
doomsday return

omen was just another teen that wished something interesting happend in his life but will he keep wishing that after the world collaps and horible monsters decend to the earth (image not mine contact me if u want me to take it down)

Rainy_3267 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

(2) The abomination

"nice" he said, maybe i should go level up

Omen said and started running towards the city filled with zombies

as he started killing them 1 by 1 [level 1 zombie killed X10 rewarded 100exp

but as soon as he killed the 40th he got a system notification [level 1zombie x40 died by the hands of you] [host completed all requirements to summon the "abomination" ] [summoning.....] as soon as Omen heard that he took a fighting stance and waited for 5whole minutes but as soon as he wanted to leave he heard a scream so loud it could shutter glass and so he turned around and saw

a man with scales and claws holding a girl that was the same age as him to his chest and growling at Omen "hey! what the hell are you doing!?" Omen yelled in shock, the monster let go of the girl and she fell on the ground bleeding and crying.

Omen instantly ran towards the abomination and as the second he got close enough he jumped to kick the man but got blocked and sent flying backwards, he hit the wall and got knocked out cold.

When Omen woke up he was chained to a chair in a small dark room, but he didn't feel scared anymore, instead he felt rage and wanted revenge. He looked around and saw there was only one other person besides him in the room, a old woman who looked like she was a witch of some sort as she mumbled in some kind of trance and when she finished the whole room began spinning and the old lady got knocked out. "so this is where i get to meet the boss huh?" Omen laughed.

"I see that you're awake" the master of the abomination said as he walked into the room with a young girl behind him. "I will free you because I want me and you to have a legendary fight but before that I must make this room capable of surviving our attacks " said the master abomination as he smashed the young girls head and used the blood to create a circle around the middle of the room "now no attacks or living beings can get out of this circle until only one of us is left alive" he said and freed Omen who had a look of disgust , and so he threw a punch at the abomination but the abomination dodged and hit him in the gut with his hand[-95hp].

"here comes the real deal" he said as he used his first skill "shadow form" Omen said as he vanished into the shadows and the abomination was pushed back to the wall by the force of the attack, as soon as Omen saw an opening he started raining attacks down on the abomination not letting it up while leaping across the room to avoid the abomination long wiggly arms that caused destruction where ever they landed, [-5hp] [-5hp] [-12hp] [-8hp] but after a long battle the abomination died [+500exp] [level up] [host has been teleported to his home base to rest] [host got 5atribute points to distribute] after all of those system notifications rang in Omen's head he fell on the floor and blacked out.

After waking up and eating Omen decided "I need to get stronger so I wont have to be scared that next time that little girl could be me or one of my friends" "system distribute the points like this 2 to strength 2 to speed and 1 to endurance" he said as he felt his body getting stronger and more agile

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Rainy_3267creators' thoughts