
Doomsday: System In The Post Apocalyptic 希瓦姆

SHIVAM_Chouksey · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Level up

Victor's facial expressions changed drastically the moment he saw a group of zombies walking inside the giant Metal gate, this is the first time he was seeing these mindless humans that was looking pretty disgusting to him, some of them are even missing limbs and eyes and all of them are covered blood head to toe,victor has already access the memory of the kid and never seen anything like this before even in his memories, it was because the kid never confronted zombies in his entire life, he was only heard about them from peoples inside the shelter.

Feeling helpless victors took a deep breath and tried to calm himself.

"I am pretty weak right now, I need to wait for the right opportunity to get passed them,but i have one more choice I can attack them and use my soldier's instinct to overcome these slow bastards, but if I got caught or accidentally got bit by these fuckers then I am done" victor mumbled to himslef.

He was hiding behind one of the destroyed cars inside that junkyard close to exit and thinking about what to do at this very moment, right now various things are running into his mind seeing these zombies,he wanted to stay hidden but another part of him saying to kill these zombies,.

Victor quitely observed these mindless human for a while and realized that they are indeed slow and he can use their weakness against thrm and he might kill these zombies,but still he was alone and there are total four zombies out there blocking the exit,he was aware these fellas come here becouse of that sound that happened earlier,victor was in his deep thought when something happened.


< side quest triggered killed 1 zombie to level up>

An Ai voice resounded in victors head and hearing that voice his heart skipped a beat and his face slightly turned pale.

"Damn you, you want me to fight those things in this condition,this body is fragile and if I got bitten by those zombies then I am done and worst I am going to become like them," victor whispered in low voice and he felt furious hearing that notification in his head, he took a deep breath and calmed himself and opened the translucent window again and looked the side quest that he got from the system,after looking the information he took a deep sigh and smiled seeing his body.

"what is wrong with me, everything is finished the moment i died and right now I dont have anything to lose do I, what's the point of hiding here from these zombies, and moreover it says that if I kill a zombie then I am going to level up that means I am going to become strong, and right now I need strength to survive, there is no point of holding back, fuck it, kill or be killed," victor mumbled as he tightened the grip around the rod that he was carrying with him, the rod was pretty heavy and long twice the size of his hand and at the same time it was pretty edgy.

"Let's do this victor,now or never" he exclaimed but he was still in his sense and dont wanted to confrotn those zombies head on,he needed some distarction and edge in this fight,the next moment he grabbed A stone from the ground and aim toward the direction of one of the zombies.

Victor closed his eyes and He put his entire strength in his right hand and without holding back he threw that rock in the direction of that zombie.


< congratulations host for killing a low-level zombie, you are awarded 10exp>

"Eh...what the fuck just happened"victors's facial expressions changed drastically,something unexpected happened at that place that blew victors mind,the rock pireced the zombies head head like an bullet,the speed was too fast that he couldn't belive in his eyes what he just witnessed, he looked his hand and gulped.

"Am I dreaming"he mumbled and next monent he heard a sound,the body of that zombie fell on the ground and another notification resounded in victors head.

< congratulation host for completing the side quest and killing the first zombie, you level up>

The moment victor heard the second notification he felt a surge of energy inside his body, he felt that something incredible happened to him,something is changed, he was feeling new and lot better.

He took a deep breath and thought about his status window and the instant a translucent window appeared in front of his sight.


Name: Victor walker

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Level:2 [0/30]

Title: N/A

Class: N/A

Health: 20/20



'Cool, I am getting used to this,and whenever i level up i gain everything back,my stats are getting auto filled' he thought to himself and become kind of excited knowing this but he remains silent and calm at the same time, the three zombies are busy sniffing their dead friend who died earlier, because of the sound they were attracted towards him.

Victor took a deep breath and closed the status window and looked at the remaining zombies with differnt manner, they were looking different and active,but they were still slow.

"Come at me you brainless monsters" victor exlcimaied and he swing the rod before hitting the destroyed car to make an sound so he can attarct remaining remaining zombies, the moment he did that those three zombies tilted their heads in the direction of the sound and started walking to him, bur they are limping and indeed they are slow.

Victor dashed towards the direction of thoss zombies while holding that rod in his hand,after killing the first zombie he was feeling different and was sure that he could handle these on his own.

In instant he moved his right hand backwords and use the rod as javelin,and throw it in the direction of the first zombie that was a few steps away from him.


The half rod is pierced through the head of the first zombie killing him instant.


< congratulations host for killing a low-level zombie, you have gained 10exp point>

He ignored the notifications as he grabbed the rod and took it out from his head and jumped backward.

"Come at me with everything," he said tightening the grip,the zombie who are missing his limbs started running to his direction.

"Courting death"victor said and struck the rod in the head of that zombie before it reached to him.


< congratulations host for killing a low-level zombie, you have gained 10exp point>

"One more to go"victor said as he pulled the rod from dead zombies head,the third zombie was an old man who was missing his both eyes,and he was also one of the slowest ones among these four zombies,he walked towards the victor.

"Sorry old man you are going to die by my hand, today I will end your suffering" victor mumbled as he swing the sword and hit the knees of that zombie,in instant the zombie fell on the ground and the next moment victor thrust the rod in his head from behind and killed it.


< congratulations host for killing a low-level zombie, you have gained 10exp>

< you level up>

[All status + 10]