
Dothraki Dragon

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Chapter 21: Awarding titles, Riverlands, Iron Islands and Reach

Rhaego was thinking about how he would award his vassals. At the moment he had as a prize Lannisport, Casterly Rock, Castamere, and Tarbeck Hall. As Tarbeck Hall and Castamere were ruined castles, and the mines of Castamere were practically dried they were a combo award.

He needed to award his mother three Kos, as no matter from which angle he saw it they were the first to swear loyalty to her when seeing potential after they saw her three dragons and were honorable enough to not try to steal them and helped protect her when they were at the weakest.

He could have put the Twins on the table as an award, but Rhaego wanted to give it to Missandei. Rhaego was thinking, about which would be a better award for each Ko, but after reflecting more he concluded that letting them choose and negotiate with each other would probably give a better result.

Aggo chose to keep Casterly Rock, while Jhogo chose Lannisport and Rakharo ended up with the two castles. I recommended building a road connecting Castamere and Tarbeck Hall and the coast, as it would be of use both economical and military use because horse port that even if did not reach the likes of Lannisport would surely bring coins to the coffers.

From the golden tooth, Rhaego and his army marched to the Pink Maiden, taking the castle. Pinkmaiden Castle, also known simply as Pinkmaiden, is the seat of House Piper in the southwestern Riverlands. The castle is located on the Red Fork south of Riverrun, southeast of Acorn Hall, northwest of Stoney Sept, and northeast of Hornvale. They kept on marching next to the Red Fork.

House Smallwood and House Goodbrook sent reinforcement to their army. Rhaego ensured the Goodbrook that their loyalty during Robert Rebellion to the Targaryens would be remembered. When Rhaego was marching to the Riverrrun the situation of the siege quickly reversed Jaime Lannister was captured by the army previously supporting him and his army quickly surrender, together with the Tullys that begged for mercy.

Considering how much the Lannisters were hated by the Targaryens, Edmund Tully hoped that they would be less ruthless with them, considering they were Lannisters' enemies as well. Rhaego would have the Tullys punished, as he thought he should punish this group of opportunists that betrayed the Targaryen that made them a major house, because of a mere wedding, their fate would be less worst than the Lannisters. He only thought of keeping them because the muppets were already pathetic existences.

"Kneel!"Rhaego commanded Edmund Tully.

"I, lord of Riverrun swear loyalty to the crown." The man said.

"The sins of your house shall not be forgotten" Rhaego said, making Edmund nearly shit his pants.

"But your judgments shall be relented a little, after all, it would be a waste to completely eliminate a house of court jesters like the Tully" Rhaego said. "Edmund, I, as heir to the iron throne accept you in the realm's peace and name you the knight of the Riverrun artificial island. Your territory shall keep the Riverrun, and the land between the Red Fork, Tumblestone, and your house massive man-made ditch. The ditch shall be kept always full, however."

"Thank you, your highness." Edmund Tully said, until he reflected more about what Rhaego said, putting away his fear he start to kneel and beg, holding Rhaego to his heel." No. I beg you. How will we sustain a castle without owning any land, besides the one below the castle?"

"Don't know, maybe open an inn." Rhaego said.

Rhaego aim to divide the rest of Tully's land between houses: Darry, Goodbrook, Mooton, and Ryger, although the land was not directly connected to their lands, they could give it to a second son or something. Letting four predators encircle a muppet fish was surely a great idea. The problem was that house Darry was practically extinct and their seat had been given to Lancel Lannister, who later renounced it, Rhaego decided that he would look for someone to take over the name.

From that day forth, Rhaego decided that the lord of Riverland position should be a nonhereditary position elected by the four loyalists' houses.

Instead of going by the river, Rhaego decided to cut path by going directly to Oldstones, where he was reinforced by House Ryger, House Mooton, House Vance of Wayfarer's Rest, House Vance of Atranta, House Braken, and House Blackwood forces.

From there, he went to siege the Twins, where his army got added by House Mallister forces. He turned into his dragon form and formed a bridge with earth and fire which allowed him to properly divide his forces in other to each to attack one of the Twin Castles.

Walter Frey tried to surrender, but Rhaego ignored it. Burning the walls of both castles made it easy for Rhaego to take the castle.

Rhaego was thinking about what to do about Darry's succession he knew there was a bastard cousin that had a claim to the house, but it seems that the Lannister had already gotten rid of the annoyance when their seat was given to Lancel Lannister.

Jeyne Darry and her sons were the only ones that did not get the fate of the Freys, as all the rest of the male line was sent to the wall, and all females were sent to join the sept. Her sons got the Darry surname, and Jeyne was quick to rename her eldest son, as a Twyin Darry would not work. With this Rhaego solved the Darry problem.

Rhaego could now make Missandei Lady of the Twins. After the Riverlands have completely surrendered, Rhaego decided to solve the ironborn problem, he flew in his dragon form to the islands.

He decided that he would give a lesson to the iron born that they would never forget. He first visited Harlaw Island and burned Harlaw Hall and the Ten Towers. Making sure to destroy Grey Garden, Harridan Hill, and Tower of Glimmering; the cadet branch seats from Harlaw House.

Next, he visited Orkmont island and burned the seat of House Orkwood and Tarwey.

Then, he travel to Pyke, and the remains of House Botley's seat, that have already been burned in Greyjoy's Rebellion, was burned once again. Then, he burned the Greyjoy's castle as the structure was massive he had to use his body to increase the damage to the highest degree. He also burned Iron Holt, the seat of House Wynch.

Then, he travel to Great Wyk and burned Hammerhorn, the seat of Goodbrother House. He also destroyed the cadet branches in Corpse Lake, a lake on Great Wyk; Grow Spike Keep, on the same island. He had already burned their cadet branch seat in Orkmont. Only the cadet branch seat on Shatterstone still remained. He burned Pebbleton, the seat of House Merlyn as well.

He traveled to Old Wyk, the island holiest to the ironborn, and burned House Drumm, House Stonehouse, and the last branch of House Goodbrothers's seats on the island.

Then he finally traveled to Saltcliffe and burned house Suderly seat on the Island.

He only let House Blacktyde seat alone, he hoped that was enough of a message. The house lord had been killed by Euron Greyjoy. He hope the house had a successor, he would end the other houses completely though. He flew all the way to the Shield Island, where he burned all ships he found and burned the ironborn forces in the Shield Island in the Reach.

Rhaego was glad that his army in the westerlands had already reached Old Oak, the seat of House Oakheart, from there he reunited with them, and so they marched to Highgarden. Their there forces were joined by Houses Tyrell, House Ashford of Ashford, House Caswell of Bitterbridge, House Crane of Red Lake, House Fossoway of Cider Hall, House Fossoway of New Barrel, House Merryweather of Longtable, House Rowan of Goldengrove, House Conklyn, House Tarly of Horn Hill, House Hunt, House Vyrwel of Darkdell, House Oldflowers, House Meadows of Grassy Vale, House Uffering, House Roxton of the Ring, House Orme, House Bridges, House Blackbar of Bandallon.

They started to expel the ironborn from the Mander. Rhaego started to fly in other to hunt down the remaining forces on land. Next, they marched to Brightwater Keep, and Rhaego 'convinced' the Tyrell to give up their siege on their castle.

The Florents were smart enough to try to curry favor with Rhaego, to avoid the Tyrells having any funny ideas about their castle again, not that Rhaego ever thought of recognizing Tyrells' rule over Brighwater Keep. Different from the inflexible Florent, that supported Stannis's lost cause after supporting Renly, until the Tyrells were smart enough to understand the logic of taking out a ring to avoid having a finger cut off.

There was no way the Targaryens would let them keep this 'Lannisters' gift'.

Next, they marched to Oldtown, where Rhaego started to demand the book tax that he had come up with and sent a raven demanding from them since he and his mother took Kings Landing. The tax was simple, Rhaego sent a written design of a movable press, and others the Hightower and Citadel to sent a copy of each book in the Citadel.

The High Towers tried to sweet coat their denying the order of the crown when Rhaego reached there.'They think I am Viseryn the First, the idiot that acted more like a vassal from the High Towers than a king. The Targaryens lost their dragons because of their house.' So Rhaego flew to Old Town and burned the Citadel to the ground, next he burned the city walls, and took the city with his army. The lucky maesters that managed to escape were quickly captured, Rhaego decide to send them to Quarth to reserve the prospects of a vaccine to the grey plague that was spreading in the east, maybe beginning to be affected by it, and as a trading port, they could not stop trade forever.

He took Hightower's tower-like castle from House Hightower. He concluded it would be a nice seat for a second son of his.

Some Septons decided to preach against Rhaego religious reforms, after they had been judged as heretics, and their followers were given bread to eat, the rest of the Septons immediately submitted to the Supreme Septon Daenerys Targaryen, and the religious icons were changed.

Rhaego did not have even to other the building of a navy as the Hightowers had let most of their ships protect their harbor. Rhaego went with the ships and burned a lot of ships, some crews even betrayed their captains and gave away their lords to Rhaego. Rhaego decided to execute all lords he captured, as he blamed them for the ironborn insistence in their old ways. He planned to ensure the Iron Islanders will have most fishing vessels at the end of the war.

His forces were joined by House Mullendore of Uplands, House Webber of Coldmoat, House Osgrey of Standfast, House Inchfield, House Westbrook, House Willum, House Woodwright, House Wythers, House Yelshire, House Shermer of Smithyton, House Sloane, House Middlebury, House Norcross, House Norridge, House Peake of Starpike, House Pommingham, House Redding, House Hutcheson, House Kidwell, House Leygood, House Lowther, House Lyberr, House Cockshaw, House Cordwayner of Hammerhal, House Costayne of the Three Towers, House Graceford of Holyhall, House Graves, House Bulwer of Blackcrown, House Beesbury of Honeyholt.

House Redwyne could not send any man because, they were too busy dealing with the ironborn raids on their coast, while House Cuy of Sunhouse was worried they would be the next target. After Rhaego completely expelled the iron islanders from the Whispering Sound, he went with his ships and prepared for the last fight against the ironborn.

Dragonbinder, also called the hellhorn, is a large dragon horn with Valyrian glyphs written upon it. The horn was six feet (1,83 meters) long. It was made from the horn of what must have been an enormous dragon. It had a black gleam and is banded with red gold and Valyrian steel.

When touched the horn feels warm and smooth. Its surface was shiny and reflective, though the reflection depicted is somehow twisted. The bands of the horn were covered by strange writings, Valyrian glyphs. When the horn sounded, the glyphs glowed red-hot and then white-hot.

As Euron Greyjoy tried to use the horn to control, Rhaego failed miserly, and the 'King of the Isles and the North' collapsed. He could not avoid laughing went he read the runes in the horn, the thing was a magical instrument that used valyrian magic, draining the vitality of anyone that was not a dragonlord trying to play it. 'The clown said this thing can control dragons.' Rhaego thought. After a while, the forces from the iron islands were either burned or killed.

He could not avoid laughing went he read the runes in the horn, the thing was a magical instrument that used valyrian magic, draining the vitality of anyone that was not a dragonlord trying to play it. 'The clown said this thing can control dragons.' Rhaego thought.

Rhaego decided to send the survivors to the wall, but not before chaining them. He sentenced Victarion Greyjoy to death. He decided that he would be a bit more cruel to Euron, who had raped his younger brother as a child. He had the men castrated and his thing and balls forcefully inserted in his asshole, and he put under a metal statue of a squid and burned inside it.

He later cremated the damaged body and decided he would throw the ashes at Kings' Landing sewage. He cremated all the iron island nobles killed and decided he would give their ashes the honor of becoming fertilizers for the island's soil.