
Transforming Fate

Avery Campbell, an intelligent and promising young woman suddenly finds herself in a tricky situation. Her twin brother falls seriously ill on the day of his important interview with one of the largest gaming companies in the city. Faced with family expenses to pay, and a sick brother in need of medical care, she decides to step in and take her brother’s place. To make things even more challenging, she has to disguise herself as a man to pull off the switch, as the CEO of the company has a bias against hiring women. It's a hilarious and suspenseful adventure, as she and the supposed CEO started off on a bad note (He was reason why she lost her previous job). She successfully navigates the interview process and secures a job for herself, but along the long run finds herself in a sticky situation.

Diamond_sunshine · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Absolutely breathtaking!

Madeline immediately sat up, almost bumping her head against Mrs. Campbell's. She then wiped the drool on her face with the sleeve of her shirt, and said, "I don't know what you are talking about." Her face conveyed genuine confusion. She was even looking around as if wondering how she had ended up in Avery's house.

Mrs. Campbell scoffed, like she had just heard a very ridiculous joke. "Birds of the same feathers really do flock together after all." She then clicked her tongue, making a 'tut' sound, "I can literally smell the alcohol that is reeking from you, and you are still denying it?"

Madeline who still had a confused look on her face, sniffed her clothes, and realized she did reek of alcohol. 'Was I really out drinking last night'She wondered, as she shook her head which was feeling a little heavy.

"Still choosing to play dumb, huh? Alright then,… but could you at least tell me more about this job Avery claims she got yesterday?" Mrs. Campbell asked with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Job?" Madeline repeated after her, and the events of the previous day began to play out in her head. "Oh, job. That's right, Avery got a job at game…"

"Madeline!" A shrill scream came from the staircase, startling both Madeline, and Mrs. Campbell, successfully stopping Madeline mid-sentence.

"We are already running late, and should really be on our way." Avery said, as she ran down the stairs holding two suspicious looking bags.

Mrs. Campbell eyed the bags scrutinizingly. "What's with the bags?"

"Nothing you should worry about." Avery quickly said, hiding the bags behind her as she helped Madeline get up on her feet. "I'll see you later when I get back from work."

Without waiting for a response, Avery hastily pulled Madeline along with her until they were finally out of the house, and out of her mother's earshot.

"Where are we going?" Madeline asked.

"To the the shed." Avery pointed at a small building that was on the other side of the lawn.

"What for?" Madeline questioned in puzzlement, but Avery ignored her, pulling her inside the shed, and locking it.

"For this." Avery opened the bags, revealing Madeline's make up box which was in one of the bags, and one of Owen's suits and shoes was in the other bag. "You need to do my make up right away. Someone would be here to pick me up anytime soon."


Twenty minutes later!

Avery and Madeline were standing at the designated taxi stand of Maple woods district. That was the address Avery had sent to the driver, as she wanted to avoid the driver being able to track her to her home.

Avery had already been transformed by Madeline back in the shed, and was wearing one of Owen's very simple looking suit, and of course she didn't forget her glasses to complete the look.

They didn't have to wait long before a Chevrolet Camaro pulled up at the side of the road. The windows of the car were tinted, just like those of celebrities who didn't want to get spotted on the road.

A man dressed in all black came down from the car, and waved at them.

Madeline leaned towards Avery, and whispered, "Ethan is really as rich as they say. Even you, as his personal assistant gets to enjoy a ride in such a powerful car. I'm so jealous."

They both then went over to meet him, and he then went around the car, opening the door to the passengers side. "Good morning, Mr. Campbell." The man greeted politely with a small bow of his head.

Avery was slightly taken aback. She hadn't expected him to be polite in person, especially when he had rudely hung up, leaving her with a hanging question earlier. "Good morning to you too." She greeted back as she got into the car.

"Excuse me, miss." Avery heard the man say, and she froze for a moment, before turning around abruptly, only to find that one of Madeline's foot was already in the car, trying to get in, while the man was blocking her path with his arm. 'Oh great, he was just referring to Madeline'. Avery let out a relieved sigh.

"You can always see your boyfriend later when he returns from work." The man said while still sustaining a polite smile on his face. A smile Madeline was already staring to find really annoying.

Madeline let out an awkward laugh out of embarrassment, as she withdrew her foot that was in the car. "I'm sorry, I just got too excited when I saw the car… and he is not my boyfriend."

"Sorry for the wrong assumption, ma'am." The man said in a well disguised mocking tone, before he then shut the door, turned around, and got into his own side of the car.

"Did he just call me ma'am?" Madeline mumbled to herself, her face going red in anger as she watched the car drive out of sight.


The ride was silent all through until the car finally stopped in front of a towering iron gate adorned with intricate designs. The driver honked the car, and in no time, the gate gave way for the car to pass through.

The driveway was lined with lush palm trees, guiding them towards the impressive entrance of the mansion, and to the garage, where there were up to five other top-tier cars parked.

As Avery stepped out of the car, and looked up at the mansion which stood tall and proud, with it's elegant architecture and grandeur, she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. The sheer size and beauty of the mansion left her speechless. It was like stepping into a fairytale.

Her eyes were immediately drawn to the breathtaking swimming pool that sparkled under the sunlight. It was surrounded by a mosaic-tiled deck, perfect for lounging and soaking up the sun.

Beyond the pool, her eyes also found a meticulously manicured garden, bursting with vibrant flowers and fragrant blossoms. The pathways wound through the garden, leading to hidden nooks and benches, inviting one to sit and enjoy the tranquility.

'This house is better than most houses I've seen, even in movies. Absolutely breathtaking!' Avery thought to herself.

"This way, please." The driver said, cutting through Avery's thoughts. He then directed her to the main entrance, and pressed the bell on the double doors. When the doors opened, a man dressed like a butler stood there, smiling at them.

"This is Mr. Campbell, the boss's new personal assistant." The driver introduced.

"Oh welcome, young master has been expecting you. Come in." The man ushered her in.

Avery walked into the house, utterly stunned as the foyer welcomed her with a soaring ceiling and a magnificent chandelier that casted a warm glow. The marble floors gleamed under her feet, and she was tempted to take off her shoes, not wanting to ruin it's sparkle.

The butler directed her past the grand staircase, and the living room which was quite spacious, and luxuriously furnished. The couches were made of fine leather, and the pillows looked so snuggly.

Avery was too lost in her admiration for the house, resulting to her not seeing an ottoman that was in her way. She tripped over it, causing her to stumble forward, and her face collided with something hard. Her eyes were monumentally closed due to the impact, and in an instinctive attempt to steady herself, her hands gripped something which felt round, and a little firm.

"What do you think you are doing?" A familiar voice said.

What do you think Avery accidentally grabbed?

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