not even his parents or grandfather. Just like how his father had hidden his innate soul power level, keeping it a secret for now seemed wise. Moreover, the best thing about a Body Martial Soul was that it couldn't be forced out unless actively used. At least during the first era of Douluo, no one would be able to detect it.

Next, he would need to obtain a soul ring, a crucial step in his cultivation plan.


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