
Doulou Dalu Rise of the Uchiha

Welcome everyone who is either new or a returner. This story will be set in Soul Land, as the title says but instead of following Tang San like other novels, mine shall walk a different path. Tang San will walk his usual story until the main tournament. The story will follow a reborn protagonist am not an original on a different story he will get wish's, but I will make restrictions on them, so they are not op in the beginning, and he will most likely have a harem not too big, not too small will take suggestions, and instead of twin spirits, he will have three because it's different more info on the auxiliary chapter. Disclaimer I do not own any of the shows or stories I write about; they all belong to the original owners the only thing that is mine is some characters that I create.

TheDaoSon · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
40 Chs

Chapter 1 The New Beginning

The start of our journey begins on a planet called Earth. From the outside, it looks like a beautiful blue and green paradise, but if you look close enough, you can see it's dyed in heavy darkness that lurks everywhere. The worst part is that it even covers the people in the light in the darkness, but we don't care about these people; the person we care about is on a particular island called Japan whose life is about to change.

-note '' thinking



Sinn" haah, another day of this shitty life of mine. How did I end up like this"

Sinn thinks about while walking into the train yes, our hero is Sinn, an above-average male with a build of a true warrior not too big not too small perfect for combat black hair with black eyes paired with an uncommon name one would think he's a fighter but back to his name, this is the name that was on the baby's basket he was in by the fire station some might think his mother was calling him a Sin for being born, but if anybody knew it meant Ourselves or We Ourselves, they would be surprised.

Sinn lived a very average life, but that's what he wanted people to see when he was 15, Sinn joined the army to escape, but some would say Sinn was made for war or fighting. That's why at 16, he entered the elites.

Japan's most mysterious force Omega Zero or Oz, for short humans, turned to weapons for wars. They do not know remorse; they do not know mercy, and they do not know failure. They have mastered fear; they use it to survive; they mastered the art of killing; if they strike, it's to kill.

They have never failed a mission, be it an assassination, terrorist threats, espionage, or hostage rescues. They were no longer consider human except for Sinn even though he was the second-best first being his master Sinn was a walking weapon, but he kept his human nature.

He learned to watch the void of darkness without becoming it because deep down, he wanted to love and wanted someone to love him. It was these's feelings that kept him in check. Well, that and manga and novels, though not as much as the first one. That's why his concept of love became twisted a little he hated reading about how some protagonists are loved by multiple women but chose's one or never loves them at all if only they knew what the feeling of true loneliness was to love someone who won't return those feelings that's why he wanted to make his harem to show those loser protagonists how to shower multiple women with love.

Right now, our man Sinn was on his way to a mission but not just any mission his final mission to retire once he finishes, he can retire, Sinn has been in Oz for almost ten years while being 26 with four years away from 30 he wants to end his life of killing. With a perfect record of 599 successful missions, with this being 600, he will have beat the record.

Sinn" this mission is a lot harder than I thought. I have to be extra careful if I don't want to mess up."

Sinn smiles, "and after that, I can finally relax; maybe I can learn how to love, maybe even make a harem, haha, that be something." Sinn shakes his head while talking to himself.




3 hours later




As the train kept moving, Sinn noticed that there was no one is in his cart. Sinn, not knowing if this is normal, chose to close his eyes to relax and think of how to finish the mission but what Sinn didn't realize was that Oz doesn't let their weapons retire.




They use them to weed out the recruits; there would be no way Japan would let their human weapons-free if they want to retire or are too old or injured they are disposed of or locked up as lab rats.

All would say it would be better to have been killed because the scientists are even less human than them; luckily, Sinn was chosen to train the newbies.

Well, Sinn was in his thoughts; a group of masked people silently made their way to his cart from both sides. But when they entered Sinn, opened his eyes.

Sinn" What can I do for you guys? From the looks of it, you don't want money".

Sinn says as he looks around.

Sin' looks like around 19' he looks back to the left.

Sinn' make that 20.'

As he stares at the figure hiding in the back

Sin' if I weren't paying attention, I would have missed him, a group of people who can't hide their murderous intent very well and one who can. Obviously, that one is a pro; the only people who know about this is mission is Oz. '

Sinn stops thinking as one of the masked men takes a phone out.

Voice "hello Sinn, or should I say The Void Walker."

Sinn immediately becomes alert because only a few people know that he is the void Walker one is his master and the owners of Oz.

Sinn" how do you know that name"

Voice" why wouldn't an owner know the name of his weapon."

Sinn" so I have been betrayed why."

Voice" what do you mean betrayed? You want to retire, so that's what's happening your retirement party, and you have the honors of creating the new void walker".

Sinn looks at the surrounding people.

Sinn' honors my ass this is an execution, but what about the others who reti~ never mind, so that's what they mean when they say an old weapon chooses a successor what a pain.'

Voice" even your master came to watch, you should be honored."

Sinn ' so that's the hidden master.'

Sinn" it's good to see you again, Master Od (Omega Dream). It's been what 2 years what a reunion."

Od" it has been some time, my disciple, some time."

Od looks up, reminiscing of the time he met the 18-year-old rough kid.

Sinn sees his master's face and looks down and smiles, knowing what he's thinking about. Od then looks back at Sinn.

Od" imagine my surprise when I heard you wanted to retire. Though it was brief, it was an honor to teach you. Rest well, knowing it will take more than this to earn the name Void Walker. I will make sure only the best of the best inherits it you have my word," Od says with confidence.

Sinn smiles awkwardly at the ending statement, not knowing what to say.

Sinn ' should I be honored or depressed.'

Not knowing what to think, Sinn just says, "well, thanks."

Od walks to the seat next to Sinn and sits down, saying nothing, and takes out a black box with a syringe.

Sinn knew what was going to happen, but he just accepted it because he knew even if he killed all the recruits, his master would end him or worse. Sinn wasn't afraid of death; what he was afraid of or more like just doesn't like was the unknown. He knew some who retired, but there weren't any new recruits after they left. That's why he didn't stop his master because he didn't want to find out about the others.

Sinn " can you tell me what happened to the others who retired, "

Sinn asked, but before his master could reply

Voice" sure, they either trained the new recruits or went to the lab your quite lucky if not for being the void walker. We would have sent you there; then you wish you had died."

The voice answered with a touch of humor. Sinn said nothing in response.

Od" as much as I don't want to do this, we need at least one alive but don't worry, you can still move it will only soften your muscles and slow down your response system oh and make you a little drowsy," Od says with a cheeky smile.

Sinn laughed a little after about 30 seconds; he felt it and slowly stood up, looked at his master, and said, "dick."

Sinn and Od looked at each other and laughed. Then he looked around with the biggest grin he could muster and said

Sinn" come, you newbies, I will show you why I Walk the Void."

Sinn laughed because he knew none of them could carry his mantle.

(A/N: BE WARNED THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING A FIGHT SCENE Though the fight I won't use Sinn's name as much the recruits won't have a POV, and they will go by mask1-19 I will use Od and the voice names when they talk)

As the first person arrives next to Sinn, he moved his head to the left, dodging the incoming knife.

*swish* splash blood spills from his cheek, and if he didn't stop the mask man's arm, it would have been worse

Sinn ' damn Od said only a little I feel like a truck hit me.'

Sinn twists mask 1's arm, takes the knife, then pierces it through mask 1's ear and instantly kills him.

Mask 2,3,4 rush at Sinn as he takes his stance nicely named way of the void, the very pinnacle of fighting styles.

He blocks a fist and dodges a leg swipe.

*smack* *fwoosh*

He could not dodge mask 4's slashes to his left arm and get cut's luckily not too deep.

Sinn ignores the pain and breaks the leg of mask three by slamming his foot on his knee.

*crack* but instead of a scream, silence as if mask three didn't feel it. Mask 3 grabs Sinn's leg and holds him there. Well, his leg is being held. Sinn trades blows with mask 2 using his void style, which is a mix of every dangerous martial art in the world, from krav maga to the most deadly silat. But in Sinn's case, he refined them to such a level they were no longer the same.

"Damn!" Sinn curses and drops an elbow on mask 3's head while dodging a sword slash from mask 4


*bam* mask three falls

With his leg now free, Sinn twists, sending a roundhouse kick to mask 4's, making his head slam into a metal pole knocking him out. *dink*

Grabbing the falling sword, he does an upward slash at mask 2, who does a cross-arm guard.

*slash* splat blood flows, staining the train.

Mask 2's arms drop while Sinn twists his wrist upward, sending another slash ending 2's life.

Sinn then pierces 3 and 4's heads, killing both.

Taking a deep breath, Sinn looks up to see the other masked men take out weapons and charge at him.

As Sinn fights, Od talks to the voice who's watching the fight through the phone.

Od " even with the sedatives, his void style is still graceful."

Od says, looking at Sinn, who is smiling while dodging and slashing with no wasted movements.

Voice " yes, he will be hard to replace since all we have of his void style is the basics shame we will lose such a style."

The voice said with regret as the entire Oz organization knew how powerful the void style was. It was even more potent than Od's mad style; the number one expert in Oz, some people asked how is this possible Od's answer was.

Od " the Void style has 12 forms; it took Sinn 7 years to master four forms: attack, defend, counter, breath. And yet, he rose to the number two spot. If he had mastered all 12 forms, he would probably be the strongest person alive alas, he wasn't able to reach the next stage. And no one knows why maybe the human body couldn't handle that much power; after all, we are fragile things," and nobody asked again.

As Sinn just finished 5-14, he only had six left to deal with. He was dead tired. This wouldn't have been a problem before, but before wasn't his choice as he pierced 15 in the heart.

Sinn's body was bloody and full of wounds with his shirt in the way; he ended up ripping it off and, strangely enough, his back was fine, no blood, no scars, nothing but a clean back with the Japanese kanji for void walker down his back.

Od was laughing his ass off as he saw this, remembering the anime Sinn always talked about.

Od 'what was his name again was it Whiteboard or Whitebeard, ahh I don't remember.'

Od stops thinking about it and watches as the fight is in its last moment.

Sinn just finished stabbing 16 in the back while a sword was in his leg. Gritting his teeth, he takes his sword and blocks 17 slashes.

*clank* *cling* *clank*

While defending from 17's sword, 18 pierces Sinn's lung.


Sinn takes a hard breath" *huuhaa* he turns around and grabs 18 throats and crushes his windpipe while letting 17's sword slash into his shoulder, well in the process, he pierces 17's throat.

As this was happening, 19 tries to behead Sinn, who dodges and slices off 19's arm, but he could not avoid 19's other sword and gets stabbed in the heart unluckily there wasn't enough power behind it, so it didn't pierce through.

*pierce* "haha huuhaa------------

With one last breath, Sinn passes away with a smile on his face knowing he won though he died all the recruits died aside from one whose arm he disabled you understand that these recruits weren't just ordinary people; these were the best of the best from japans forces while some were recruited from overseas.

And he stayed standing with his proud back, As Sinn always liked to say.

" I lived by moving forward never once did I turn around because I wasn't afraid of what I did nor did I regret what I became for I walked in the dark void, and I always faced it head-on while my back faced the light and kept me from becoming a monster."

That was what he lived by, and his back said it all as you couldn't help but stare.

Od and the voice couldn't help but sigh. Not only did they lose the void walker, but he made sure they couldn't get a new one. As the train finally stopped, Od walked out but took one last look at his disciple proud back; he walked away as a group of people cleaned up the mess.

On that day, the man known as Sinn Féin or The Void Walker though nobody, not even Sinn, knew his full name died on March 23rd, 2026, with no known relatives, no lovers, and no friends in this world of darkness with a smile on his face.

The End






Or so we thought, but since the very beginning, two people have been watching and waiting. A male by his deep voice said with his long spiky hair and red piercing eyes.

???" he is qualified to inherit my power."

The person next to the man giggled at that comment, and with a voice so smooth you could get lost in it, replied

??? "well, you didn't have a choice, for I had already chosen him."

The red-eyed man "hmphed" and turned away.

As Sinn was floating in the dark void, he opened his eyes and looked around; he couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Sinn ' quite ironic if I say so myself I named myself the void walker and now am stuck in it ' he thought to himself.

??? " yes, quite ironic."

Startled by the voice, he looked around to see nothing.

Sinn "who are you? Where are you," Sinn said while trying to stay calm.

??? " I'm right here,"

As Sinn turned around, the first he saw was a man not overly handsome but enough to make women shy with what looks like red samurai armor. The person had long black spiky but surprisingly silky hair.

But what caught his attention were those blood-red eyes that looked like they would pierce his soul. Inside them, he saw a circle with three commas or, as any Naruto fan would call them, tomes. Sinn knew what those eyes were; they were the Sharingan, and he knew who was in front of him with a whisper he said.

Sinn "Madara"

The now identified Madara smirked and replied, "you know me."

Not knowing what to say, Sinn just looked at the person beside Madara, and to say he was speechless was an understatement.

Who or what he saw couldn't be described (as I proceed to describe with words) with words Sinn had forgotten about Madara. He forgot he even died; the woman he was looking at surpassed the word beautiful her hair flowed like a never-ending river, her skin pale like the first sight of snow with a hint of cherry, but what captivated Sinn were her eyes, unlike Madara's blood-red eyes. They were a deep shiny black, just like the galaxy with stars floating around in them the woman giggled at Sinn's blank stare.

As for Sinn, he had stuttered he who in the face of death was as calm as a river had stuttered.

Sinn "a-a-a holo, I mean sorry hello."

This time the beauty couldn't help but laugh out loud; Madara was not impressed.

Madara 'what happened to that calmness this flustered over a woman hmph'.

Even though Madara was upset, it's mainly because he was the same, but he will never admit it. As the beauty slowly calmed down, Sinn asked for her name, which she pouted and mumbled.

??? "for someone who has a tattoo of my name on their back, they sure are cheeky."

But she cleared her throat and said, "my name is Void Walker. It's nice to meet you, Sinn Féin finally, or should I say, Void Walker."

It stunned Sinn to think the name he made up was the name of this beauty.

Sinn "I apologize for using your name" Sinn apologized, but Void just chuckled.

Void "it's okay. I was amazed someone said my name one day, and since then I've been watching your life, and I have to say it's pretty lonely, but then I also found Madara here living a lonely life who also died by the people he had some trust in so when he died I made him a deal.

Void explained how she knew him and about a deal she made with Madara but what surprised Sinn was that Madara was real and all the manga and novels he read were real; they were just too far from earth to get to, and that earth was such a low-grade planet that nobody cared about it.

And it was just one of the billions of low-grade planets out there. So after a brief introduction, Void got to the vital point.

Void, "so the reason I called you here is to give you a chance of reincarnation to a much higher grade world that's hundreds of times bigger than earth with some perks. First is Madara here; you will gain his Uchiha bloodline, his physical power, his battle memories, and some of his personality like his absolute confidence, his scheming side, and leadership skills.

Reincarnation, Uchiha bloodline, and Madara's mind and power once again stunned Sinn; of course, Sinn knew all about Madara; he was his favorite character. He understood why he ended up on the wrong path; he was alone, and nobody understood him. So, of course, he accepted it; he was excited to see what else he got.

Seeing him get excited, Void knew she got his attention before continuing; she told him he was going to the world of Doulou Dalu at the same time as Tang San; why he asked she replied, just cause she can, she then explained some powers he gots with Madara.

(A/N: Warning info dump I want to get as much info out as possible in the early chapters, and Void will speak most of the time)

Void "First and foremost, you cannot use Jutsu. I know it's weird since you're getting Madaras power, but the Jutsu system doesn't work with the spirit system, and to make it would be to change the foundation of the spiritual system, which is a no-no, so no Jutsu.

Now for your Sharingan, since eye sprites are known, yours won't be too suspicious. Still, to use them for more extended periods, you will need to train them by using them a lot or supplying large amounts of spirit power. As a bonus, you won't need super negative emotions to upgrade them, just a considerable amount of spirit power.

I've also cut the middleman out after three tomes; it's eternal Sharingan that's for tattooing my name on your back which you will be born with, and you will need a lot of spiritual power to unlock them, so best not abuse them too often after awakening them just a warning.

Now on to your spirits, usually you get random ones, but Madara used one of your wishes to choose them.

The first one is his most trusted partner, the gunbai fan, which will get stronger and sturdier with its rank upgrade, and its initiate power will be wind release since it's a fan it was easy to do. It will also have the Uchiha reflect and shield, but they will be weak in the beginning.

For your second spirit and you should be glad Madara was here because you wouldn't be able to use Susanoo with your eyes. After all, the amount of spirit power you would need to activate it would kill you, so I removed it.

But Madara, the way he is came up with a solution, why not make it a spirit tool, so congrats, you get to use Susanoo but be warned it doesn't work the same way to make a perfect Susanoo it will need to be made into a 100,000-year-old ring. Still, with the wishes, you have in mind is shouldn't be too hard just need patience the first form is just mist and of course because I am the void it will be black mixed with the galaxy just like my eyes and to add more it will have a few special weapons, but those will be for later.

(A/N: for the color, just think of the night sky when it's dark, and you can see the stars and all the other special phenomenons that happen. I feel like that be unique)

So now I get to the last spirit that will be a secret, haha, but it will be good, and it's not the sage of six paths mode or tailed beast you can unlock the sage of six paths sometime when you reach rank 90 titled doulou. So be in for a surprise for your 3rd spirit.

Sinn interrupted Void, "wait, 3 initiate sprites. I thought there could only be 2."

Void "of course Madara made that happen; now what are your 2 last wishes."

Sinn thought about what would be good, and he first wished for only his memories of his combat experience and personality to remain and in honor of Madara helping him, he will take his name and appearance, and for his final wish, it was for the violet Jade immortal realm and the spirit ring integration.

Void thought about it for a minute and then answered.

Void " the violet Jade realm only your soul can enter it for 8 hours a day and resets at 12:00 am and to unlock more levels you will need to reach higher spirit ranks and for the spirit integration you will only be able to integrate them for the spirit platform you are on so no 1 million-year-old on the first level that is too easy other than that the rest is simple oh you will be able to put beast and plants in it," Void finished with that

With all that out of the way, Sinn could finally relax and process all the information he just received

A few minutes later Sinn asks what age he will be when he gets reborn Void laughed and said he will awaken at 4 with 2 years before the spirit awakening ceremony she also mentions that now that he will cultivate he could master the 12 void forms which Sinn was very excited about then he talks with Madara.

Sinn" so is there anything you want me to do like conquer the world or make world peace"

Madara had his eyes closed with his arms crossed contemplating and after a minute or two he opened his eyes and looked at Sinn.

"You carry the Uchiha name all I want you to do is to make the name eternal and for both of our sakes stop being alone and find someone who we can trust and love, that is all".