
DOULUO DALU 2: Legend Of Zhu Tianmeng

10,000 thousand years after Tang San and The others ascended Many Things happened The God of Chaos and The Goddess of speed decided to send their 1st son in the Douluo Dalu World as the war in the god realm is still raging on He was named Zhu Tianmeng and this is his story

Lockedkid69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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23 Chs

Chapter 15: Practice

Extreme North

Castle Of Snow

On the way here, Tian Meng and Bing Bing met a lot of strong spirit beasts, but with their current strength, all of the spirit beast didnt bothered them

The two arrived and entered a snow palace, where a multi colored orb is sitting quitely on the throne

"Looks like sister snow is still here, and no one tried to steal the fetus" Bing Bing said a she took up the fetus and placed it inside her bag

"Lets headback to Shrek" Bing Bing said but Tian Meng stopped her, and he quickly gave a burger to her, then the two became invisible, they hid at the corner of the throne room, then some people that are wearing armors entered the room

"Hmm, this room is empty too, the rumors are true, the Snow Empress tried to be a human, but in the end she failed and died" a man with a monocle said

"Maybe she became dust, the god artifact is gone too, what a pity"

"Dean our 4th expidition team is under attack, they are requesting for backup" one of the man said

"Is it a 100,000 spirit beast?" The Dean said

"Its the members of the body sect, they are looking for spirit beasts here too" the man said, with that all of them quickly left and they flew in the sky

Tian Meng and Bing Bing quickly headed out too, when they got outside, sounds of explosions can be heard coming from the east side

Tian Meng looked at Bing Bing and she nodded, then Tian Meng took out his sword, and a strong blizzard striked all of the Extreme North

"Lets go, with this as a cover there will be no problem" Tian Meng said to Bing Bing as he held her hands

"Umm, Lets hurry and return home, Sister Ji will get mad if we came back late" Bing Bing said

As the strong blizzard covered the whole extreme north the fight between the Sun Moon Kingdom and the body sect stopped

The Sun Moon kingdom lost 12 spirit masters and 20 units of their specialized soul weapons, and they gained nothing in this expidition, the body sect lost 2 spirit masters, and they quickly retreated to avoid cassualties

A few days later Bing Bing and Tian Meng arrived and Shrek safely they saw Xiao Tao was.already there with Bi Ji

"You two looked tired" Xiao Tao said

"We played hide and seek with the body sect and Sun moon kingdom after all, luckily they didnt found us" Bing Bing said as she sat down on the sofa

Then she took out the fetus and placed it on the table, Tian Meng helped her prepare the thing needed, after placing 4 immortal herbs, Tian Meng took out his sword and he controlled the ice energy to go inside the fetus, Bing Bing did the same

After a few hours the fetus cracked and a 3 year kid with white hair appeared, she was flying, she looked curiously at Tian Meng then she hugged his face

Tian Meng hugged her back and the kid smiled and she laughed

"Come on, snow empress eat this herbs so your foundation will be solid" Tian Meng said as he gave the 23,000 years old Blood Ginseng to her

"Eat it and I'll help you absorb it" Tian Meng said, the kid smiled and she ate the whole Ginseng, after that she yawn, she looked at Tian Meng and demanded him to carry her in his arms

Tian Meng smiled as he carried the kid after that the kid fell asleep very quickly, and Tian Meng helped her to rotate her spirit energy insode her body

Bing Bing sighed in relief when she saw her sister being revived, just like that man said, a accident happened thats why her sister became a 100,000 year old fetus again

But seeing how she was so attached to Tian Meng right now, she just smiled

"This will be a great practice for us" Bi Ji said om the side, Bing Bing and Xiao Tao Blushed heavily when they heard it

"You three should prepare our lunch, I'll be the one who will take care of her for the meantime" Tian Meng said

The three girls nodded after Bing Bing changed her clothes the three headed out to buy things at the market

Tian Meng looked at the smal girl quitely sleeping in his arms, she was really cute, she started to wonder if this is how it feels to be a father

"If I remember correctly, this girl's name is Xue Nu,

Welcome to our small family" Tian Meng said to the sleeping kid, he placed her in the sofa and he sat on the ground

Its been only a week, they still have 3 months of day off, Bi Ji said that our supply of pills are now low, some of the supplements are all used up too

"Xiao Tao is formally our member right now that she entered Rank 80, today will be a triple celebration, I must tell the girls to buy more foods" Tian Meng said then he took out his communicator and he called the girls and told them to buy more foods as their will be a celebration today

After that Tian Meng called his other friends, Lexuan,Ruo Ruo and Wu Ming will come, then he called Bei Bei and Tang Ya too, after that he called Zhu Yi and said yes too, Team Yuhao was with him so the three will go here too

At exactly 3:30 pm the girls arrived, then Xiao Tao was assigned to take care of little Xue as the three started to prepare the things, at 4 pm Yuhao arrived with Zhu Yi, Xiao Xiao and Wu Dong, Xiao Tao was In the second floor of the house so they didnt see the Xue Nu

Team Yuhao was assigned to grill the barbeque, Zhu Yi entered the kitchen to help Bing Bing and Bi Ji their

After a while Lexuan arrived, then she helped Tian Meng in preparing the tables and plates, Han RuoRuo arrive together with Wu Ming, and they have two barrels of wine with them, looks like the girls will have a drinking contest tonight, Xiao Tao arrived to she said that the kid is already okay and she absorbed all the medicine, when she saw the two barrels of wine she said it was too little so she called one of her juniors and told him to buy 10 barrels of wine

When Tian Meng heard it his ears buzzed, just how strong can this girls tolerance on alcohol is

At 5pm Bei Bei arrived with Tang Ya and Xiao Tao's junior Xu Sanshi, Bei Bei helped him bring the barrels of wine to the backyard where the party is held, Tang Ya quickly greeted the seniors around then she guarded the meats that are grilled by Yuhao

At exactly 6 pm everything is ready and they all sat down beside the table, Tian Meng entered the house and when he returned outside he was carrying a girl with him

"Oh Senior brother, who is her mother?" Wang Dong said as everyone became silent, specially the girls, Bing Bing was about to say something but Tian Meng said something that made her stop

"This is me and Bing Bing's child, weve been secretly raising her for almost 3 years, Her name is Xue Nu" Tian Meng said, the girls giggled.and they congratulated Bing Bing and they started to tease Bi Ji and Xiao Tao, Bing Bing is red and she pinched Tian Meng's side

"Papa!?" Everyone stopped when they heard a cute voice, even Tian Meng was shocked

"Papa?" Xue Nu said as she happily hugged Tian Meng's face and she kissed his cheek

"Do you want to eat?" Tian Meng said as he started to introduce the foods to her

The others looked at this scene, specially Zhu Yi, time really flies past, in a blink of an eye the boy he got outside the academy has his own family now, while she and Fan Yu still dont have a child after all these years