
DOULUO DALU 2: Legend Of Zhu Tianmeng

10,000 thousand years after Tang San and The others ascended Many Things happened The God of Chaos and The Goddess of speed decided to send their 1st son in the Douluo Dalu World as the war in the god realm is still raging on He was named Zhu Tianmeng and this is his story

Lockedkid69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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23 Chs

Chapter 4: Little Sister

2 years later

Shrek Academy Special Dorm Training Area

Tianmeng is swingging a sword that looked the same and weight the same as his Origin Sword Of Ice

"20,000!" Tianmeng said as he exhales and wipe away his sweat, after two years of training his abilities have been upgraded completely, righg now his mastery on the two his sword art and movement techniques are both on the advance stage, he also comprehended his own sword intent too and right now he is a level 30

Suddenly a commotion happened beside the bulletin board, Tianmeng got closer to see what it is

"Wanted Ice Type Spirit Master, the higher the ice power the better - Wuhun Group"

That is what the paper said, a direct request from the Wuhun group is a big news, Tianmeng started to think but his thought got cancelled when his communicator rang, this communicator was a gift from Fan Yu so they can call Tianmeng anytime

"Hello?" Tianmeng said cause the one calling him is a new communicator

"Are you Zhu Tianmeng? I am Principal Yan I hope that we can talk about something" the man said on the other line

"Okay Principal" Tianmeng said, after that he came towards the shrek palace to meer with the principal, when he entered the room he saw Principal Yan and Xuan Lao standing together while looking at a 6 year old girl that have a long crimson red hair

"Tianmeng I need you to try and suppress this kid's flame" Xuan Lao said

Tianmeng just nodded and he summoned out his sword the hot temperature on the room vanished instantlt and Principal Yan felt the extreme called, the fire on the little girls body vanished completely and she started to calm down

Principal Yan And Xuan Lao looked at each other and they nodded

"Tianmeng, as a core member of the Sea God Pavillion you must help out a member of the sea god pavillion when they needed it"

"I'm assigning you as this girls guardian starting from now on" Xuan Lao said

"Guardian? I'll take care of her like that?" Tianmeng asked Xuan Lao

"Yes, the two of you will be transferred in a bigger dorm room, she will live with you too, you should stay here for a while, wait for her to wake up" Xuan Lao said then he and Principal Yan left the room

Tianmeng looked at the little girl on the bed who was sleeping peacefully

If she really needed his help then Tianmeng will take care of her until her sickness was cured

After a while the little girl woke up, she looked at Tianmeng and she started to panic

"Please dont come near me, I might explode and hurt you, my flames are dangerous please dont come near me" She said while distancing herself from Tianmeng, her body started to got hot and her flames was ignited again

Tianmeng offered her his hand, the little girl just looked at him after a while she took his hand and she felt something cool inside her body, her Evil Phoenix Flames calmed down and she started to calm down

The little girl hugged Tianmeng until she fell asleep, after a while Principal Yan entered the room and he was shocked when he saw that the girl is sleeping peacefully beside Tianmeng

"Please take care of her, this girl is Ma Xiao Tong her fighting essence is very special, she inherited her ancestors 8 Winged Overlord Evil Phoenix Fighting essence the number 1 Flame and bird Spirit essence that why her body cant contain it if she didnt meet you here our only choice is to supress the fire and make her stop cultivating" principal Yan said, which surprised Tianmeng big time, the 8 Winged Overlord Evil Phoenix Fighting essence is the fighting essence of one of the original member of Shrek 7 Monsters, the Fire God Ma Hongjun

"She is a talent that can only be seen after every hundred years, I'm begging you please help her" Principal Yan said

"Dont worry Principal Yan as a fellow member of the Sea God Pavillion I'll treat her as my own little sister" Tianmeng said

After that, Tianmeng waited for The little girl to wake up and the both of them returned to the dorm, when he arrived his new room number is 169, the room is very large and it have two beds, its own kitchen and its own bathroom which is the best

That day Tianmeng started to live with Ma Xiao Tao, the little girl got attached to him quickly and she will follow Tianmeng everywhere he go, this does not annoy Tianmeng cause Xiao Tong is a very polite and Quiet girl, she will follow him everywhere but she will just follow and stay quiet if you dont talk to her she will not speak too

After a few days the two of them decided to hunt for Xiao Tao's 1st spirit ring, Principal Yan Said that they should search for a 800 year old Fire type beast, that will be the most suitable spirit ring for Xiao Tao

With Tianmeng there the flame inside Xiao Tao's body is perfectly surpressed, a flame of a phoenix is no match for the origin ice

After travelling for two hours they both arrived at the Xingdou forest, The two started their hung for Xiao Tao's Spirit Ring and after searching for a while they finally saw a fire beast its a 790 years old Hell Fire Lion

"Meng Ge I want that Lion" Xiao Tao said as she pointed at the 790 Years old Hell Fire Lion

"Okay you should just stay here and Watch me okay?" Tianmeng said then he quickly vanished when he appeared he was already on the side of the Hell Fire Lion, the lion quickly covered his body in flames but in a second the Hell Fire Lion became Frozen Solid

After that Tianmeng gave a sword to Xiao Tao

"Destroy this ice sculpture using this, there is no way that your fire will melt my ice after all" Tianmeng said

"Big brother is a bully!" Xiao Tao said and she smashed the head of the lion and it cracked the head of the lion flew away, and yellow spirit ring came out

Tianmeng Guarded Xiao Tao while she was absorbing the Spirit Ring, after 4 hours she finished it, her first spirit skill is a aoe attack called Phoenix Beam

After that the two of them travelled to Shrek, Principal Yan is very happy when she saw her disciple smilling, after they left she teared uo a little now one of his biggest problems is solved

The next day Tianmeng headed back to principal yan to leave Xiao Tong there for a while, after all he was going to Extreme north and bringing Xiao Tao there is a very bad idea

Xiao Tao agreed to stay with Principal Yan, Principal Yan said that I was summoned by the Great Master to do something for him and I will return after two weeks

"Tianmeng be carefull there, that place is a very dangerous land" Principal Yan said before Tianmeng took off

After 4 days of travelling Tianmeng reached the extreme north, this land is massive, the snow is pouring down nonstop and everything Tianmeng can see is a vast white land

Luckily when he got his second spirit ring he was immune to any kind of poison and Ice attacks that is weaker than his origin Ice

Tianmeng travelled for 2 days until he saw a Giant Moving White Mountain this is the one he was looking for its a 9,500 years old Giant Ancient Ice Mammoth

Tianmeng was dumbfounded by its size, it was 30 feet high and 40 feet long, it was basically a moving fortress

Tianmeng quickly chased the mammoth all he have to do is stab its one leg with his sword and the fight was over, no one can ressist the freezing power of the Origin Ice Sword, specially ice monsters like this, this is basically a childs play, if not for the environment here, Tianmeng will bring Xiao Tong here

After chasing for a whole day the mammoth stopped to take a rest, Tianmeng acted quickl in the blink of an eye he summoned his sword and he stabbed it into the head of the Giant Mammoth, the sound of something freezing can be heard when Tianmeng pulled away his sword the Giant Mammoth is already dead, its brain was freezed and smashed into pieces by Tianmeng

"Mother's movement skills are really the best partnered with father's sword art this two are really the best combo for me, if I can master the sword domain then I will be more stronger

If anyone can see Tianmeng now then they will die in jealousy, Tianmeng didnt know but with just his grandmist body alone, he can just punch this giant mammoth and it will die

Tianmeng ate another Grandmist pill, he was going to try if the pills can effect 1,000 year old spirit halos, after that he sat down and started to absorb the ring

In the vast Ice land a beautiful jade scorpion can be seen looking at a the dead body of the Mammoth

'If I'm not wrong I felt the power of Origin Ice here on this part, someone killed that 9,500 years old Giant Ancient Ice Mammoth' The scorpion said on her mind then she suddenly felt a strong soul power, she decided to get near the dead mammoth and what she saw shocked her

The power of ice than can freeze everything is coming from the sword on the kid's hand, and on his sword are three spirit Halos 2 black and one red

The scorpion was shocked and she cant move at all

'What a monstrous Talent, and what is that sword, I never seen something like that before' she said on her mind

"Oh an Ice Jade Scorpion, and by the looks of it this one is probably a ten thousand year old one, she is beautiful" The Ice Scorpion Emperor heard the kid speak while looking at her with his innocent eyes

"Uhm, did you came here to take the Mammoth meat?" Tianmeng asked the scorpion

But the scorpion didnt move at all, it was still looking at the sword on his hand, when Tianmeng saw that he unsummoned his sword

"Sorry my sword scared you there, you can take the meet, bye bye little scorpion" Tianmeng said as he waved goodbye

"Wait a minute human!" Tianmeng was surprised when he heard someone speak, he quickly summoned his sword and he got ready, then he started to think

'Mu Lao and Xuan Lao said that a hundred thousand year old beast can speak, also those who have a high mental power can understand human and can speak in human too' Tianmeng said then he looked at the scorpion coming towards him

"I want to ask you, are you the one who killed the mammoth?" The scorpion said, in a girly voice

"Umm yes, I needed its spirit ring, after all" Tianmeng said

"Can I know your spirit essence?" The scorpion said

"Oh this is the Origin Sword Of Ice, a divine rank tool spirit" Tianmeng said, the scorpion didnt said anything, after a while she said something that shocked Tianmeng

"My name is Bing Bing please take me with you"