
Douluo Dalu: Bibi Dong is my Martial Soul (Transferred)

(A/N: This book has been transferred to my first account, That_One_Dead_Ali, go read it there.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! Not a simple Random Omnipotent Being though. But a Random Omniversal Being! A being of absolute transcendence! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) and for the R.O.B, who he called Crow because he was a crow version of Alien X, to make his life interesting as hell! There will definitely be smut, and it will start with S in the chapter title

That_One_Alive_Ali · Anime et bandes dessinées
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41 Chs

CH 4: Meeting Bibi Dong

"KYAAAA!!!" Ah Li screeched in fright as he stepped away and turned around while panting and with his hand on his chest, right over his rapidly beating heart :"W-what the hell?!" Not only was he scared shitless, he also grew angry right there and then for someone sneaking up on him.

But when he turned around, all that fear and anger disappeared into thin air. Instead, turning into surprise when he saw the exact same person as the one in the center of the blood pool, Bibi Dong! When he saw her, the shock from seeing Bibi Dong inside of him immediately returned again. But he had to admit, looking at the two giant melons on her chest, he would be lying if he said that he wasn't a bit intimidated.

They were simply the biggest ones he had seen in person. They didn't even need a close or careful observation for someone to know that each of her huge tits were easily bigger than her head! Good lord, was he horny at the sight.

Horny, but also scared. Scared but very horny.

Looking at the absolute goddess of a beauty with a noble and unmatched aura to herself, Ah Li couldn't stop the excited shiver that ran down his spine. No way, how could he not be excited? This woman was perfection in his eyes, because in terms of physical beauty, she was the embodiment of everything she looked for in a partner! He wasn't a masochist nor a submissive type of guy, but he sure as hell was a switch who was both into being dominant and submissive!

He would happily accept letting this woman have her way with him! Of course, that's as long as he was in the mood to be submissive. If not, he mostly liked to be the dominant one and in control. Letting himself be dominated was simply for a change of pace from time to time. But still, who wouldn't want to be dominated by such a goddess with an air of beautiful arrogance and pride around her?

Especially now that she had her delicate arms folded under those huge tits while looking down on him. God, was he conflicted on wanting to dominate her or getting dominated by her. It was normal anyway. For him, at least. For this kind of woman, it was a battle of conquer or get conquered. And frankly, he was happy with either of the two options.

'Shit, no, focus!' But he quickly calmed his horny mind down :'Forget about sex and horniness, we don't even know each other yet! Well, I mean, I do. But she doesn't know me- focus! Why in the hell is Bibi Dong inside of me?!'

While Ah Li was having a deadly fight with his inner demons, his horniness, Bibi Dong was also observing the child standing in front of her with a slightly timid expression :'Damn, I was too annoyed a while back to notice, but isn't this kid... Way too cute? Seriously, I've seen a lot of children, but this kid simply outclasses every last one of them. Heck, he is even more adorable than Xiao Xue back when she was a child! Xiao Xue...'

Thinking about her dead daughter that she ignored for so many years ever since her birth, who actually sacrificed her godhood to save her in the end, Bibi Dong couldn't stop the sadness that bubbled up inside of her heart. But she calmed herself down since the situation was serious.

However, no matter how cute and adorable he found him, and how much he aroused her motherly nature, she still looked at him coldly. After all, ever since she had awakened in this unfortunate situation, she was annoyed and quite angry at Ah Li.

But unbeknownst to her, her cold gaze only managed to excite Ah Li even more. He, surprisingly, managed to hide it and mask it with nervousness and timidness instead. With a cold scoff, she looked down on the black haired child and spoke coldly without a hint of affection :"Little guy, despite your Innate Soul Power Level and poor talent, you have a pretty good talent in spiritual attributes with how you managed to enter here."

However, again, her cold tone simply excited the way-too-horny kid even more. With a nervous gulp, the slightly shivering Ah Li looked up at her with "fearful" and innocent eyes :"W-who are you? Why are y-you inside of m-my body?"

If somebody didn't know, he'd probably think that Ah Li had trained his entire life for the acting of this very moment! But in reality, it's just that his horniness became his driving force and motivation to seem as innocent as possible in this goddess of an absolute milf!

Even though he didn't manage to completely calm down Bibi Dong, the fearful expression combined with his adorableness did manage to pull on the strings of the mature woman's heart. Calming down slightly, her expression and voice turned slightly warmer, not as bone chilling as before :"Don't be afraid, little guy. I'm not going to hurt you. When you were awakening your Martial Soul, did you feel something else along with your first Martial Soul getting awakened?"

Seeing that even though she looked at him with hostility and some resentment but still just talked, Ah Li decided to find out some answers for himself as well. Calming down a bit, he nodded a few times :"Y-yes, I did. But it disappeared right when I felt it. Do you know what it was?"

Seeing that despite clearly being afraid, he still didn't cry or make a fuss, she grew somewhat satisfied as she nodded before deciding to put on a smile, hoping to cause him to let down his guard :"Well, of course I do. That was actually your second Martial Soul! But because of it being very special, it couldn't be summoned."

"Second Martial Soul?" A look of surprise took over his adorable features as he blinked in curiosity :"T-then... Does this sister know what my second Martial Soul is?" Hearing how he addressed her, she grew even more satisfied. How old was she? So when being called a sister, how could she not be happy? Which woman doesn't like to be called young?

So the moment she heard him, the resentment and anger towards him dropped sharply in her heart. When looking at him, she couldn't help but notice that he looked even better than before. With a smile that grew even warmer and more friendly, Bibi Dong nodded :"Of course. How could I not? Little guy, believe it or not, I'm actually your second Martial Soul!"

Hearing her, Ah Li immediately froze in place. No way, this was nothing like what he had imagined would happen! How could he not be shocked? Obviously, ever since coming to this world, from the first second, he had the hope of seeing the woman he had a crush on and become her lover. Yet he suddenly found out that not only was she literally inside of him, she had actually become his Martial Soul!

He was actually very happy, but the surprise and shock was just too much. But he was also confused :'Wait, if Bibi Dong is inside of me, then who the hell is the Pope of Martial Soul Hall???'

"What??? This sister is actually my Martial Soul?" He blinked his big, watery eyes in surprise and confusion before Bibi Dong nodded, feeling a little warm inside as she realized how deadly his cuteness was to women, especially older ones like her :"Um, that is correct. I am your 2nd Martial Soul, Rakshasa Goddess!"

And just like that, Ah Li got a clue of what was probably going on. At first, when seeing her, he was very confused. He figured that she was probably like that Trash Gang's pig Martial Soul. Something like a summoned beast or something. But he was still very confused.

If she is here, then what about the Pope of Martial Soul Hall?

But when she introduced herself, he immediately got a clue. Bibi Dong currently is only the successor of Rakshasa Goddess and isn't qualified to be known as Rakshasa Goddess. Yet the Bibi Dong in front of him addressed herself, his 2nd Martial Soul, as Rakshasa Goddess. What did that mean? He had an idea. But it was far too wild to be sure of it.

However, still needing to be seen as a simple child, he still needed to put up a confused and surprised face :"Rakshasa Goddess? My Martial Soul actually has a goddess in its name? Sister, what kind of Martial Soul is this? What grade does it belong to? Is it very strong?"

After listening to him, a proud and smug smirk appeared on her gorgeous face, amazing Ah Li even more with her beauty :"Grade and strength? Of course, I'm extremely strong! Little guy, no matter Trash, Normal or High Level, not even Super Martial Souls are worthy of being compared to me! I'm no ordinary Martial Soul, this sister is a God Level Martial Soul!"

As he looked at her with genuine marvel, he couldn't help but mutter out loud :"God Level Martial Soul...? I actually have such a strong Martial Soul that is only told in stories and fairy tales?"

He wasn't lying. Martial Souls are extremely important to the humans of Douluo Dalu. After all, without one, it's impossible to grow stronger and become a high leveled Soul Master! So obviously, Martial Souls were the center of many stories. And just like he said, God Level Martial Souls are only said in legends and stories.

It was also because of how strong she was that he grew confused :'Wait... Wasn't the whole point of me having an Innate Soul Power Level of 2 was so that I'd be weak and not overpowered? Doesn't having a literal goddess as a Martial Soul defeat that whole purpose?'

Looking at his surprise and admiring gaze, Bibi Dong nodded calmly with an air of pride around her, like a goddess :"Of course. You are very lucky, little guy." But immediately after, she grew serious :"But it's also because of how strong your Martial Soul is that you are also somewhat unfortunate.

Because of my strength, you didn't manage to fully awaken me like your first Martial Soul, that little centipede. And because of that, you cannot use me as your Martial Soul. That means that you can neither attach any Soul Rings to me, nor fight with my help. You can only fully awaken me when you get stronger. Otherwise, it's not possible."

To have him help her, she had to let him know how strong she was before telling her the cold truth. After all, who wouldn't want to have a strong Martial Soul? Once he knew how powerful and amazing she was, he'd definitely try his best to awaken her.

And Ah Li, of course, was very tempted. Being weak at the beginning and always being trash weren't exactly the same thing. Since he was weak, he had to use every opportunity and treasure to grow and become as strong as possible. That meant not only taking every treasure that Tang San had gotten, like the External Soul Bone of the Man Faced Demon Spider and every single one of those Immortal Herbs along with the entirety of Dugu Bo's garden, but also having this God Level Martial Soul!

After all, having Twin Martial Souls was a lot more amazing and powerful than having a single one. Especially a God Level one. With an eager expression, he immediately nodded frantically :"I see, I see! Then, how can I awaken you, sister?"

When the difficulty of the situation came to her mind again, her face turned a little gloomy before she sighed :"... You simply need to train hard and grow stronger as fast as possible. You just need to know how amazing your second Martial Soul is, and make it so your goal will be to get stronger as fast as possible. When you are strong enough, you'll naturally be able to awaken me in the future!

Until then, remember to never reveal anything about your second Martial Soul to anybody, alright? The tallest tree always experiences the strongest winds. If it is revealed that you actually have a God Level Martial Soul, a lot of people might actually want to get rid of you quickly so you won't get stronger in the future."