Ren transformed into his newest Transformation after disposing of the bandit Yaza's body, he transformed into a Carbuncle. His body became smaller and sleeker, almost the size of a full grown goat. He got lustrous green fur coat, sleek and shiny with high magic resistance. Muscles coiled up and became denser and more powerful giving him a comfortable feeling. His hind legs were twice the size of his front arms giving him a kangaroo type look. His ears grew twice the size of a rabbit and nine tails appeared from base of spine, each as long as his body and covered in dense fluffy fur. A red smooth gemstone the size of a human fist appeared on his forehead, his perception of magic became thrice of what it previously was on its appearance. After he was finished he looked like a mix match creature, Face similar to rabbit, extra long rabbit ears, powerful Hind legs which enabled him to go both bipedal and quadrupedal, dexterous front limbs like a goblins, powerful yet fluffy tails each able to move separately.
[Transformation Succeed.]
Level: 40> 45 (Temporary)
Race: Doppelganger> Carbuncle (Temporary)
Skills :- Passive-Magic Body (medium) (Temporary), Passive-Carbuncle's Favor (Temporary), Active- Searing Light (Temporary), Active- Healing Light (Temporary)
"Wow so good, I am feeling really light and energetic. Carbuncle is really powerful isn't it?"
[Carbuncle is partially spirit type and partially beast type. Both of its natures complement each other, Making it pretty powerful. As for Master feeling light and energetic, That's because of the passive Magic Body Skill. It directly uses Magic to passively enhance the body, internal physique, energy efficiency of body etc. Since it is the first time you have been under magical enhancement, it is natural for Master to feel like that.]
"Alright then, point me towards my destination Tico"
[Towards the left.]
Hearing Tico's answer Reino ran swiftly using his new powerful legs, leaving wind gales in his wake. On his way he found a river which Tico told him was Ameld River and could help him reach his destination since he just had to follow it towards the south, so he did as Tico told.
It was around noon that he saw a pack of huge monster wolves in the distance. They were quickly travelling along the river side at an incredible pace, maybe 190-200 kmph or so and quickly arrived near Reino who travelling in the opposite direction, especially the lead one who was so fast that he appeared as if he was teleporting. They ground to halt a few dozen meter away from Reino.
'Are they going to attack me? I better get prepared.' Reino crouched low into a battle stance ready to attack at a moment's notice.
At that moment a voice called out to him.
"Ah hello, please don't be scared . We wont harm you!" A Slime peaked out from above the head of the lead tallest monster wolf.
Reino first looked at the 10-12 meter long huge black wolf with glossy fur then he looked at the slime seated at its head and talking.
'How the heck is a slime talking?' Reino wondered 'And why is a pack of such powerful monsters listening to it?'
"Master, the green kid is powerful and hence maybe doesn't prefer to talk first. You should show him your powerful aura, than he will respect you."
"Hmm OK." the slime turned towards Reino and asked " How about it? If you can defeat me I will fulfill one wish of yours no matter what or how long it takes. If I defeat you, you will serve me for … lets say three years?"
Reino had no choice, he had to agree. The Black colored giant wolves with horns moved some distance away. Curiously, by the time the slime got to the center of the encirclement near Reino, a large amount of various types of monsters were joining the encirclement as if some show was going on. Reino tried to ignore them and focus on the slime when something really weird happened. The slime transformed into a young beautiful kid, with a face that could either be boy or girl. Its now silver hair sparkled with a soft ethereal radiance that felt enchanting.
The transformed slime now had a skin tight yet easy to move black soft leather like armor. It raised a hand up , concentrating enormous amounts of mana in it .
"Call me Rimuru" Said the transformed slime as it sent a huge wave of flames rushing towards Reino while Reino noticed a slight shimmer enclosing them both.
'He has sealed us both here !' Reino thought as he switched transformation to a poltergeist.
[Transformation Succeed.]
Level: 40 > 40 (Temporary)
Race: Doppelganger> Poltergeist (Temporary)
Additional Skills: Passive - Passive-Ghost Wounds (Temporary), Active-Ice Blast (Temporary)
His transformation turned him into a semisolid ghost with a hazy cloud like body from his waist and an indistinct featured upper body.
"Ice Blast!" Reino shouted as stretched both arms to the sides and huge chunks of ice appeared around him enclosing him in a temporary rough dome like structure in a ten meter radius around him. The flames blasted the ice chunks but barely managed to melt a thin layer.
"Nice ! Now its going to be a bit entertaining match." Rimuru said while smiling.