
Douluo Dalu 2: Heavenly Eyed Douluo

Huo Yuhao's destiny was to become the second legendary figure in the history of Soul Land; as the Ice Spirit Douluo, Founder of Spirit Pagoda, one who created a new era of soul master, the one who revived Tang Sect, and the God King of Emotions. That was what he meant to be. Only, in this story, it was different. His eyes witnessed helplessness, despair, tragedy, and most of all...pain. "This world, shall know pain..." A pair of scarlet eyes with strange pupils suddenly glowed. Look out world, for the Heavenly Eyed Douluo has descended. .... *I do not own Douluo Dalu, it's owned by Tang Jia San and I'm making this to fulfill my fantasy of Huo Yuhao having Sharingan. *P.S. The early chapters have some text copy-pasted from the original novel for a bit of info dump for newcomers of the Continent's situation, Soul Master and Soul Beast lore, etc. So to make up for it, I'm making the chapters longer than I usually do for my other stories. Check out my patreon and support me: https://www.patreon.com/FroztDouluo

FroztDouluo · Anime et bandes dessinées
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189 Chs

Chapter 65: End of the Brothers

"Damn bitch, I'll burn you like how we burned those loser parents of yours!" The chubby guy cried out with bloodshot eyes, his flaming daggers burned intensely, burning away the blue silver grass binding him, as his second soul ring lit up.

Ethereal purple flaming chains began appearing from the end handles of both his daggers, each being two meters long, the purple flaming chains wrapped around his arms but it didn't burn his skin.

Though he trembled and felt his vision blurry from the poison of the Blue Silver Grass, his determination for revenge was strong. The moment he was freed from his binds, he began to hurl the daggers at Tang Ya ferociously.

"Really? Using daggers against the Tang Sect former sect master?" Tang Ya growled, angered by the man's words and at how he was belittling her.

Throwing daggers at a Tang Sect member was like challenging a dragon to a spitting contest. Tang Ya swiftly dodged the incoming daggers with ease, her agility and reflexes honed by years of training.

The chubby guy's eyes flashed and the chains wrapped around his arms untangled and flew towards Tang Ya, quickly trying to bind her in flaming chains. Tang Ya's eyes widened at the unexpected move, but she didn't falter.

Reacting quickly, she twisted her body in mid-air, avoiding the chains with incredible flexibility. As the chains whizzed past her, she took the opportunity to counterattack.

In a split second, Tang Ya unleashed her Silent Sleeve Darts from her sleeves, six steel darts flying towards the chubby guy with deadly accuracy. The darts whistled through the air, guided by Tang Ya's precise control, while summoning several Blue Silver Grass vines around her to shield her against the flaming chains.

But the chubby guy was not easily defeated, as he wasn't alone.

"Third brother!" Feng finally broke out of his binds, having taking so long because Tang Ya had concentrated a lot of her soul power and Blue Silver Grass on him.

His first soul ring lit up, his sabre grew a bit longer as the flames surrounding its blade burned hotter and brighter. Feng charged towards Tang Ya with a fierce determination in his eyes.

Tang Ya's eyes narrowed as she saw the incoming attack. She quickly flipped her body, using her agility to avoid Feng's charging strike. In mid-air, she kicked off the wall and used the momentum to launch herself towards Feng.

"Don't forget about me!" The third brother yelled, his left arm limping by his side. He had managed to deflect most of the darts except for the one that's sticking out of his shoulder. Ignoring the pain, he charged at Tang Ya from the side, attempting to catch her off guard.

Tang Ya gritted her teeth as she saw the third brother coming at her. She had to think quickly and adapt to the changing situation. With a surge of soul power, her figure blurred and left behind afterimages as she executed her Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, evading the attacks of both brothers effortlessly.

"Fucking bitch!"

The chubby guy, Feng, and the third brother, Li, exchanged glances, realizing that Tang Ya was not an opponent to be taken lightly. They had underestimated her mastery over her Tang Sect techniques, and now they found themselves on the defensive.

"Tch. This is why the sect master should've shared the Tang Sect secret techniques to all of us and not hoard it like the selfish bastard that he is!" The third brother cried out like a pig as he confronted Tang Ya.

Feng gritted his teeth, a vein popped on his forehead.

'This is so humiliating!' He thought, any Soul Ancestor would be when they find themselves at a disadvantage against a Soul Elder!

His sharp burning sabre, called the Flame Sabre, should've made him hold a great advantage against Tang Ya who's a Soul Elder with the trash Blue Silver Grass martial soul. And with his third brother by his side with a similar fire-type bladed martial soul, they should've already defeated this little girl! Or at the very least, put her on a disadvantage.

But it feels as though their flames seemed to be... suppressed? Its heat isn't as hot as it normally emits.

'Now that I think about it... Did the air around us turned chilly?' Feng exhaled and was stunned to realize he let out a white puff of air.

He blinked his eyes, feeling incredibly sluggish for a moment, and he saw to his horror that the walls and the front of the store had been covered completely in ice!

"What kind of power is this?" Feng muttered, his eyes widening in shock and disbelief.

"Brother Feng? What is it?" The third brother turned towards him, confused.

"Third brother, d-do you not notice this?" Feng frantically grabbed the chubby guy's shoulders and pointed at the ice covered walls.

"T-The shop owner's products? What about them?" Contrary to his expectations, the third brother didn't seem to notice it. He looked worried for his brother and he turned towards Tang Ya.

"You! What did you do to my big brother?!"

Tang Ya smirked, a kunai in hand. "Nothing. At least, not much..."

"Damn you!" The third brother yelled, charging towards Tang Ya once more.

"Third brother, wait!"

Feng tried to stop him but hesitated, looking around him in confusion.

'Where did this ice come from? And why is third brother not noticing this?! This couldn't be the work of the Tang girl, she can't control Ice, not to this degree as far as I know. And making my third brother's perspective messed up... As the Tang Sect Master, she might have used her Purple Demon Eyes to mess with us.' He narrowed his eyes, tightening the grip on his sabre.

'However, there's another and most likely theory.' Feng turned towards the silent and laidback Huo Yuhao, who had been casually looking at the ores at one of the shelves.

Huo Yuhao didn't seem to emit any kind of aura or soul power, but that just made the situation even more suspicious. Feng couldn't shake off the feeling that Huo Yuhao was behind this sudden ice formation and the strange effects it seemed to have on them.

His instincts as a Soul Ancestor and mercenary for years screamed at him that this boy wasn't ordinary.

At first he wanted to charge towards him, thinking he could either kill him or take him hostage.

However, the moment he took a step forward, he froze up.


Feng immediately stepped back, cold sweat flowing down his face. His heart beating loudly while his body shook uncontrollably.

At that moment, just as when he was about to attack Huo Yuhao, he felt death. He felt certain death would come for him if he were to attack Huo Yuhao.

Feng had racked up quite a lot of bodies over the years, experienced numerous life and death situations in various battlefields, and yet... The sheer pressure of the killing intent Huo Yuhao had surged out towards Feng was enough to suffocate him!

This was a killing intent that was formed from just a short three months. Short, but an incredibly bloody few months that had seemingly left a few blood lakes in some areas of the outer region of the Extreme North, lasting for years!

For those last three months of his training in the Extreme North, Huo Yuhao lived the life of a beast. He had no mercy left in him. Every day was a battle for survival, and he fought with all his might, unleashing his full potential.

As Feng stood frozen in fear, Huo Yuhao slowly turned his gaze towards him. His eyes, once calm and serene, now held a cold and eerie light. It was as if a deep darkness resided within them, ready to swallow anyone who dared to cross his path.

'I'm going to get killed!!' Feng inwardly cried out, breathing heavily to the point of hyperventilating.

Huo Yuhao smiled sinisterly, amusement in his eyes, before turning back to look at the ore in his hand.

Feng slowly began to calm down, his eyes looking at the ground, not daring to look up.

'We need to leave!' Feng thought to himself and he turned towards his third brother and almost cussed out loud.


As the third brother charged at Tang Ya, Feng made his decision. He couldn't let his third brother fight alone, especially if Huo Yuhao was involved. With a determined expression, he sprinted towards his brother, ready to assist in battle.

Tang Ya smirked as the two brothers approached her. Taking advantage of the third brother's aggressive behavior, she launched a swift counterattack. She unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks at the third brother, her strikes infused with her soul power, each hitting with incredible force.

The third brother was caught off guard, unable to defend against Tang Ya's onslaught. He was knocked back several meters, crashing into a display shelf and causing it to collapse on top of him.

Feng's eyes widened in shock at the sight of his brother being taken down so easily. He clenched his fists, anger boiling inside him.

"Enough!" Feng shouted, his voice filled with fury. He charged towards Tang Ya, his Flame Sabre held high, flames licking the blade. His fourth soul skill shone brillantly. He swung it down with all his might, aiming to strike her down.

Tang Ya's eyes flashed with determination as she braced herself for the incoming attack. She summoned her Blue Silver Grass, wrapping it tightly around her body, forming a protective barrier. Her first soul ring then lit up.

As the Flame Sabre clashed against the vines, sparks flying in all directions, numerous Blue Silver Grass vines burst out of the floor and surged towards Feng's body.

But Feng was relentless. He continued to push forward, his strength and determination driving him. He unleashed his second soul skill in tandem to his fourth, causing the flames on his sabre to intensify and burn hotter. Four flaming lances appeared over him, aiming at Tang Ya, and rained down on her.

The flames began to envelop the Blue Silver Grass, attempting to burn through its defenses.

Tang Ya grunted, feeling the heat of Feng's flames against her Blue Silver Grass. She focused her soul power, reinforcing the vines and preventing them from being incinerated. She knew she couldn't let Feng's attacks break through her defenses.

Their battle raged on, the sound of clashing metal and crackling flames filling the air. Tang Ya's agility allowed her to dodge most of Feng's strikes, but his strength was intimidating. With each swing of his Flame Sabre, the force behind it threatened to overpower her.

Being one ring lower than him, she was most likely to lose out in a battle of attrition.

While Tang Ya was concerned about the battle, Feng was growing incredibly afraid, not knowing what to do.

He can't escape, he had tried melting the ice from the beginning but to no avail. The ice would not melt! This greatly disturbed Feng, making him think that the boy was stronger than him and at least a Soul King!

A soul king, judging by his look, he doesn't even seem to be eighteen years old!

Was this guy part of the current generation of the Shrek Seven Monsters?! Just how did Tang Ya recruit him?!

Then killing Tang Ya was impossible, Huo Yuhao seemed confident enough to stop him.

Fighting Tang Ya, Feng began to realize the ending of it all.

He can't win.

Either suffer the worst hell imaginable or die a quick death.

'I'm sorry, third brother.' Closing his eyes, Feng swiftly grabbed a few ores and threw them towards Tang Ya as distraction before heading towards his unconscious third brother.

With an emotionless gaze, he raised his sabre over his third brother's body and brought it down.


Only for numerous Blue Silver Grass vines, now a shade darker and with numerous thorns, to wrap around his body. The thorns stabbed into gis body, causing a red light to flash.

Inwardly cursing, Feng circulated his soul power to burn the blue silver grass, only for nothing to happen.

"W-Wha..." Feng opened his mouth in disbelief, his words coming out in a stutter.

Feng's body had constantly been slowly inflicted by the Blue Silver Grass paralytic poison. Although he kept purging it out of gis body through his flames, he couldn't completely burned them all away.

Because of that, it slowly began to build up and now completely paralyzed him.

"No, no, no... You really think I'm going to let you go out the easy way?" Tang Ya muttered, her breathing heavy but her eyes was still burning brightly with vengeance. "No... I'm going to make sure each one of you suffer as much as I can inflict on you before killing you."

"Ug...ugh, aaaah!!!"

"Yes, that's right," Tang Ya smiled, raising a kunai against Feng's left face cheek. "Scream!"


AN: Sorry. Forgot to schedule this, I got tired yesterday and just woke up to see this😅

❄️Shout out to the great Cultivators of my patreon, may you reach the peak of the heavens and conquer the earth!





•Nicholas Berenguer

•Muhammad Imam

❄️A bigger shout out to the ones who ascended to become a One Above All!!

•Daniel Reis

•Luis A Montoya



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