
Dost bani Sautan

Once upon a time in Puri ....There was a company chugli capital.. A girl name Abhipsa join there after a day another boy name Amritesh join also ...and 8 members were already there Abhipsa and Amritesh became close because they bother were new Abhipsa falls for a guy name Goutam the handsome hunk and make Amritesh her big brother, then they three became friends after some times Goutam thought Amritesh is in love with Abhipsa and they fight with each other ....Amritesh only connection was Abhipsa and everyone avoids Amritesh ..after such time due to misunderstanding Abhipsa and Amritesh don't talk to each other ...and Amritesh was all alone Abhipsa and Goutam became couples and they enjoy with everyone and Amritesh watch them and thought how good it was with everyone but Amritesh kind of introvert and look horrible so anyone going to thought he is not a nice guy....after sitting alone for almost 2 week ...Chugli capital's manager calls everyone and at the end they solve Abhipsa and Amritesh issue and they talk to each other ..Amritesh feels good after 14 he is not going to sit alone ...then after 1 month an angel enters Amritesh's life Sonali she also treat Amritesh as her brother due to some problem they both go out for lunch where they talk to each other and finally Sonali find out that Amritesh is not a bad guy ,when Sonali started talking with Amritesh her bestfriend Alisha also started talking and then they all stay at chuguli capital as a family ..


After 2 months a new girl join the company Itishree who is bitch real bitch , but Amritesh fall for her and started talking with her actually she sit alone and Amritesh knows how it feels when someone sit alone and watch other who enjoy so Amritesh started talking to her and try to be friends Abhipsa also started talking and become a good friend of Itishree they are of same age group so they became good friends after finding a friend she don't talk to Amritesh they always sat with Abhipsa and her bf Goutam ,soon Amritesh found out that she is into Goutam so Amritesh back off and soon start flirting with Goutam and made confusion among Abhipsa and Goutam ....Abhipsa was irritated and stop talking to Goutam for some days and after few days they again close then Itishree sang a song indirectly for Goutam and sat with Goutam while Abhipsa doing her work ....still Abhipsa beleives Itshree is a good girl but all the other staff knew she is a bitch ...and try to stole Goutam from Abhipsa will Itishree be successful in her attempt or Abhipsa found out about we will going to know in our next chapter