
Douluo Dalu: Bibi Dong is my Martial Soul (Transferred)

(A/N: This book has been transferred to my first account, That_One_Dead_Ali, go read it there.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! Not a simple Random Omnipotent Being though. But a Random Omniversal Being! A being of absolute transcendence! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) and for the R.O.B, who he called Crow because he was a crow version of Alien X, to make his life interesting as hell! There will definitely be smut, and it will start with S in the chapter title

That_One_Alive_Ali · Anime et bandes dessinées
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41 Chs

CH 38: Titan Giant Ape


The next day, after hunting down the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent for Oscar, and having the little quarrel with the Serpent of the Unrivaled Dragon Serpent duo, Chao Tianxiang, a Lv 60 Soul Emperor and her granddaughter, Meng Yiran, the night had arrived. Instead of Tang San, Ah Li was the one who fought Meng Yiran though.

After all, with his ruined Martial Soul, Ah Li was skeptical about him winning against someone of a higher Soul Power Level without using his Hidden Weapons. Also, she had pissed him off with her haughty and arrogant behavior, so he wanted to teach her a lesson about humility. And in the end, of course he won. Actually, with the current strength of his Physical Power Orb, he wouldn't have a single problem in killing them both. Even if the Serpent's husband, Dragon Duke, a Lv 80 Soul Douluo, had joined them, he could still kill them all without a single problem.

However, he didn't want to show his true power in front of the hypocrites. So he just fought against Meng Yiran in a duel and won, ending the quarrel and taking the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent fairly. However, expectedly, Tang San had still broken through Lv 30 and was in need of his 3rd Soul Ring. So they had to stay and look for a suitable Soul Beast.

After several hours of searching, the night had arrived, and Zhao Wuji decided that they all should rest. After all, most of the dangerous Soul Beasts are active at night. And going around at night in Star Dou Great Forest, one of the, if not the, biggest and most dangerous Soul Beast Forests, was pure foolishness.

They didn't start a fire either. That would catch the attention of said strong and deadly Soul Beasts. However, even if they hadn't, the plants themselves in the forest actually emitted light. So despite it being night and dark, the place still had some light.

As they sat in a place deemed safe by Zhao Wuji, the burly man sat next to Tang San :"Xiao San, are you anxious?" And Tang San shook his head :"It's all about luck to find a Soul Beast. Mr Zhao, you can rest assured. I am patient." He had to be. After all, the memory of his 1st Soul Ring brought by the impatience of his teacher to prove himself had cost him dearly.

It was even close to becoming a trauma for him. After all, he only knew about the importance of the 1st Soul Ring after it was too late. If the Innate Soul Power Level was the flower or the tree, and the quality of the Martial Soul was the water, then the 1st Soul Ring was like the ground or fertilizer used for the flower. The 1st Soul Ring would decide what kind of fertilizer would be used on the Martial Soul. So if it was shit, then the Martial Soul would be ruined. Tang San had gotten really unlucky with that.

Looking up at the starry sky, Zhao Wuji sighed :"In the past, there were many 1,000-year Soul Beasts... Even at the outer part of the Star Dou Great Forest. Now... I wonder if they have gone to the inner part of the forest... Or if there is any other reason." And Tang San tried to put in his hypocritical ideology :"No matter what the reason is, it's caused by us human beings.

Although Soul Beasts are ferocious, humans are even more ferocious. Soul Masters kill Soul Beasts indiscriminately. Even if there are more Soul Beasts, they will decrease or even disappear. Human cultivation can only last a few decades.

Soul Beasts cultivate for a century and up to thousands of years. Soul Masters aren't many. But, every Soul Master would have to hunt for at least 5 or 6 Soul Beasts. Besides that, how many people out there hunt Soul Beasts indiscriminately for living? So, maybe one day the profession of Soul Master... Would have no Soul Rings to use."

"Then stop hunting them." Hearing him, Ah Li couldn't help but roll his eyes in annoyance, catching the attention of everyone as he scoffed at Tang San :"You're complaining about how humans are hunting and killing Soul Beasts, yet you're the one here who is searching to kill a Soul Beast.

Tang San, don't you think you're being too much of a hypocrite? If you don't like it, why don't you stop doing it yourself first? Heh, or what, is this one of those "I'll stop doing it if others do it too" moments? You want others to not do it, but you'll still keep doing it? Tsk, hypocrite.

This is why I hate people like you. You always try to act like hot shit, trying to act like a saint or a kind person by victimizing one side and fooling the others to agree with you by sweet talking it. Humans kill Soul Beasts indiscriminately? What about the Soul Beasts? You think they treat humans kindly and don't harm them? Why do you think we're being so careful right now, you moron?

Sigh, so fucking dumb. Then let me educate you although I'm not sure that stupid brain of yours will understand or comprehend my words. Humans hunt Soul Beasts for benefits and needs. If a Soul Master doesn't kill a Soul Beast, he can't advance in cultivation. That means he can't get stronger.

Soul Beasts also have a chance of dropping a Soul Bone, which in most cases, is like an extra Soul Ring. And not just that, but their flesh and bones are highly beneficial as armor, weapons and food that makes Soul Masters and even normal humans stronger.

What about Soul Beasts then? Why do they kill humans? Do they get stronger by eating them? Do they acquire a Soul Ring or a Soul Bone like us? Do they advance in cultivation by eating us? The answer is no. They kill because they can. They don't care about feelings, they don't care about species, they don't care about age or gender. They kill because they can. While we kill them because we need to.

Yet you're here, trying to make them look like a whole ass civilization getting tortured by us humans. Big news, they're not. They're just mindless animals without empathy or compassion. While we kill them to get stronger so we can protect our loved ones and reach our goals, they kill because we're like quick snacks and nothing more.

Do you think this would be the situation of the world if humans weren't doing what they are, and just let the Soul Beasts be without getting stronger themselves? You think the world would be this peaceful? No, the world would be in chaos, with the Soul Beasts rampaging everywhere, killing everyone and destroying every city and empire there is.

If we weren't strong enough to threaten the Soul Beasts, we'd be the preys who were getting killed. And not just getting killed, we'd be butchered. You know why? Because unlike humans who hunt and kill them for benefits and would stop once we got what we have, they would continue slaughtering the humans without stopping just for being able to do it.

Don't try to act like some saint without knowing jack shit, you hypocritical moron. You're simply making yourself look stupid. Do you think you'd be able to say those same words if you were in a world that I just described? No, you'd be doing the opposite. Because that's what people like you do. You simply glance at the situation without a thought, then you try to look cool by voicing your stupid opinions without knowing a single thing. Hmph, just talking to your bitch ass pisses me off."

Listening to him, Tang San was angry at first. The others, except Zhu Zhuqing who knew he had a reason for saying that, were also annoyed. Especially Xiao Wu, who was happy since Tang San spoke up for them. She was very mad at Ah Li at first. But as he kept explaining what they were too stupid to understand, Tang San could only reluctantly lower his head in shame, while Xiao Wu could only bite her lip in annoyance.

Ah Li's logic had left no space for them to argue against. The others, who were just spectating, couldn't help but also agree with noiret. Tang San's words had moved them and aroused the pity in their hearts, but Ah Li had revealed the cold and brutal truth of the world to them.

And besides, the fact that someone who did absolutely nothing even after becoming a god was complaining had really pissed him off. Especially Xiao Wu. For someone who always tried to look like a saint by trying to "protect" and "defend" Soul Beasts by complaining and looking pitiful, she sure as hell tossed them aside after reaching godhood. If anybody had the right to complain, it sure as hell weren't these two.

"Prepare to fight!" Just as the words soaked into their brains, the area suddenly turned weird before Zhao Wuji shouted. As they all got ready to fight, and asked Zhao Wuji for the situation before he ordered them to prepare to escape and leave him behind, the fearful cries of the nearby Soul Beasts sounded as the ground started shaking slightly. The nearby trees started shaking before a giant shadow enveloped them.

Looking up at what had blocked the moonlight, they saw a giant gorilla looking down at them. The idiotic children tried to attack, but Zhao Wuji quickly stopped them. Slamming its huge hands on the ground, the gorilla gave a mighty roar, nearly blowing them away with just that.

It was a giant ape that looked like a mountain, about at least 10 to 20 meters tall, with black fur all over its body that made it look like it was made out of rocks. The height of its shoulders at least outstripped seven meters. Not only was its body enormous, but all over its entire body was covered with muscles protruding like little hills. All over its body, there were yellow veins that glowed in the night.

"Shit, we're in real bad luck." Ah Li cursed lowly, keeping up his act :"Not only did we meet a Titan Giant Ape, it's even one that is 100,000-years-old!" Hearing his whispering shouts, everybody else was shocked as well. Although the Titan Giant Ape looked extremely strong, and they were sure that it was definitely over 10,000-years, none of them had expected it to be a 100,000-year Soul Beast. If what he had said was true, then their chance of survival was even lower than they had expected. It was practically 0% at this point. Knowing that fact, they were even more fearful and desperate.

"Shit, why is this guy here?!" Bibi Dong shouted in annoyance :"Isn't this bastard supposed to be in the core of the Star Dou Great Forest?! Why is it here instead?!" She wasn't scared, far from it, actually. In fact, seeing the Titan Giant Ape, she was even tempted to tell Ah Li to kill it. The attributes gained from a single 100,000-year Soul Beast were extremely tempting, after all. It would take months to hunt enough Soul Beasts to make up for about attributes of a 100,000-year Soul Beast. How could she not be tempted to kill only a single Soul Beast that would take only a matter of minutes but give the same amount of attributes?

However, she calmed herself down. She had to be patient to make the best use for the overgrown ape that presented itself to them. After all, which is better? Only gaining the attributes of a 100,000-year Soul Beast along with a 100,000-year Soul Bone, or gaining the 100,000-year attributes along with a 100,000-year Soul Bone and a 100,000-year Soul Ring? Of course, it would be the latter.

"(It's alright, Sister Goddess, don't worry.)" While hiding a smirk behind his nervous face, he comforted :"(My gut feeling tells me that nothing bad will happen. At least to us. But even if something does go wrong, I can just kill it in the end. Although 100,000-year Soul Beasts are rare, it's not like their nonexistent.)"